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"Kate, this is the saddest music I've ever heard. This is not road trip music." Yelena went for the aux cord, but Kate's hand on her thigh stopped her.

"This is my kind of road trip music," Kate said, eyes on the road, but hidden behind sunglasses. She removed her hand from Yelena's upper leg to adjust her backwards hat, but the blonde firmly placed it back.

"We've listened to Phoebe Bridgers for like, an hour straight. I think I'm clinically depressed."

"Well, what would you play?"

"I don't know, Bon Iver?"

"And that's happier?"

"I mean, maybe."

"I'll stop the music for a little, okay?"

"Fine. But you better put your hand back."

Kate smirked, pausing her phone's music before placing a firm hand back on her girlfriend's thigh, other hand gripping the wheel. Yelena blushed at the subtle display of possession, settling back in the passenger seat. The ride to Manhattan was about three hours, but with Kate next to her like this, Yelena wished it was longer.

"You know," Yelena said dreamily, brushing her fingertips along Kate's knuckles. "This is one of my favorite things about you."

"What, my hands?"

"No... though I do love those. I don't know, you're like, quietly possessive."

"What do you mean?"

"You open doors for me, carry bags, always have an arm around me. That type of thing."

"Yeah? You're into that?"

"Mhm. It's hot."

"You know what's hot? How direct you are. You say stuff like that, or sit on my lap, and just kiss me with no second thoughts."

"I know what I want, Kate Bishop."

"I know. It's just crazy that you want me."

"Not that crazy." Yelena sighed contently, now staring out the window with a lovesick grin. "I never asked how your exam went last week."

"It was fine. How'd French go?"

"It was easy. Thanks to our study date, no doubt."

"Of course. We were extremely productive."

"Can you believe it's almost Christmas break, babe?"

"Halfway through junior year. Go us."

Yelena groaned. "Ugh, after break I have to start campaigning again."

"For what?"

"The Tri Delta presidency."

"Well, if they elected you once, I'm sure they will again. Is anyone else even running?"

"This sophomore named Daisy. I don't think she even wants to win, she just wants the attention from running. Which is annoying, because now I have to put actual effort into the campaign."

"I'm gonna run."

"Okay, Kate. Yep. Run for president of a sorority you're not even in."

Kate laughed. "It'll be an unprecedented victory, blondie."

"Oh, so you're gonna win too?"

"Yeah, the sorority girls can't resist me. I walked into a party last month and one of them was all over me. I think it's all my rugged charm."

"Okay, actually. Maybe you would win. We do have a thing for tomboys."

"Maybe I'll run for president of sorority girlfriends, too. Me, Natasha, Bobbi, the list goes on."

"You guys are so funny," Yelena chuckled. "Whenever one of us can't find our girlfriend at a party, they're always in the backyard, without fail. Bonus points if Bobbi has started grilling or if Natasha's literally asleep on the grass."

"That happens a lot?"

"More than once, so yeah."

"I'd like to come to more parties, you know," Kate said softly, glancing over. "I still don't like the crowds, or how loud they are. But I like being with you. And your friends. Plus, I gotta keep an eye on all the boys that check you out."

"My hero."

"That James guy, from the football game. You said you had a class with him?"

"Yeah, I think I had a finance class with him as a freshman. He was just as annoying then. But don't worry about him, I only want one tall brunette."


Yelena swatted playfully at Kate's hand. "No, you dork."

"Then who?" She feigned confusion. "I wanna hear you say it."

"You, Kate Bishop." She conceded, leaning over the console, pecking Kate's cheek. "I want you."

Kate smiled, any anxieties over a holiday with her mom melting away. Yelena, with her confidence and her quiet certainty, always eased Kate's nerves, no matter the occasion. In the passenger seat, Yelena shook her head at herself. No other person was capable of garnering a confession like that out of her, or evoking any sort of vulnerability, or humility. Kate drew new sides out of her every day, and she could not wait to discover more with the brunette by her side.

"You're adorable," Kate said out of nowhere after a long while of silence, not even sure if the blonde at her side was awake. "Sorry. I just had to say it."

"Don't be sorry," Yelena responded, voice soft. "It's good to hear. Reassuring. I'm still so... inexperienced, I guess."

"Yeah, me too. But I'd say we're doing okay so far."

As the scenery out the window shifted from rural to markedly urban, Yelena inhaled. "Oh God, Kate, I'm meeting your mom."

"Are you just now realizing this?"

"It's getting very... real."

"You'll be fine. My mom's all bark, no bite. Plus, you're a pretty girl with goals, she'll love you."

"If you say so."

Traffic thickened as the two made their way into the heart of the city. It was Wednesday evening, the day before Thanksgiving, so travelers from all over found their way to the Big Apple to reunite with family, friends, and loved ones.

"I certainly hadn't missed this..." Kate mumbled, now moving at a snail's pace.

"You lived here?"

"Yeah, with Mom. I wanted to live with Dad, at least during the summer or something, but she wasn't having it."

Yelena hummed, hands now anxiously gripping one of Kate's. Eventually, the brunette pulled into the parking deck of a decadent apartment building. She parked, grabbed both of their suitcases, and motioned for Yelena to follow. The complex was much, much nicer than Yelena anticipated, not soothing her nerves. With the feeling she walked into a viper's den, the blonde followed Kate's lead as she knocked on a door, and a stern, severe woman opened it.

"Katie, you're late," she sighed, night robe on. She noticed Yelena standing idly, and shot her a look. "My, my, who is this?"

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now