xix. four chimes.

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AT THE rocketship at the playground, Steve, James, Robin and Nancy waited. "Okay, the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna." Erica says as Robin looks to the other three. "So far, so smooth." She says and James sighs, crosssing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, and we're not even at the hard part yet." Steve says as Nancy steps forward a bit, staring at the house. Steve looks at James, "you okay?" He whispers and James nods, staring at the house.

"Just a little worried..." He says and Steve reached out, pulling James' arm away from his crossed arms so he can interlock their fingers together and Robin's watching them with a big smile on her face the whole time.

"Okay, she's in. Initiate phase 3."

"She's in. Move onto phase three." Robin says into the walkie talkie. "Copy that. Initiating phase three." Dustin replied and not long after, a song started playing, they could hear it even from here. "Oh, my God. Master of Puppets." James grins widely and the others look at him. "Don't tell me you like the same shit Eddie's into." Steve says, giving a weird look.

"Not exactly but it's Metallica's recently new song. Must've taken him a lot of time to practice." He shrugs before Nancy looks at him. "It's working. Let's go." She got up and they all got up, heading to the house.

James opened up the door, seeing all of the many vines. "Oh, shit, that's not good..." Steve says, holding onto James' arm. "It'll be okay." James says before he goes through, jumping over the vines all the way to the staircase and Steve follows as Robin and Nancy stood in the doorway, James can hear Nancy reassure Robin it's okay, before following after James and Steve who got to the stairs.

After having to avoid stepping on vines on the staircase, the four got to the top and Steve turned to the others and Nancy held out her flashlight towards Robin as James took out the shotgun out of its holster, handing it to Nancy who quietly thanks him as Steve took out his axe and handed James his own.

But then the house shakes with loud rumbling so Steve and James both grabbed onto the girls and each other. "Good?" James whispers and they nod but a vine slithers around Robin's ankle as she looks up at them. She screams as it threw her against the wall, other tentacles wrpaping around her body and arms. "Steve! James! Nancy!" She cried out and James ran over, throwing his axe against the vines as Nancy rushed to the other side and Steve hits his axe against the vines down below at Robin's feet, but a different vine grabs him.

"Steve!" James turned around and saw a bunch of vines pull Steve up by his neck, also wrapping around his waist. James rushed over, raising his axe, hitting one of the vines but then a different one wrapped around his neck as well, pulling him onto the wall next to Steve, he grabs the tentacles, "Nancy!" He says but it was her next, dragged to the floor then pulled up to the wall where they hung.

It felt like they'd been there forever, James just turning slowly to look at Steve, his fingers reaching out towards the boy who's eyes were filled with tears and his face was red due to the vines choking them out. But then they all fell to the floor, the vines slithering away, choking and coughing. "Hey, you okay?" James goes to Steve's side, grabbing his face.

Steve just quickly nods, clearing his throat as he stared into James' eyes. "I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention. But that was a miracle." Robin says quietly and the boys glance over at her and Nancy. "Then we better not waste it." Nancy says before she cocks her gun. "Phase four." Steve sighs. "Flambé." Robin takes out a molotov from her bag.

"My favourite."

In the attic, they approach Vecna levitating im the air, vines attached to him. Robin slings off her bag, holding out the molotov to James as she took out another and Steve took one as well. "James turns to Steve who lights the zippo lighter and James looks towards Vecna, throwing it at the floating creature. He shouted in pain as the fire ignited him on fire, falling from levitating in the air and then the man slowly looked up at them, standing up.

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