i. hellfire club.

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YOU PROBABLY expect me to say something along the lines of James and Steve are living it up big in New York city and going on nearly 3 years of their relationship. But sadly, things aren't always meant to be or meant to be going well. They sort of broke up.

James was too focused on college and his work, and even when he had free time, he sort of mostly spent his time moping, smoking a few cigarettes and reading or writing a book while sitting on the little balcony outside the window apartment. At first, Steve didn't mind or say anything because his dad did die.

But when Christmas time came around, James didn't even wanna leave their apartment. For God's sake, the boy didn't even bother for Halloween and it was his favourite holiday. That's when Steve said something, he suggested therapy or talking to Steve because he was right there, working everything out with him, college, their finances, their apartment, but James really didn't have a reaction.

By then, the spark had been long gone and there were more issues between them. Steve left when the Christmas break began, didn't even leave a note and James ended up getting drunk that night. And the rest of the Christmas break. It got slightly worse after. When the winter semester began, he tried to get better.

But it kind of got worse, with each day that passed. For his spring break that came up, he wanted to visit El who sends him many letters which he never responded to. He ended up going back home, to Hawkins. He sort of asked Dustin if he could stay at his place and the Henderson was more than happy to say yes, that his mom would be okay with it.

So, Friday evening, March 21st, 1986, just before James' official Spring break began, he's now being driven to the Hendersons', after a flight, being driven by the woman who he had nothing in common with other than the fact they both deeply care for Dustin and literally nothing else. "So, how is New York?" Claudia Henderson suddenly spoke up.

"Great. It's going great." He nods with a small smile and she glanced at him. "And Steve? Are you two not friends anymore? Dustin said you guys had a fight. And aren't close anymore." She asked and he just sighed. "That isn't really his business to tell... but yeah." He nods, glancing out the window. "I just... haven't been myself lately." He explains to her.

"Especially with Steve?" She asked and he glanced at her. "Full disclosure, Mrs. Henderson? Um... I'm--I'm gay. And Steve and I were more than friends." He says and she's quiet for a moment so he's unsure how she'll react. "Oh, I've known others, so you know, I--I don't mind." She explains and he just nods.

He glanced away and pursed his lips. "We kinda broke up... I wasn't being a good boyfriend." He says, explaining and she nods. "That's only natural. You've been through a lot, James. I mean, your father... is a hero and he sacrificed himself for the lives of others. And left you behind." She said and that struck a nerve deep down in James Hopper who glanced out the window. "Yeah." He said dryly.

"And what about Dustin?" He cleared his throat, looking at the woman. "Where is he now? He's the one who was so esctatic over me coming back." He asked and she gestured. "Oh, you know, he's at that club he joined." She explained and he nods. "Ah, Hellfire?"

James had heard about this club, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, lead by Eddie Munson, which was a name that shocked James because Eddie is older than James. By like two years or so, he's surprised he hasn't graduated. Then there was like three others which James doesn't remenber the names of, Wheeler also joined and so did Lucas.

"You should go pick him up! He's done around 9." She says excitedly and he nods. "Yeah, I don't mind, if that's what you want me to do." He smiles kindly at her and she nods. In the Henderson home, James set down his bag and backpack and got settled in.

Afterwards, he got to have a small meal Claudia prepared then he headed to his old high school which he stared at for a while. There were people leaving from the gymnasium so he drove carefully before stopping in front of the main entrance, right as Dustin walked out with a couple of others. "Henderson!" He shouted and Dustin's head snapped up.

"James!" He came running and James chuckled as Mike followed shortly behind the boy with Erica so he hopped out. "Hey!" He said and gave a big hug to Dustin. "James!" Erica said excitedly with a big smile and James looks at her. "Hey, Erica." He says to the eleven year old before finally looking at Mike.

"I don't understand... why are you here and not in Lenora?" He asked, staring at James who just glanced at the other two young teens, clearing his throat. "Wanna get going?" He looked at Dustin who nods excitedly. "I can tell you all about Eddie's cool campaign!"

On their drive, Dustin rambled on and on about the campaign and James listened intently to every word, nodding along. "See, this is why I like you better than Steve sometimes, he just gets jealous when I mention Eddie." He says suddenly and James looks over at the young boy, furrowing his eyebrows.

"And why would he get jealous?" He asked and Dustin shrugs. "I have a new older male friend." He smirks smugly and James rolls his eyes. "Don't say it like that." He says right away and Dustin looks at him, grimacing.

"Anyway, wanna see Steve?" He said right away, grinning and James rolls his eyes. "No..." he said and Dustin nudged him. "So, you didn't come to visit just for him?" He asked and James' mind flashed with memories of everyone here at home, Steve, El, his dad and Dustin. "No..." He firmly shook his head.

"Are you sure?" Dustin is bugging him and James just glanced at the fifteen year old. "No, I came for you. You're my favourite out of the others. Wheeler's too annoying, I don't have that much of an opinion on Sinclair or Mayfield..." He shrugs and Dustin grins widely, but it slowly fades as he glanced away.

"Even El?" It's quiet and James really considers the question. "Never." He says and Dustin just plays with his fingers. "Then... why didn't you visit her?" He asked curiously and James just pulled into the driveway of the Henderson home. "I--I don't wanna talk about it." He forces a smile before he got out of the car.

"Yeah, sure. No biggie."

authors note here's james and steve <3
they're back! and i'm so excited to finally be working on this fic 😭

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