Pillow Talk (Kate's Version)

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"Are we... you know..."


"Kate, what?"

"Oh. You meant..."

"Are we a thing?"

"I mean, if you'd like to be." Kate kissed Yelena's forehead, shifting her embrace of the blonde as the two laid in Yelena's bed, sun setting through her window.

"I've made myself pretty clear, Kate Bishop. I want to see where this takes us, if you're down?" Yelena rolled to prop herself up on her elbows. "Plus, I told you, I want you to myself."

"I'm yours? Is that what you're saying?"

The blonde narrowed her eyes, crawling up to kiss the brunette. "Yep, you're all mine. I'm staking my claim."

"Fine by me, blondie," Kate whispered, drawing Yelena back up to rest on her chest. "Who knew going to one party would lead me to this."

"I'm not sure if I believe that was your first party ever."

"It was! In college, at least."

"I don't understand. Surely some of your skater friends have drug you out somewhere?"

"I mean, I had invites, but I don't know. Not really my scene."

"You seemed so in your element."

"I was high, so..."

Yelena chuckled. "High on what?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I was nervous as hell and it was really loud and crowded so I just took what that guy had." Kate grimaced. "Not my brightest moment. I kind of abandoned Peter and MJ."

"Your skater friends?"

"MJ skates, yeah. Peter just kind of stands on the board while it happens to move and tries not to fall." She yawned, the comfort and warmth of the bed threatening to draw her into a nap. "I should check in with them, actually. I haven't seen them in a few days."

"Cuz you've been with me."

"Pretty much." Kate reached down, straining to pull her phone out of her hoodie pocket. "Wonder if Pete's heard anything..."

"About what?" Yelena burrowed into Kate's upper chest, granting a chaste kiss to her neck.

"This internship we all applied for. There's like, five spots, I think? There's no way we all get in, but I'm hoping at least one of us will."

"I hope you get it. You're surprisingly intelligent."

"Thanks, love. Wait, surprisingly?"

"I don't mean in a bad way, you just give me slacker vibes. I mean, you're late to psych like every day."

"Yeah, that's fair. I don't think I'm like, typically smart. I'm like, outside the box smart. I think that's why I majored in engineering."

"That's very responsible. I majored in law to be a hot lawyer some day."

"Well that," Kate said, smirking, "is very, very responsible of you."

Yelena giggled, then cocked her head at the other woman. "Okay, but can we go back to the part where you were so nervous at a party that you did drugs?"

"I don't like people, really. It was so fucking loud, man. And with the strobe lights. I felt like I was at a club that was also on drugs."

"Well, I'm glad you came, anyway."

"Yeah, I had fun. Especially after this hot little blonde kissed me."

"Oh, she sounds great."

"Mhm..." Kate traced lazy circles over Yelena's shoulders. "She is. She's a lot different than I expected. And from what other people expect, I think."


"Mhm. She's really outgoing, and energetic, and ambitious... but there's a soft side. That's my favorite side. I feel like she doesn't let it out very often."

"Maybe she's afraid to show that to a lot of people." Yelena cupped Kate's cheek, enamored, entranced, almost in disbelief. "So if you've seen that side of her... you're probably someone special."

Kate leaned in, finally brave enough to fully initiate a kiss herself. "So is she."

"I kissed someone at that party too, you know," Yelena said upon reluctantly breaking away.

"You did?"

"This real charmer. Tall, dark, and handsome, as they say. She comes off as kind of a loner, but I think she should put herself out there more. People would like who they meet."

"You're sweet," Kate mused. "And it's getting late, love. Do you mind if I stay the night?"

Yelena sighed contentedly, eyes already closing as she snuggled into Kate. "I was hoping you would."

I know, I know, shortest chapter ever. I just wanted a cute little scene out there. A longer chapter will be our tomorrow, hopefully. It's already half written.

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now