xvii. by accident.

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     THE DOCTOR and the Russian men had left by now, and they were just sitting there, quiet and not trying to escape anymore. "Honestly, I don't really feel anything..." Steve said suddenly and James leaned his head forward. "Do you?" He asked and the blue eyed boy raised his head, "I mean, I feel fine..." He leans his head against Steve's. "I feel normal... Well, James-normal." He added afterwards as he explained it to Steve.

"Yeah, I feel... I feel fine." Steve said and looked straight ahead. "I kinda feel good..." He said with a smile and James grins widely. "Like what kinda good?" He looked over at Steve and the other just laughed at the realization. "Morons! They messed up the drug." Steve said loudly.

"They messed it up!" James laughed. "Morons! Hey, morons!" Steve called out and James just laughed even harder, his ribs starting to hurt. "Hey, morons!" James yelled out, laughing straight after. "Moron! Moron!" Steve shouted and James laughed even harder. "Oh, no, there's definitely something wrong with us!" Steve said suddenly.

"How can you tell?" James giggled. "You're laughing so hard! I never seen you laugh so much! Something's wrong!" Steve laughed and then the buzzer went off again, the men entering the room once more. He walked atound in front of James and then stopped in front of Steve as Dr. Zharkov started taking out medicinal tools.

"Would now be a good time tell you that I don't like doctors? In fact, I hate 'em?" James giggled and looked up at the doctor. He didn't answer as he set down the bone saw he had taken out. "Let's try this again, yes?" The man said, Steve just humming and nodding his head lightly in response to answer him. "Who do you work for?" He then asked.

"Scoops." He chuckled and James started giggling again. "Scoops Ahoy." He added and James tries to quiet his laughter. "How did you find us?" The man then asked, his hands held behind his back. "Totally by accident." Steve chuckled.

He spoke in Russian again and James felt like he understood it but he realized it was because he was highly intoxicated. The doctor picked up an object, "what is that shiny little toy?" Steve said as James stared. "Where are you going with that?" He asked, almost as if scolding the Russian.

"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey. Wait! No! Wait! Wait!" Steve said as the doctor took one of his fingers. The dude was gonna cut it off?! "There was a code! There was a code!" James repeated. "We heard a code!" He said before Steve could get badly hurt. Even more than he already was, at least.

"Code. What code?" The man asked as he walked around to stand in front of James now. "The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. Blah, blah, blah, all that bullshit and-and you broadcast that stupid shit all over town and we picked it up on our radio and my girl, Robin, cracked it in a day with our help. In a day!" He said as he held up his index finger.

"You think you're so smart, yeah? But a couple of kids who sling ice cream and adjust books on fucking display for a living cracked your code in a day and now, we know you're here. People know you're here." He said as he glowers at the man.

"Who knows we are here, mudak?" He called James what the teenager had called him. "Uh, well, Dustin knows." Steve chuckled softly, "Steve, no," James glanced over his shoulder. "Yeah, Dustin Henderson, he knows." Steve didn't get it and James rolled his eyes, sighing. "Steve." He whispers.

"Dustin Henderson." The man said as Steve laughed and James shook his head. "It is your small, curly-haired friend?" He went to Steve now, "oh, curly-haired. Great hair. Small. Kind of like a 'fro. Yeah." Steve said with a smile at him. "Where is he?" The Russian man then asked him.

"Oh, he's long gone, you big asshole." He laughed making James giggle again. "And he's probably calling Hopper, and Hopper's calling the US cavalry." He laughs to himself as James stared at the floor at the mention of his father. "They're gonna come in here, commando-style, guns a-blazin', and kick your sorry asses back to Russia. You're gonna be too pieces of toast." He snickered and James couldn't help but laugh this time at that. The man leans over to Steve's eye level.

"Is that so?"


The two teenage boys were laughing and the man joined in. Then the alarm went off, interrupting their laughing fit. The smile on the man's face went away as Steve looks at him smugly.

Dustin came running in and James couldn't see what he was doing; which was just zapping the doctor with some sort of weapon as he was screaming until the man fell to the ground. "Hey! Henderson!" Steve smiled widely as Dustin kneeled onto the floor in front of him. "That's crazy, I was just talking about you." He said as Dustin took the restraints off and Erica took James' off.

"Oh, my God!" James said and Dustin looks at them. "Get ready to run! Come on, Robin's waiting for us!" He explained to the older teenage boys. And they did run, they ran with Erica and Dustin until they got to one of those red vehicles the Russian men use, the two being put in the back as Erica and Dustin joined Robin in the front.

"Robin!" James smiled widely, "I missed you! Hi!" He giggled but then she started driving, sending James falling back and on top of Steve who he turned around to face, smiling widely. "Hi..." He said but Steve sat up and pushed him away. "Can you take it easy?!" He exclaimed to Robin. The two then ended up sitting across from one another as they started driving down the tunnel they walked through when they first had gotten here.












authors note no one:
james to steve: i'm a top but i can be submissive if u want... like only if u want lol

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