xiv. won't forget you.

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THEY TIMED it right and they finally rushed into the room, Steve holding the door open as James ushered them inside. James, Robin, Erica and Dustin turn to find a man was in here as Steve slowly and quietly closed the door. Steve just stood there, holding the door and he was bending over making James checks him out, slightly confused as the man got up and turned to them.

The man reached for his gun but Robin stepped over, telling him a bit of the code. She repeated it once more and to which he responded with in Russian, a confused look on his face as he did. She said something else, pointing to herself then the others behind her. He replied in Russian once more, shaking his head. She says a word in Russian, stepping closer and he only scoffs at her.

He reached for his gun again but Steve yells as he ran over, attacking the man who instantly fought back, throwing him to the side. He swings but Steve dodged the punch. The Russian grabbed him by his shirt and threw him onto the control panel again, about to grab Steve again but the nineteen year old elbowed him in the stomach.

He picked up a microphone and smacked the man across the face with it, sending him falling back and onto the floor. James stared at Steve with wide eyes as Steve panted, pushing his hair back. "Dude!" Dustin exclaimed and Steve looks over at them, still panting heavily. "You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin said happily with a smile.

Steve looked down at the unconscious man, "jeez..." He sighed out and looked over to see James was staring at him with his jaw still dropped. So Steve smiled, looking back at the man. Dustin rushed over to the Russian on the ground, grabbing his keycard. "What are you doing?" Erica asked as Robin went to go look around and James went over to Steve. "Getting us our ticket out of here." Dustin simply answered the ten year old.

"You want to walk all the way back?" Erica pointed and James looked over. "I gave you a piggyback ride!" He exclaimed at the girl who crossed her arms. "Well, I mean, we could hang out for a little bit, relax, have a picnic maybe." Dustin said and James rolls his eyes, looking at Steve.

Erica and Dustin continued to argue as James glanced up and down. "That was... kinda hot." He whispered and Steve looks at him, tossing the weapon he used to the control panel, smirking. "I know..." He said and James looks away as Robin came running down the stairs, "guys," they all look over at her to see what was up.

"There's something up there."

The group entered the room, James keeping the door open as they quietly and carefully entered the room, going over to look through the door's windows. James saw it. The gate. "Holy shit." Dustin says as they stared at the machine that was opening it up. The first thought that came to James' mind was about El. She closed the gate.

Dustin looked up at James and Steve, "the gate." He and Steve say in sync, again. James thought it was getting freaky at this point. The group went back down the stairs, "I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asked them.

"Not exactly." James said. "Then what, exactly?" Robin then asked next. "All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin said as he glanced back at them. "It's really bad." Steve added after.

"Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin said. "And you know about this how?" Robin asked with her brows furrowed together. "Um, Steve?" Erica interrupted making the oldest teen look to her. "Where's your Russian friend?" She asked and they all looked to where the man had been, only to find he was no longer there.

Alarms then went off, blaring through the room and there were red lights going on and off as the blaring went off. "Oh, shit." Steve went over to the door which he opened to see the Russian they knocked out with several other men around him who all spot him looking out the door. He closed it quickly, "shit." He whispered and looked at James who grabbed his hand. "Go, go, go!" He said and they all started rushing up the staircase.

They run through the door and through another door that lead to a control room where the men in lab coats turn to them, "shit!" Dustin said and they quickly run to another door, running out and down the side of the machine. Dustin had screamed and shoved a man out of the way as he lead the group. They got to the end, near where the machine was opening up the gate. "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" Dustin screams.

"Guards!" Erica yelled. "This way!" Steve said, pulling James along with him as they were still holding hands. Steve spots Russians coming out of a tunnel so he shouts, "shit!" And threw the metal barrels at the pair. "Come on! Go, go, go, go!" Steve shouted as they ran together.

They got to a door which they all ran in through after James opened it. Steve closed it quickly and pressed up against it, James helping keeping it closed. They soon realize there was no way out, "shit!" Dustin exclaimed. The Russians couldn't get the door open with Steve and James keeping it closed as Erica soon found a vent. "In here! Come on, let's go!" She opened it.

"Come on!" Robin said as she went over to climb in after Erica. "Go! Just get out of here!" James shouted, still holding Steve's hand tightly in his. "No, come on, now!" Dustin said, Robin and Erica were waiting for him. "No! Just go get some help, okay?" Steve yelled at the teen.

"What are you doing?! Go!" James shouted when he saw Dustin hesitate. "I won't forget you!" Dustin shouted and James groans. "Go!" He yelled at the same time as Steve before the vent door closed and the door was opened, sending them flying to the floor. James huffed, sighing. They looked up to see the Russians all pointing their guns at him so they raised their hands. James looked at Steve with a facial expression that basically screamed what the fuck did we get ourselves into?

authors note ngl the party just isn't the same without dustin in st3 😐 they didn't have their best party member i said what i said

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