Date Part Two Electric Boogaloo

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"Okay, but would you rather only eat ice cream as dessert for the rest of your life?" Kate asked, chocolate ice cream cone all but dripping down her chin. "Or never have ice cream again?"

"This is cruel, Kate Bishop," Yelena replied, spoon full of vanilla with sprinkles. "I love ice cream too much. I guess only ice cream as dessert."

"Eh, I don't know. I couldn't say goodbye to tiramisu. Or chocolate cake, or cheesecake, or chocolate cheesecake..."

"Okay, does custard count as ice cream?"

"Hmm... no?"

"Then I change my answer. Custard will be my substitute."

"I think you might be a genius." Kate finished the last of her cone, trying not to choke as she laughed heartily. She glanced up to Yelena, saying, "oh, I think you got a little something..."

Yelena sat motionless as Kate gently wiped a dab of ice cream off her chin, all while sporting a chocolate mustache on her own lip. The blonde sat back, shaking her head, fighting off the triple threat of cold evening air, ice cream, and the chills Kate gave her.

"So," Yelena said, arms crossed as she sat back in the metal chair of the ice cream parlor. "We've covered my dating history. What about yours?"

"What about it, blondie?"

"When's the last time you went on one?"

"Probably like, ninth grade."

"Seriously? No way."

"You don't believe that?"

"I don't believe a girl like you hasn't been snatched up yet."

"A girl like me?"


"Well," Kate said, leaning across the table, "maybe I was just waiting on a girl like you."

"Girls like me are dangerous, Kate Bishop."

"Is that why I'm having such a wonderful time? Why I wanna do this again?"

Yelena shrugged, tempted to hide within the cotton confines of Kate's hoodie. "I'm just not used to this."

"Used to what?"

"People being nice to me, I guess. Genuine. You are being genuine, right?"

"No, this has actually all been an elaborate ruse to get my hoodie back."


"Fine, sorry. Yes, this is real."

"Sorry," Yelena sighed. "Sometimes I feel like people just talk to me because of my connections. It's a privilege, you know, to hold so much power. To get people into sororities, get them interviews, give them a good word for scholarships, but sometimes I feel used, I guess."

Kate remained quiet, listening intently to the most vulnerable display Yelena had bared in the few days of knowing her. The brunette allowed space for the woman to continue if she pleased, but she locked eyes with Kate, almost pleading for her to say something.

"You know, I'm not so used to this either," Kate said, and Yelena nodded attentively. "My parents... I guess you could say they weren't the best example. Maybe I shied away from stuff like this. I don't know."

Ignoring the voice in the back of her mind to turn back now, to get out before someone got hurt, Yelena took Kate's hand across the table. "Maybe we can figure this thing out together, yeah?"

"Yeah. I'm all yours, blondie."

"Good, I'm no good at sharing. Now walk me home, will you, babe?"

Kate stood, gathering trash from the pair's shared table to toss in the nearest can. Wiping her hands on her baggy jeans, she offered a strong hand to the shorter woman, who took it gratefully.

"I'm loving this outfit on you, Kate Bishop," Yelena complemented, eyeing the tight shirt under Kate's open flannel. "It's very on brand."

"Don't tell me you want to steal this too."

"I might..."

"You can stop staring now."

"Sorry, it's just a... really nice outfit."

Kate smirked, and Yelena looked away with a small chuckle, nudging Kate as the two walked the mostly empty sidewalk. The nudge was not enough to move the woman, and secretly the blonde swooned at the height difference, the way she barely reached Kate's shoulder. Maybe it was cliche, but it made Yelena feel safe, cared for, and the way Kate always walked closest to the street did not escape the blonde's notice. Yelena could hold her own, of course, but it was nice to know someone else was thinking about her.

"You know I'm keeping this hoodie forever, right? Yelena said.

"Kinda figured. Fine by me, though. It's cute on you."

"I would return the favor and lend you some of mine, but..."

"Yeah, I don't wear a kid's large, so we're out of luck."

"Okay, ow. I'm not that short."

"Eh..." Kate made a 'small' gesture with her pointer finger and thumb. "You're like, cute small, though, so don't worry."

"You're lucky you're hot."

"And here I was thinking you wanted me for my charm."

Soon enough, and much to both ladies' dismay, the winding sidewalk led them to Yelena's door, and Kate stepped back with a reserved sigh.

"Well..." Kate breathed. "This is you."

"So it is."

"I had a nice time, blondie. We should, um... do this again sometime."

"We..." Yelena rocked back on her heels, laughing to fill the silence. "Yes. We should."


"Yes, Bishop," she whispered, kissing Kate sweetly. "I suppose you won't be staying the night?"

"Don't tempt me," Kate laughed lightly. "I've gotta get to psych on time tomorrow morning, and if I'm here..."

"I know, it's hard to leave me."

"It is," she confirmed. "I feel like you're gonna forget about me once I go."

"Forget you? Never." Yelena kissed her again, more urgently this time. "I won't forget that."

"That'll do it," Kate said, lopsided grin on her face as she slowly backed away. "Call me tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah," Yelena nodding, opening her door. "Text me when you get home."

Kate disappeared into the distance, and Yelena walked, dazed, up to her room. Vaguely, she heard Wanda ask how it went, but she kept walking, eventually making it to her bed. She stared at it, taking in the massive expanse of down and pillows, and wishing Kate was with her.

"Belova, what are you doing?" She asked herself, running a hand through unruly blonde hair.

This was bad, she thought. Very bad. But the date went well, Kate was amazing, and she even opened up a little, so what was the problem? What was she so afraid of? Was getting hurt really that terrifying, that she would close herself off from ever being happy just to avoid the chance of loss?

Yelena liked to think she was a logical person, and the logical solution here was to fully give herself to Kate, to allow herself a little joy. At best, she has a wonderful, fulfilling relationship, and at worst... one or both gets their hearts stomped on. Kate deserved all of Yelena, not half, but God, opening up was horrifying.

"Don't break my heart, Kate Bishop..." she again said to no one, slipping off her shoes. As she got into bed, Yelena came to her conclusion. She was never one to say no to a challenge, to a dare, so now she endeavored to whole heartedly, unequivocally, full steam ahead, take on life's greatest challenge- love.

Happy pride month eve to all my sapphics 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

I rlly do not be proofreading I just type type type on my little phone and press send. So enjoy

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now