vii. jazzercise.

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JAMES HAD an arm around his boyfriend's waist, both of them nude under the covers as Steve laid his head onto his chest, cuddling closer to him and James closed his eyes, sighing softly. James rubbed his back gently, trailing all the way up to Steve's head where he ran his fingers through his hair. "I need a shower..." Steve whispers, reaching up and touching James' face.

"Okay..." James rubbed his hips with his other hand from where it rested. "Will you still be here when I get out?" Steve mumbled and James nods, kissing the top of his head, smiling a bit. "Of course, Stevie..." He whispers and Steve smiled, getting off of his lap and pulling on his boxers before exiting his room to go to the bathroom.

James got changed and adjusted Steve's covers before getting under the covers and closing his eyes. It wasn't long after when he felt Steve get into the bed next to him and cuddle up next to him, wrapping his arms around James' waist. "Goodnight." Steve whispered.

"Goodnight... I love you." James mumbled as he rubbed Steve's back. He didn't leave until Steve fell asleep on him, gently moving him before he finally got out of the bed. He left the Harrington home and got into his car, driving himself home.

"Hi." He said as he walked into the cabin and saw his dad was drinking from a mug, sitting on his usual chair in front of the television. He walks into his bedroom, having to go to bed early so he can wake up early for work the next day. He pulled off his shirt and his pants, getting into bed in just his boxers before falling asleep quickly.

The next morning, he woke up and exited his bedroom, walking over to the bathroom where he stood and brushed his teeth. He turned around to see Max and El in the kitchen. "Sorry." He said and quickly rushed off to his room where he pulled on a shirt and a pair of shorts. He exited the room and went back to the bathroom.

Max was giggling and hiding it making him furrow his brows and spit into the sink before rinsing his toothbrush. He turned around and walked over to the kitchen where he made some coffee and poured himself a bowl of cereal. "Um, James, I'm gonna go sleepover at Max's today." El says and James nods. "Just write dad a note," he says and she nodded, walking over to where his notepad was sitting, picking up James' pen next to it.

"Write sleeping over at Max's." He says and she nodded, writing it down. "With you, the writer, around, El picked up on reading and writing fast, didn't she?" Max smiled as she turned to James who just glanced up at her. "Uh, sure, I guess..." He shrugs before looking at El.

"Make sure to write who wrote the note. Add a dash and your name." He says and she nodded. "We're gonna go." She said as she hung up the note onto the refrigerator. "Okay." James says as he continued to enjoy his cereal and the two girls left. He finished his breakfast and his coffee before leaving the cabin and got into his car, driving off.

At work, James was working on the display in the front of the store when he saw Dustin and Steve coming up the escalator in a rush. He exits the store to find them hiding. "What are you two doing?" He whispered as he snuck up behind them. "Shh! We might have found our evil Russian." Steve nodded towards the Jazzercise place.

"Alright, everyone, listen up!" The man walking in exclaimed. He unzipped his duffle bag. "I just have one question for you. Who... is ready to sweat?" He took out a speaker from it and the woman in there cheered loudly for him. "That's right!" He exclaimed as he pressed the play button and Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go started playing. "Okay! Let's start it nice and easy now." He says.

James glanced from side to side, his brows furrowed. "Let's move our thighs. Yeah! Yeah, ladies, let's warm it up. Bring it down to your hips. Start feeling that burn, everywhere, down in the loins, right?" The man said and James looks at Steve who's mouth was gaped so he nudged him.

James followed Steve and Dustin down the escalator, the two bickering as they went. They enter Scoops, "Hey, Robin, you're not gonna believe who these two dummies thought was a Russian." James said as he now walked ahead of them. "Steve did!" Dustin patted Steve. "I did not!" Steve exclaimed and Robin just rushed past them.

"Rob?" James called out but the girl just ran off and they all approach her as she stood in the middle of the food court, up on the benches. "Hey, what's going on?" James asked her and she looked at him before holding out her hand. He held out his and she jumped down. "I cracked it." She says and smiled widely at him. "Cracked what?" Steve asked and Robin looked to them then back at James. "I cracked the code." She tells them.

"Told you a super genius was gonna crack it! You're the super genius!" James said and then the two pulled each other in a hug, Steve watching them with furrowed eyebrows before James pulled back, clearing his throat. "Come on, let's go back to Scoops and you can fill us in." He says before leading them away off to the ice cream parlor.













authors note jopper's conversation in the lab in the third episode... 🥺🥺
"you have people who care about you. right here. in hawkins." PLS CAN THEY JUST KISS AND BE HAPPY TOGETHER

+ hi everyone just wanted you all to know i appreciate you all, your comments can be really funny and make my day. :)

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