Nurse Yelena

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"What are you in for?"

Kate struggled to parse the voice from the seemingly countless other avenues of input- the glaring hospital lights, nurses chattering, monitors beeping incessantly. Kate almost made a joke about how someone better be dying with all this noise, but given the circumstances, somebody probably was.

She couldn't tell how long she'd been at the hospital, but certainly several hours as evidenced by her more securely splinted leg and the terrible headache reforming. The painkillers were wearing off, and as she sat in a holding room in an uncomfortable wheelchair, waiting for stitches on one of her hands, all she wanted was to go home and sleep.

"You good?" Came the same voice, and Kate lolled her head over enough to see another young woman, college aged, next to her in a full arm cast, sizable gash on her forehead.

"I'm here, so... no." Kate grumbled, and the girl chuckled easily.

"Again, what are you in for?"

"What is this, prison?"

"Close." She held up her arm. "I fell out of a tree."

"I got hit by a car, I think. It's all a little fuzzy."

The other girl stifled a laugh with sympathetic eyes. "I'm so sorry. Glad you're okay, though. Well, mostly okay."

"I broke my leg."

"Yeah. I can see that."

"And they said I had... Um... lactations."

"I'm sorry, you have what?" The girl sputtered, fully laughing now. "Lacerations?"

"Yeah. What'd I say?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm America, by the way."

Kate nodded solemnly, putting a hand over her heart. "I'm American too."

"God, what kind of painkillers are you on? Can I have some?"

"They're wearing off, man... I am not having a good time."

America patted Kate's shoulder and allowed her hand to linger. "You're not here alone, are you? If you need a ride, or like, company, later..."

"Oh my God, Kate!" Yelena squealed as she finally found where Kate sat, rushing into the waiting room.

"Lena," Kate greeted with a dopey smile, reaching out with tired arms. "Missed you."

Yelena immediately zeroed in on this random girl's hand on her girlfriend's shoulder and morphed into her fakest sorority girl smile. "Aw, baby, who's your friend?"

"America Chavez?" Asked a nurse with a clipboard from the doorway, and the girl scuttled out, wishing Kate well as she left.

"Can we go home now?" Kate whined, utterly exhausted.

Melting, Yelena crossed the room to her girl, kneeling beside her chair. "Soon, love. They just gotta stitch you up."

Kate seemed like she may burst into tears again, so Yelena changed the subject.

"I called your mom again."

"My mom? Why?"

"Because you got hit by a car, Kate."

"Hadn't noticed." Kate took a deep breath, grogginess wearing off as pain took its place. "Thank you for calling her. And for being here."

Yelena kissed Kate's temple softly. "Of course. I'll always be here."


Yelena cursed as Natasha pulled up to the sorority house. "Damn it, Nat. My room is on the second floor."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now