xiii. the hub.

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JAMES PULLS up to the farm, parking near the hole his dad dug up and got out of the car. The kids all rush out, knowing the plan and the duties James had given them, taking out their backpacks, the goggles and cloths to put over their mouths when Steve woke up, getting out of the car.

"Harrington." James sighed and Steve shook his head. "You said no, we said no," he said and James looked to the kids setting up the rope that they were gonna use to climb into the hole and out. "I've changed my mind. And Mike was fucking persistent, that little shit." He groans.

Steve grabs his backpack, "if we die, it's on you." They all climbed down into the hole and James helped the last person, Steve down who looked down both ways of the tunnel. "Holy shit."

"Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike called out and pointed towards the direction his map said. "You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin asked him and Mike turns around. "I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know." He exclaimed before turning back around, about to lead the group. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, I don't think so!" James said as he ran over.

"What?" Mike says and James grabs the map. "You're twelve years old, dude, I'm taking the lead, being seventeen and mature and all." He says and Mike scoffs. "I'm thirteen!" He says and James shook his head with an eye roll. "Steve, I'm leading the way and you'll be way in the back, make sure none of them fall behind." He says and then started walking, "come on, let's go."

The group ran through the tunnels for a couple of minutes until he heard Dustin yelling. "Dude!" He rushed past Steve and ran over to the screaming boy on the ground. "You okay?!" He asked and Dustin started coughing loudly. "What happened?" Steve asked as the group all clamour at him.

"Hey, hey," James said and the boy looks up at him. "I'm okay." He says and they all groan. "You serious?" Max asked. "Very funny, man." Steve says and James just sighs, getting up. "Come on." He said and continued to lead the way.

All of them follow, Dustin included as they continued their way to where Mike wanted to get to. "Alright, Wheeler..." He slowed down. "I think we found your hub." He says as they all look around. "Let's drench it." Mike stated.

Theu got started and fast, soaking the whole place in gasoline, top and bottom, the walls and everywhere until they all went back to where they came in from. "We're in deep shit..." Steve says as he looks at James who opens his zippo. "You guys ready?" He glanced to the kids. "Ready." All of them say. "Light her up." Dustin says.

James opens the lighter, looking at Steve once more time, still unsure but the boy just nodded and grabbed his hand. He nodded throws the lighter and the hub went up in flames, bright and fast, burning the vines. "Go! Go! Go!" James shouted, pulling Steve up and they all start running.

They run through the tunnels, yelling and trying to get back to the hole to get out. They were close until Mike fell and they had to run back. "Help! Help!" Mike was shouting and they ran back to him, grabbing the boy. "Everybody back! Back!" Steve yelled as he ran over with his bat and started hitting the vine wrapping around Mike's leg. Once it was off Mike's leg, James pulled Mike up with no effort, "you okay? Hey, you okay?" He asked and Mike just nodded as his friends surround him.

"Guys, we gotta go! We gotta go now!" Steve said b it then they heard a Demo-dog, all of them backing away and exclaiming in surprise. "Get back," James went in front of them but Dustin stepped around him. "Dart." He says and James furrowed his brows. Who the fuck was Dart?

He starts getting closer, all of them telling him to get back or stop. "Trust me, please." He said and continued to get closer to Dart. "Hey. It's me, it' me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin." He says as he took off the cloth and the goggles off his face. "It's Dustin, alright?" He kneeled down.

"You remember me?" He continues to talk to the creature that got closer. "Will you let us pass?" He asked and the Demo-dog's face opened up as he snarled at the teen. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin went to take off his backpack. "He's insane." Lucas says and all of them whisper to be quiet.

"I've got our favourite. See? Nougat. Look at that. Yummy. Here, alright? Eat up, buddy. Come on. Come on." Dustin gestured them to go past and Max goes first with Steve and James following behind and Mike and Lucas behind them. "There's plenty. I've got more." Dustin says before standing up and walking past the Demo-dog who was eating up the pieces of the chocolate bar.

He paused and turned around, putting his goggles and cloth back on. The creature turned back to look at him before turning back away to the chocolate. "Goodbye, buddy." Dustin says and they all turn around, continuing to run through the tunnels.

"Come on, let's go! Let's go!" Steve called out but then the tunnels started shaking and rumbling, causing them all to stop. "Jesus!" James calls out as he grabbed onto Steve who grabbed onto him. "You okay?" He asked and James nods.

They can hear roaring in the distant and Max quickly stood up. "What was that?" Max asked and they all turn around when they hear roaring again. Specifically in which distance. "They're coming." Mike said and James huffed. "Run! Run!" James shouted and they start running again.

"There, there!" Lucas shouted when he saw the rope and James quickly ran faster and turned around, lifting Max up who lifted herself up before he lifted Lucas up next then Dustin then Mike, "come on," he latched his hands together but Steve looked behind him. "Shit, oh, shit." He whispered and James turned around, Steve holding up his bat, "stay behind me." Steve whispers.

"James! Steve!" Dustin shouted and James pulls Steve closer, his heartbeating faster. The Demo-dogs came running and Steve turns to James, putting his arm around him as James looked around, seeing them all running past him.

"Eleven." Mike says and James glanced up at him. "Told you she can do it." He says. Then he lifted Steve up who reached in and lifted him out. "You okay?" He says as he held James closer who nodded. "You?" He whispers and Steve nods.

The group all stood in a line in front of the car, staring down at the hole when the headlights got bright, shining on the group of six who all held their arms up to shield their eyes. When the brightness lowered, they put their hands and arms down, all of them looking at one another. James turned to Steve and sighed, leaning in and hugging him tightly. Steve hugged back in an instant.












authors note can't wait to write for season 3🥴

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