Valentine's Day

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After many graciously uneventful January weeks, February rolled around. Kate felt steady enough to move back to her dorm, and things were fairly normal again. Until Yelena realized what February meant- the quickly approaching holiday of romance, Valentine's Day. Feeling utterly clueless as to what a girl like Kate would want for the occasion, Yelena gathered the two women she thought would know best, Bobbi and Natasha.

The three sat around the kitchen table of the Tri Delta house one evening, Yelena at the head. Bobbi sat back, already bored, and Natasha yawned, resting her on chin on her fist.

"Why are we here, again?" Asked Bobbi, eyeing the shorter blonde.

"To help me plan the best Valentine's Day ever, duh," Yelena reasoned, glitter pens and paper ready to brainstorm. "Any gift ideas?"

"Just, like, get her a dog," Natasha offered absently, and Bobbi nodded sagely. "Or..."

"Or?" Yelena prompted.

"Two dogs," she nodded proudly.

"It's too easy," Bobbi agreed, punching Natasha lightly on the upper arm.

"She lives in a dorm..."

Bobbi stared blankly. "So?"

Yelena sighed. "Okay, let's put that one in the back pocket. Any other gift ideas? What have Wanda and Jemma gotten for you two in the past?"

"This is me and Jemma's first Valentine's Day, actually..." Bobbi frowned. "Shit. I gotta get her a gift. What do you think, Yelena?"

"Should get Jemma a dog," Natasha said, tearing a page out of Yelena's notebook to fold into a plane. "Wanda got me tickets to a Knicks game last year."

"You think Kate would like something like that?"

"Unless she's a Nets fan."

"Why does New York have so many teams? This is impossible."

"Okay, but for real, though," Natasha continued, "it doesn't have to be anything crazy. Just think about what she likes, and do something with that. Make it thoughtful, you know?"

"Yeah... I've thought about a new longboard or something, but she can't even skate right now. I feel like that would make her sad."

"She won't be on crutches forever," Bobbi said. "But yeah, that may be a little sad."

"What about dinner?" Yelena asked, the beginnings of a plan forming.

Natasha shrugged. "I just take Wanda to our favorite burger joint. Again, doesn't have to be anything crazy. Just because a place is expensive doesn't mean it's good. Valentine's Day is about you two as a couple, not spending a bunch of money."

"Damn," Bobbi breathed. "Okay Romanoff."

"Does that help?" Natasha directed toward Yelena, eyebrow raised.

"Surprisingly, yeah. Thanks, guys."

Bobbi clapped Yelena on the shoulder. "Anytime."

The two women took their leave, and Yelena remained at the table, mulling over her options. Valentine's Day was only a few short days away, and she was determined to give Kate a holiday to remember. A holiday she deserved.


On the day of love itself, Kate woke to a half empty queen bed. The tantalizing smell of pancakes wafted through the Tri Delta house, and Kate carefully crutched her way downstairs, red hoodie slung on haphazardly. In the kitchen, Yelena worked diligently over a griddle, headphones in as she danced reservedly.

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