xx. the upside down.

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     AT THE hospital, James only stood in the doorway and stared at Max's unconscious body laying on the hospital bed, Lucas was reading a story to her as Erica sat quietly nearby, watching over her big brother. "Hey, guys..." Lucas says with a hoarse voice, looking over. "Hey." James whispered, staying there, his feet planted to the floor as Steve looks at him.

"James?" Steve whispers and James quickly shook his head, turning around. "No, I--I don't want to see her like this." He slipped out the door as Lucas glanced back at Erica who's frowning. Outside in the hall, Steve grabs James' arm gently. "James, James..." He whispers and the taller turns to look at him.

"Max needs you... Maybe if you talk to her for a bit, it--it could help." He whispers and James glanced down. "What would I even say?" He says quietly and Steve brushed his thumb against the back of James' hand. "Tell her how you feel..." He says quietly then looked into the hospital room, waving at the Sinclairs who both got up, walking to the door and James looked at them. "Sorry for interrupting your visit with her..." He tells the pair of siblings.

"That's okay." Lucas said and caught James off guard when he hugged him. James hugged back quickly and when Lucas pulled back, Erica hugged him next. James looked inside the room, sighing before heading inside. He slowly approached the bed, watching Max carefully, the redness around her closed eyes, her arms and legs all in casts. The sight of her made James' eyes well up with tears.

He slowly sat down, "hey, kid." He whispers, reaching out and grabbing her hand which he then quickly retracted. "Sorry, that's a little weird." He said and chuckled but then glanced at her hand. "But if it brings you any comfort, I guess I'll hold your hand." He whispers, grabbing her limp hand gently. "It was supposed to be a see you later, Max... it should've been me." His face contorts into a pained look.

"And I can tell, a lot of us have always felt that way... Nancy with Barb... Joyce with Bob... me with my dad... you with Billy... but honestly, in all realness, fuck the Upside Down and fuck Vecna. Because now it took you and Eddie." His tears escape past his eyes, shaking his head. "And I don't know if you can even hear me, but please keep fighting Max. You have a family here waiting for you." He whispered and then leaned down, putting his hand over Max's hand, closing his eyes. "You have El, you have Lucas, you have Dustin and you have me and Steve... please, if you're in there." He whispered and then glanced up at her.

Still unconscious. No sign of anything. He pulls his hand back, sighing. He fiddled with his hands on his lap. "See you later, Max." He whispers, standing up before heading out the door. "Can we head home now?" He asked Steve right away and the other two just sent him sympathetic looks, because it always shows when he cried. Red, glossy eyes.

"Yes, of course..." Steve says right away, walking together down the hall. In the car, James stared out the window and when the car came to a park in the driveway of the Hendersons home, he glanced over at Steve. "Hey... are we okay?" He whispers and the Harrington nodded quickly. "Of course... do--do you want to be a couple again? We--we don't have to jump right into it after everything and I know you had... something with Eddie, so--" "I--I did like Eddie. I really did. But I love you." James says and Steve glanced up at him.

"I love you too..." He said and leaned over the middle, bringing his lips to James'. The Hopper kissed back, pulling Steve closer as he leaned over the middle as well, his hand on Steve's neck as the brunette's was on his face. Their kiss is the same as the one in the Upside Down, messy, full of passion but this time, James had tears flowing down his face, as did Steve's. James pulled back, their foreheads together as Steve chuckled softly.

"I missed this... I missed you especially." He glanced up into James' green eyes as his boyfriend caressed his face gently with his thumb. "I missed you more." James whispered quietly and the brown eyed boy just blushed, smiling before leaning in again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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