vi. rainbow.

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     JAMES AND El were now in James' car, El looking all around as James drove. "Isn't your dad going to be mad?" She looked at James who sighed. "He didn't get home last night... he must be busy." He shrugged his shoulders. She just looked away and he sighed softer, slowing down.

"We're here," he said and turned to drive down the road. "515 Larrabee." He said and parked not far from the house. She looked at him and he looks back at her. "Want me to go with you?" He asked and she just slowly nodded her head. "I-If I'm scared to talk to her, can you?" She whispers and he just nods, smiling a bit. "You won't be. Now, come on," he said and took out his car keys from the ignition before they both get out of the car.

She held her bag close to her as they walk up to the house. She approached the door and knocked. They get no response so he knocks next, only to get an immediate response, "go away! Not interested." El looked down and sighed softly before knocking harder on the door, longer. "El!" James whispered and then the door opened, "look, I don't want your Thin Mints, alright, kid?" The woman said, glancing at James. "Thin Mints?" El says.

"Or your religious mumbo jumbo. Whatever you're seeling, I ain't buying, okay?" She said and James huffed, putting a hand to the door before she could close it. "This is the Ives residence, no?" He raised his brows and she just nods. "Well, she wants to see her mom." He says, nodding to El.

James let the door open, "unlock the door." He said and she did as told before he opened the door and the woman just stood there, staring at them. She noticed El's nose bleed and softly nodded. "Okay..." She whispered and the two follow her into the house, all the way to a livingroom.

El walked in. "Mama?" She said when she saw the woman on the rocking chair. The woman just kept muttering words under her breath and James looks at the woman. "I'm James. James Hopper Junior." He said faintly and she looks at him. "Becky. Becky Ives." She looked back over at where El was kneeling in front of Terry Ives. "Mama? It's me... Jane." She said and reached up, putting her hand on top of Terry's, "I'm here now." She says.

Terry turned to look at her but continued, "breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow. Four-fifty." She repeated the words as El looked over her shoulder at him and Becky. "What's wrong with mama?" She asked and James looked down before looking at Becky who just put a hand up to her mouth.

The two were now in the kitchen while James moved the car so it'd be easier to leave as he smoked a cigarette then when he was done, he went inside to find them still in the livingroom. "Ellie, what's the plan here?" He asked and Becky pulled her hand back from El's and turned around. "She... can stay here, I'll show her her room." She said and stood up, "thank you for taking care of her." She added and James looked towards El.

In the bedroom upstairs, James stood at the door as El approached the crib. "I can get you a real bed, and you can stay here with me if you want. How's that sound?" She said and James looked at El. The girl nodded slowly and he looks down sadly. "I wanna help you, but to really so that, I want you to talk to me, okay? Doesn't have to be now. Doesn't have to be today. But when you're ready. Okay?" She says and El turned around.

"Okay." She said then a light flickers behind James, the boy turning around. "Oh, yeah, that." She said and El walked over to the door, going in front as James followed. "That happens sometimes." She said and then in the corner of his eyes, James saw another light flicker down the hall. He looked at El who looked up at him simultaneously.

"Old house, bad wiring... Or if you ask my crazy aunt Shirley, it's..." El and James walk over to the other light. "Haunted." Becky finished. They follow more flickering lights all the way down the stairs leading into the kitchen, a lamp flickers at the counter and they walk over to it. "Kids, really, it's just the wiring." She said and James looks at her.

"No." El said then saw the light flickering near his mom and walked over to the livingroom. James followed her as Becky followed James. "It's mama." El said and reached up, wiping the blood from the woman's nose. "I-I don't understand." Becky looked at James. "She knows I'm here." El says then the channels on the tv start flipping, changing until it played a blank screen, static. "She wants to talk." El said, standing in front of it.

James reached into his pocket and held up her blindfold. "I got it..." He said and she grabs it from her. He sits down onto a seat by the tv. "It's okay if I sit here, right?" Becky asked her. "Yes." El says and James looked at her. "A-And I won't mess it up or anything?" Becky asked nervously. "No." El responded. "Okay... If you talk to Terry, will you tell her that I love her very much? And that I'm sorry I didn't believe—" "stop talking." El said and James furrowed his brows.

"El, be more polite." He says. "No, I-I'm sorry." Becky became quiet and James just glanced at her and looked back at El who focused. It wa a couple of minutes of her in there, in the void when she suddenly gasped, taking off the blindfold. She turned towards James right away, panting softly. "Hey, you-you okay?" He got onto the floor next to her and she just leaned towards him. He wraps his arms around her, "it's okay..." He whispers and then glanced up to see Becky watching them suspiciously. He just looked down at El who had her head on his shoulder and rubbed her back.

authors note anyway jopper AND byler will be endgame 😁💞💗💓💝💞💘💕💖 i love winning

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