v. i'm jane.

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JIM WAS barricading the windows when El and James both peer out her bedroom door. When he turned around and saw them, James walked over to El's bed and she shut the door. James glanced up as El just picked up her teddy bear. "Hey, kid. James. Listen, um... about last night, I, uh..." He paused and El just looked at James.

"I want this place cleaned up by the time I get back and then maybe I'll consider fixing the TV. You hear me?" He said in a completely different tone then walked away from the door. "El?" James said and Eleven looked down. "Yeah?" She sighed and sat down next to him. "Today's gonna be one of the special days where I stay home, okay? I-I'll clean up with you." He said and smiled.

She nodded and smiled back before looking away. "Maybe we can draw together? When we're done." She says and he nodded quickly, standing up. "Let's hop to it then!" He smiled widely.

The two didn't clean up however until the afternoon, James was sweeping the floor while El sat in front of the TV. "El, it's really not... working anymore." He sighed and she stands up, crossing her arms. "Come on, I'll fix the bookshelf, here," he held out the broom and she takes it, sighing.

He started by lifting it up and then once it was right side up, he put the board games, the books back to where they rightfully belonged as she was sweeping the glass up. She was near the couch and she moved it a bit to sweep but then noticed something. She nodded forward and it sent the couch flying backwards, "El." He turns around and she opened up a little hatch in the floor.

"What?" He walked over and she grabbed a flashlight. She looked around with it and looked at James. "I see a box with Hawkins Lab on it..." She says and he furrows his brows as she now crawled in and then lifted the box, setting it down onto the floor before climbing out the hatch.

He opened the box as she sat down next to him, grabbing one of the files and opening it. They went through more and more as she now sat on the couch and he was looking at all of the papers and looking at pictures. The box was next to El and she reached in to find a red file. "Ives. Terry." She says, reading the last name written on the file and then she opened up the file. He got up and sat down next to her to read the papers in, daughter Jane taken when she was a baby, Ives claims he read and looked at El. "Jane." She whispers.

She notices a paper clip where a photo was attached to the papers and took it out, holding it up. "Papa." She whispered and he leans closer, furrowing his brows. She was pointing to him then moved her finger slowly to the woman in the picture with him. "Do-do you think... you can find her?" James asked and looked at El who looked at the TV right away but then over at the little radio.

She simply got up after setting the file to the side. She grabbed the radio and walked over to where he was sitting at the couch, sitting on the floor. She turns on the radio and flips through the channels until she got to one with just static. She wraps the blindfold around her head, covering her eyes and tied it at the back. She focused and James just sat there quietly and let her do her thing.

She started sobbing, "mama!" She shouted and he looked down, pursing his lips. She takes off the blindfold, looking at him, "mama..." She said softly and he gets onto the floor next to her, opening his arms. She leaned against him, covering her mouth as she sobbed into it. She covered her whole face with both hands as she put her head onto James' chest and he rubbed her back gently.

"I need to go find her... See her." She said suddenly and leaned back from him and he furrowed his brows. "El, we don't know for su—" "she saw me, she sensed me, said Jane... I-I think I'm Jane, James..." She said and he just nodded softly. "W-we can't go, you know that, El." He frowns.

She turned away and he looks at the files. "We can go, um, when my dad gets home, I'll ask him, it'll be worth a try. I'll even take you." He says and she just nods softly, sniffling again. "Now, let's clean up, okay?" He stood up, then sighed, crouching down and putting the files together and setting them into the box. He was about to put them back but she stops him, "I-I wanna keep them. In my room." She simply said and grabbed the box.

"Okay..." He said hesitantly and closed the hatch in the floor. He continued sweeping for her as she went to hide the box in her bedroom. He sighed when the phone rang out of nowhere. He walked over and picked up, "James Hopper Junior." He said and Steve sighed in response. "She skipped with Jonathan yesterday and hasn't shown up..." He said and James frowned, looking down.

"Harrington, I'm sure it's nothing, now, I'm busy and have to get back to—" "I was sure you'd be with them too... I-I kind of hoped you were, sorry, but did I do something or say something to make you stay home and avoid me?" He said and James scoffed softly. "Wh-what? Uh, no, no... Harrington, don't worry about it, I just have things to do." He sighed and El walks out of her room.

"Who's that?" She asked softly and Steve got confused. "Who's that?" He said and James pursed his lips. "No one, I gotta go." He said and hung up suddenly before turning around. He looked at El and crossed his arms. "Who's that?" She repeated, this time a bit more louder and he sighed. "Uh, n-no one, just a friend..." He shrugged.

"El, can I tell you something?" He said suddenly as he looked up at her. "Yeah. Anything." She nodded and he sighed. "I-I think I like a boy, but... I'm not suppose to." He says and she furrows her brows. "Well, why not? I-I like a boy, and that's okay." She says, finding nothing wrong with it and he smiles, looking away. "Yeah, well... some people wouldn't like it..." He sits down on the couch.

"Why?" She said with a confused look and he sighs. "Some people think it isn't allowed..." He says and she sighs, nodding slowly. "Was it him?" She smiled suddenly and pointed at the phone. He just smiled, turning red before nodding.

authors note we need to see more of lucas' home life and that's on that. :)

also before anyone says, eL dOeSn't TaLk LiKe ThAt well,,, let me explain,
1. james is a writer
2. james loves books
3. james is a loner
thus explaining the concept: he'd mostly be at the cabin half of the time anyway while hopper is at work so he'd get to teach her all day after hopper leaves. i didn't know if that was clear.

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