Do They Have Sonic in New York?

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"Katherine Elizabeth Bishop," Yelena breathed, acrylic nails passing over the ink blade now adorning her girlfriend's forearm. "I left you alone for what, a day?"

"Do you like it?" Kate asked, eyebrows raised. She watched the way Yelena chewed her cheek, biting back either a scathing remark or a grin. "Yeah, you like it."

Yelena swatted her playfully, bringing one leg up in her passenger seat. Currently, they sat in Kate's car, milkshakes in hand as they caught up in the Sonic parking lot. They had only gone a few days without seeing each other, but as evidenced by Kate's random-ass tattoo and Yelena's new haircut, a lot could change.

"How did that even happen?" Yelena wondered, unable to keep her eyes off of the blade and how it traveled parallel to the veins and flexing muscle of her forearm. "I didn't know you wanted any tattoos."

"Neither did I," Kate laughed, setting down her cookies 'n cream shake to run a thumb over the little dagger. Each time she did, she half expected it to rub away, impermanent sharpie instead of forever etched into her skin. "There's a parlor next to the bar. I guess they were open."

"And you don't remember it? You were that wasted?"

"Bits and pieces. I'm glad I picked something cool, at least. Carol got a salt shaker, so I'm not really sure what that's about."

  "Is Carol okay? I didn't take her for such a..." Yelena gestured her peanut butter shake vaguely, nudging Kate for assistance.


"Okay, no. Impulsive, maybe."

"But you expected that out of me?"

"I didn't say that."

"I'm kidding," Kate laughed, toying with her straw. "Carol is going through it, I guess. Maria broke up with her."

"Oh, shit, really?" Her brows knit together, eyes asking for elaboration. "Weren't they together for like, five years?"

"Yeah..." Kate sighed, nibbling anxieties making a reappearance. "Five years. Just down the drain."

"How's she doing?"

"Not great, obviously. I think it's been a few weeks and she's still spiraling. But, I don't know, she's tough. She'll be fine."

"I can't even imagine."

"Imagine what?" Kate asked, staring down the black and white barrel of her milkshake. "Being with someone for so long and having it all be for nothing?"

Yelena's head cocked. She leaned forward over the center console, gently resting a hand on Kate's elbow. "Why do you say it's for nothing?"

Suddenly sheepish, Kate took another long sip, avoiding Yelena's gaze. "I don't know."

"Are you sure?"

"Well..." Kate finally looked up, taking Yelena's hand. The way she squeezed did not convey uncertainty; her expression did not spell out noncommittal. "I just... when I look at you, it's not like, a short term investment, you know?"

Yelena relaxed, rubbing circles on the back of her hand for the hundredth, thousandth, millionth time. "Yeah? You want me long term?"

Kate thought back to the ring hastily stashed in her dorm. "As long as you'll have me."

"Kate..." Yelena softened, pressing a kiss to their knuckles. "Did they scare you? Breaking up like that?"

"I don't know about scared... I just, I don't know, I don't want you to think I don't trust you. That I don't believe you when you say you love me. I do." She tapped the plastic lid of her milkshake, shook her head. "But you're everything, and I'm just me. Sometimes I wonder when you'll realize that."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now