The Climb

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"Hey..." Yelena started, embarrassed.

"Hey." Kate opened her dormitory door wide, beckoning the blonde into the space. Yelena stepped in slowly, taking in the minimal but homely decor. Christmas lights twinkled over Kate's twin bed, which was covered in a simple black quilt and a few stuffed animals. Atop her desk sat a sizable computer along with scattered papers and pens, and on the wall adjacent hung a few posters of skaters or bands. Overall, it was what Yelena expected out of the space- nothing too glamorous or extravagant, but patently Kate.

"You've got a cute room," the blonde said, surveying the space and turning to face Kate, but keeping a bit of distance.

"Cute?" Kate almost laughed. "My Tony Hawk poster and messy desk is cute?"

"Well, it's you, so... yeah."

Kate softened, reaching out a hand to the woman as she leaned back onto her desk. Yelena took the offer, absentmindedly swinging their loosely intertwined hands as she stood before Kate, eye level as the taller woman leaned back.

"I'm sorry I left so abruptly," Kate said softly, eyes sympathetic. "I was really overwhelmed, but I didn't mean to storm out."

"No, you shouldn't apologize." Yelena sighed.
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure how to do this. You know, apologize. But I am sorry I didn't pay much attention to you, and I wish I would've followed you out."

"All I wanted was to talk to you, Lena."

"I know, and I should've listened. I got too wrapped up in the party and wanting you to meet everyone. And I know you don't like parties, so I'm sorry if you felt forced to go."

Kate tugged Yelena close, wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist. "You're right, I don't usually like parties. But I was trying to compromise, spend time in your world."

"You're sweet, baby. And I've been thinking I should spend more time in your world. Meet your friends and all?"



"You know, MJ was asking about you today. It is time you meet them."

"Tell me about them. Your friends."

"Well," Kate pulled Yelena to rest back on her lap. "There's my roommate Carol, who you met already at the bonfire. And then there's Peter and MJ. They're the most infuriatingly steady couple I've ever seen. That's who I went to hang out with, actually, when I left."


"Sorry, not to bring that up again. But I felt like I should see them today. We got news on the Stark internship."

"Stark internship? That's the one run by that billionaire, right? Super exclusive."

Kate smiled broadly. "Yeah, that's the one. Anyway, me and Peter got in, and MJ-"

"I'm sorry, you got in? Kate! That's amazing!" Yelena turned and kissed the woman briefly, delighted.

"I know, I know. It's pretty great. But MJ didn't get in, so I wanted to check on her."

"Is she alright? Her boyfriend and best friend getting in, that would be kind of rough."

"MJ is as tough as they come. Plus, it's not really in her field anyway. She's got something set up with the FBI, I think."

Yelena chuckled. "Yeah, I think she'll be okay, then. So, tell me about this internship."

"Doesn't start until summer. I'll be in New York, doing menial lab work and coffee runs, probably."

"Out of anyone to do coffee runs for, Tony Stark ain't a bad place to start."

"Yeah, should be fun."

"You know, if my summer internship works out, I'd be in New York, too..."

"Yeah?" Kate asked, thrilled. "Where at?"

"Glossier," Yelena responded excitedly. "Their entire headquarters is decorated in rose gold, can you believe that?"

"Sounds like you. When do you find out if you got it?"

"Two weeks, give or take. So, this will be either the worst Thanksgiving ever, or the best."

"There's not way they don't accept you," Kate whispered. "You're brilliant."

"Well, let's hope they think so."

"Can you imagine? Us in New York in the summer?"

"NYC wouldn't know what hit them."

Kate sighed happily, giving Yelena a chaste kiss. Two hours ago she was a nervous wreck, angry and feeling ignored. Kate feared the conversation she would have, feeling as though it may devolve into yelling or even throwing things as her parents so often did when she was young. But she was not like her parents, and neither was Yelena. A healthy, communicative, respectful relationship was possible for her, and she was thankful that Yelena was her other half.

"Thank you for coming over," Kate murmured into the crook of the blonde's neck.

"Of course," Yelena said. "I'm glad I got to see you again tonight. I just couldn't stand the thought of you being upset and alone. I'm glad your friends were there, too."

"So am I. And now you're here too."

"Yep. I'll always be here."

Smiling, Kate kissed the side of Yelena's neck, making her knees go weak. Kate propped the other woman up, smirking. "My, my, Yelena, what's gotten into you?"

"Kate..." Yelena mumbled as Kate repeated her action. "Don't be a tease, baby."

Kate pulled back with a cocky grin. "I'm sorry, it's so hard not to. You're ridiculously easy to rile up."

Yelena gripped Kate's chin, challenge in her eyes. "You're lucky I'm tired, Bishop, or I'd put that silver tongue of yours to good use."

"Yelena!" Kate exclaimed in mocked scandal as the blonde headed for the door. "Aw, you can't leave on that note."

"Yes I can. Besides, I think Carol will be home soon."

"You're no fun."

"You'll survive, Kate." Yelena blew a kiss over her shoulder with a cruel wink. "I'll see you tomorrow, though?"

"Yeah, you're coming to the football game with me, remember? Last game of the year."

"Fine, but you have to explain everything to me."

"Yeah, I expected that."

"Goodnight, Kate," Yelena said, inching out the door.

"Goodnight, Yelena."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now