Cooking With Yelena, Bitches

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By the time Yelena came to her senses on Thanksgiving morning, rising slowly from Kate's firm mattress and stretching languidly, pots and pans already clattered about. Upon entering the spotless stainless steel kitchen, Yelena saw her girlfriend, apron wrapped haphazardly around her midsection, frowning at a pie.

"What did the pie do?" Yelena asked with an affectionate grin, kissing Kate in greeting.

"He won't listen," Kate said, pouting. "How did you sleep?"

"Well. And you?"

"Fine, thank you for asking," Eleanor responded as she entered the kitchen, grocery bags in hand. "Glad to see you're finally up, Yelena."

"Um, glad to see you too."

Yelena stepped back and allowed the women to work, though cringed at the two's technique (or rather, lack of) as they attempted to prepare the large meal. It was clear they did not cook often, and why would they? With money in a city like this, Yelena would order take out every night as well. Eventually, Eleanor eyed Kate's sad little pie with judgement, and the blonde finally stepped in.

"Babe, do you have a pin roller?" She asked softly, and Kate quickly retrieved one. "Thank you."

Curious, Eleanor paused her turkey preparation to quietly observe Yelena's deft movements. She started the pie from scratch, patching up what little Kate cobbled together into a respectable apple pie. Next, without prompting, Yelena took over the turkey, shaking her head at whatever Eleanor had done to the poor bird. Slightly impressed, Eleanor moved to give Yelena ample workspace and sat at the kitchen bar with her daughter.

"Not bad for a sorority girl," Eleanor commented softly, though Kate was too mesmerized by Yelena's simple beauty, with her hoodie and sweats and loosely braided hair, to catch her mother's remark.

"I would teach you," Yelena said after a moment, watching her pie come to life in the oven. "You know what they say about teaching a man to fish. But it's a holiday, and I figure there's a time constraint."

"Well, I do appreciate the initiative. Katherine and I never were culinarily gifted."

Kate chuckled. "I think I was a little too creative for her in my youth."

"If by 'creative', you mean 'inedible', then sure." Eleanor laughed lightly, relaxing. "Where'd you learn to cook like this?"

"At home. Had a lot of sisters."

"And you're not with them today?"


Eleanor nodded, not pressing. She could respect someone with secrets, with a bit of a past. With neither of the younger women offering anything else in the way of conversation, Eleanor said, "well, I'm glad you've joined us, then," and carried on prepping the penthouse for her boyfriend's arrival.

After a moment, under the cover of Eleanor's raucous vacuuming, Kate stepped up behind Yelena, kissing her cheek.

"This is adorable," the taller woman said in Yelena's ear, and she shivered. "Didn't know you could cook."

"I've got talents, you know."

"Oh, I know. You speak French, you're a chef, I'm actually a little jealous."

"Don't be. You've got talents, too."

Kate snorted. "Yeah, skateboarding. That's real useful."

"It's sexy."

"Yeah, okay. Fair."

Switching her pie for the turkey in the oven, Yelena wiped her face with her forearm, sighing. "When will the boyfriend be here?"

"What time is it?"


Just then, a knock sounded from the hallway, and Eleanor rushed to store her cleaning supplies and answer the door. A tall, well dressed man stood on the other side, toying with his suit's cuff links. The two women in the kitchen shared a look, with Yelena dismayed at her appearance, and Kate not much better off.

"I look like a gremlin," Yelena hissed, wiping her hands.

Kate shrugged. "Whatever. If this man is trying to be my second dad, he can deal with my pajama pants and unbrushed hair."

"Katherine!" Eleanor called as she entered the kitchen, man in tow. "I'd like you to meet Jack. Jack, this is my daughter and her parter."

"Hello, ladies," Jack greeted cheerfully, bowing. "Which one is the daughter? They are both as beautiful as you, my dear Eleanor."

"I'm the daughter," Kate sighed, giving Jack a loose handshake. "Cool suit."

"Yes, thank you. I feel overdressed," Jack jested at the state of the younger two women. He smiled warmly, not making a joke at the expense of the others, but merely attempting to lighten the mood. "Smells good in here, by the way. Much better than I expected, anyway."

Eleanor smiled genuinely as Jack made his way to lean over the kitchen counter across from her. She visibly relaxed as she said, "you know me too well. Yelena here has been an amazing help. She's prepared most of the meal today."

"Ah, wonderful!" Jack said. "I was worried I would have to cobble together some take out, but it seems you have it under control."

Just then, the oven went off, signaling the completion of the meal's centerpiece. Donning oversized oven mitts, Yelena gingerly tugged the pan out of the oven, smiling in relief at the perfect coloring of the bird.

"Look at this!" Jack continued. "We have a Michelin star chef on our hands."

"Seems to me we do," Eleanor added, preparing the table now. "Well done."

Yelena smiled sheepishly at the praise, and after setting placemats at the large oak dining table, Eleanor disappeared to freshen up, and urged Kate to do the same.

"Do you think I should change?" Yelena asked, question directed to Kate. She still donned her loungewear, frumpy pink hoodie and grey sweatpants.

Eleanor answered from down the hall, "no, no, dear. You don't worry about that. You made the meal, you can eat it how you please."

This left Jack and Yelena in the kitchen, and the former made his way to the living room, gazing out the large, spotless windows. He nodded for Yelena to join him, and she did, crossing the large space with timid steps.

"You are Yelena?" Jack asked softly, and the blonde nodded. "You seemed to have impressed Eleanor. Good on you, that's not easy to do. I hope she has not been too hard on you?"

Yelena paused. "Perhaps a bit harsh."

"I appreciate the honesty. She's protective of her, of Kate. Don't take the mama bear instinct too seriously."

"Yes, she's very... fierce."

Jack nudged the girl lightly, smirk on his lips. "Us and our Bishop women, eh? I am glad you are here. Now we are both outsiders."

Yelena allowed herself a small grin. "It's even now. Two on two."


Soon enough, Eleanor and Kate made their way back out, with Eleanor in a simple white button up and scarlet dress pants, and Kate in a similar ensemble, but all black. The top few buttons of Kate's shirt were left undone, and Yelena forced herself to look away as she sat down to eat.

"Cheers," Eleanor said after she sat, raising her glass of red wine, "to a wonderful holiday with family."

I've been staring at this chapter for too long. Sorry if it's bad I've lost touch with reality

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now