Yelena Gets a Hobby

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"It's too cold for this," Yelena complained, pink hood cinched tight, revealing only her frown and the annoyance in her eyes. She stared disappointedly at the upturned skateboard, having just failed her 89th attempt to do a click flip, or whatever it was called.

It was her New Year's resolution to learn something new, get a hobby, and for some God forsaken reason she had chosen skateboarding. She blamed the decision on the butterflies she always felt when Kate rolled up on her longboard, open shirt flying behind her, hair messy but still so gorgeous. Love was a hell of a drug, as it led Yelena to agree to come out to the quad on a quiet January evening, accompanied by Peter and MJ, to learn to skate.

"Baby, it's only like, 45 degrees out here. That's not bad," Kate told her, playfully palming Yelena's hooded head like a basketball. "Don't tell me you're giving up so soon."

"I'm not giving up!" Yelena protested, making Kate laugh as she slapped her arm down. "I'm just... pushing this back on the schedule. Indeterminately."

"Wow," MJ cut in, leaning back on the quad's dried up grass. Peter's head was in her lap as he read, squinting as daylight ran low. "Yelena, I didn't take you for a quitter."

"Not quitting," Yelena mumbled, picking up the board and pushing it into Kate's chest. "I'm taking a break. My ankles hurt."

Sighting dramatically, Yelena laid back on the grass. She watched as Pietro rolled up the sidewalk on a scooter with lightning bolt decals, greeting Kate and launching into a conversation about track. Vaguely, Yelena heard something about Carol not showing up to practice that afternoon, but any further eavesdropping was halted as Peter rolled over, shutting his book.

"What do you think about Italian for dinner?" Peter mused, chin resting on his hand. "I've seen some people do like, taco bars at weddings, but I don't know if I'm cool enough for that."

"You might not be, but I definitely am," MJ replied, picking a piece of pine straw from his sweater. "But it's up to you, really."

Peter looked to Yelena expectantly. Over the last few weeks, she had become wedding planning's second in command, in a way. It had developed as Peter tired of MJ and Kate's nonchalance, knowing Yelena would always give an honest opinion in addition to her party planning experience.

"Pasta is cheap but messy," Yelena answered. "I don't know, taco bar could be fun. Just do whatever you want- no rules. A girl in Tri Delta had pancakes at hers last summer."

"People just do anything these days," MJ said.

"Which is part of the fun, MJ," Yelena said, nudging the woman with her knee as Peter frowned. "If you want a taco bar, have a taco bar."

"Who's getting tacos?" Kate asked, returning to the group as Pietro zoomed off on his blue-handled scooter. She stood over Yelena, scuffed sneakers kicking at Yelena's pristine white trainers. "I want in."

"Would a taco bar be cool for the wedding? Is it too casual? Will people think we're too young and immature?" Peter rambled.

"Umm, sorry man, I tuned out after you said taco bar. If you add margaritas it sounds pretty fucking perfect to me." Kate looked from Yelena, cheeks rosy in the cold, to MJ and Peter, her longest and most loyal friends. "Not to be a sap, but I'm so excited."

"For the wedding?" MJ asked. "Or for the food?"

"For you guys!" Kate said, squeezing her way in between the couple, arms around their shoulders. She kissed MJ on the cheek, who wiped it off as if it had come from a dog. "My favorite straight couple tying the knot. Who would've thought eleventh grade history would lead to all this?"

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