ix. bad men.

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THE GROUP of seven now stood in a room where James saw had photos of men and newspaper articles up on one of the walls. Some had black X's over them or writing in green or red. "These are the bad men, as you call them. The ones we believe are still alive. Do you know any?" Kali asked as she looked at El to her side who scanned the wall, looking at all of the pictures.

"Him." She said and grabbed the photo of a man with a beard, it was a newspaper that announced he was retired. "He hurt mama." She says and James looked at her with furrowed brows. "His name is Ray Caroll. And he did more than hurt your mother." Kali said and James looked at her right away, wondering if he did something to her as well, since she grew up in the lab as well.

"The bad men like Ray, they know about us. It's made them hard to track. But maybe not anymore." Kali said and looked at El who quickly crumpled up the paper angrily. "El, they-they want you to look for him, is that okay?" James asked and El looked at her and slowly nodded her head.

In the other room, El sat down and James changed the channel on a radio before holding out the blindfold towards El who took it and wrapped it around her head and tied it behind her head. "Complete silence, please," James said as he stood up and El held the paper with the man on it tightly in her hands. She suddenly ripped it in half while looking in the void and clenched her hands in tiny fists around each piece of the paper.

She took off the blindfold and nodded at James and Kali, then the two looked at one another. Dottie searched through a telephone book as she sat on the floor, "Gramercy Apartments. Washington and Bethel. That's gotta be it, right?" Dottie says as she handed the book to Kali.

"Lilburn, where is that?"

"About an hour east."

"We don't even have a new ride."

"So we swap plates. We have plates, right?" Kali asked and James looked at each and everyone of the group members. "Yeah." Axel nodded as he sat near El. "It's risky." Mick tells her. "And where's the fun if there's no risk? We want to give my sister and Jamie a memorable first day, right?" Kali said as she glanced from El and James to her friends. "I'm in. For Miss Jane." Funshine says.

"Yeah, sure. Why not? Mick?"

"Screw it!"

The getting ready started then, all of them standing up and knowing where to go except for James and El who turned to one another, confused. Then Kali grabbed El's shoulders and smirked at James. "You have a weapon?" She asked and James shrugs. "I-I might have a hairspray can and I always have my lighter on me..." He says and she grins.

And then it started, El was given a makeover by Dottie and Kali as James watched then Dottie went over to James. "Your hair would look really nice, styled like this..." She said and he looks up at her. "El's the model here." He simply says and she smirks down at him. "So are you, pretty boy. We aren't letting you walk around with us looking like this." He says and James huffed at that.

Dottie first started with swifting his hair to the side and using gel to make it stick like that, then grabbed an eyeliner tube before gliding it along his eye. "Here, J, wear these." Kali said and tossed James a leather jacket and a pair of black jeans. "Um..." James said but got into the jeans anyway in front of them, "and these too," Kali handed him a pair of black boots, he slipped them on and tied them up before standing up.

The others appear at the door and Kali went to stand by it as Dottie turned El around in her seat. "Bitchin'." Dottie said, smirking as she glanced up and down at James. "Bitchin'." El repeated and James pats her shoulder. "Hey, language," he whispered to her. The group left soon later with their supplies, weapons and approached a van with a blue tarp over it that Mick pulls off.

The whole drive, they listened to music and Mick smoked cigarettes as they jammed out. Kali kept putting masks over El's face to see which one suited her most as James just took out a pack of his cigarettes, he was running out. He glanced up at El who looked happy. Being here.

He couldn't help the small feeling of jealousy he got because of it, glancing down. Kali put a mask on her and looked to the others. "Guys, this one?" She asked and both Dottie and Funshine nod then Kali looked at James, patting his knee. James looked at El and saw her wearing a baby face looking kind of mask. He simply smiles and nods.

At a gas station, Mick parked the van and they all got out, James got out of the van and turned to Kali who El stopped with a hand on her shoulder. "What are we doing?" The girl asked and James looks at her then at Kali. "Stocking up." Kali said before walking away, brushing past James.

"Come on, Ellie," James nodded for her and she got out of the van, following behind him. The group quickly went around the gas station, looking around as Kali came to a halt and looked at the worker. "Hey, your bathroom is leaking." She nods towards the door and the man leaned over right away and whatever Kali was making him see, he definitely saw as he spoke, "oh, shit."

"Yes. Shit." Kali said as the man now walked weirdly to the door and opened it, walking inside. "Okay, contestants, you have a minute and a half, let's begin your supermarket sweep!" Axel said and James looked towards behind the counter. They had the cigarettes he smokes, Marlboro, he quickly went around the counter and grabbed three packs, stuffing them into the leather jacket he had on. He turns around and saw El grabbing boxes out of a refrigerator which looked like boxes of Eggos. He chuckled and shook his head.

Axel jumps over the counter, "move it, pretty boy." He says as he grabbed a brown paper bag and opened the cash register. James helped put the money into the bag but then quickly froze when he heard the man. "Hey! Put that back, or I'll blow both your heads off." He said and James looked over to see the man holding up a gun.

"You hear me, freaks?" He said and both of them held up their hands. "Put the gun down." Kali said as she walked over with her hands held up a bit. "Stay back. Stay back." The man repeated twice as he went back and forth from aiming it at James and Axel then to Kali. "Darrel, your money is insured. We're only stealing from the war criminal billionaires who own this place. You won't even lose a dime." Kali tried to persuade him further.

"I said stay back."

"We're on the same side. I promise."

"Stay back."

El walks out of one of the aisles, raising her hand and screaming as she used her powers to throw the man back towards the wall, "damn, Shirley." Axel said as they approached the man who was now passed out. Then they heard sirens. "Let's go! Go! Go, go, go, go!" Funshine said as they ran out of the gas station. "Mick! We gotta go, Mick!" Axel said to their driver who was gassing up. They all quickly get into the van and Mick drove off fast.

When they got there, it was nightfall and James was leaning against the van wall and smoking a cigarette. "We should case the place, stick to the routine. We have time." Mick said as she looked back at them. "We also have her. Can you look?" Kali asked El who James now looked at. She closed her eyes and it dodn't take long before she opened her eyes. "He's watching television." She says.

"Is he alone?"

"I saw him. No one else." El answered Mick. "Good enough for me." Kali said as she looked at El. "Me, too." Dottie said and they all go to put on their masks. "Let's do this." Funshine says as he also put on his mask. "Keep it running." Kali said. "Meet you around back." Mick replied with.

Kali looks at James who was staring at his mask. "No hesitating, are you?" She asked and he simply put on the mask. "Not at all..." He said and they opened the van door. They will pile out and walk towards the building. He was sort of unsure.

authors note james: i'm not a regular brother, i'm a cool brother who will kill men with u 😎

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