x. going home.

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EL STOOD there, unlocking the door using her powers and once the door was unlocked, they took a minute then opened the door. They all walk in one by one, sneaking up on the man in the living room. "Hello, Ray." Kali said and the man quickly looked over his shoulder at them.

"Jesus Christ!" Ray says and was about to run into the kitchen but Funshine stands in his way. "Sit down. Please." He said and Ray backed away. "I said sit." Funshine grabbed him and forced him onto the couch chair. "Just, please... just take what you want." He said to the group. "Oh, we will." Axel says as he leaned over the Dottie did the same, "where's your wallet?" She asked the man.

"Bedroom. My bedroom. My jeans."

"Come on." Dottie grabbed James and Axel's shoulders, heading down the hall. James followed reluctantly. They searched through the drawers of a dresser and James just looked around. "Got it." Axel said and Dottie simply stood up.

He can hear thuds and shouting from the livingroom and he just listened. He walked out and rushed to the room where El raised her hand, he stopped and stood there for a couple of seconds. She was strangling him using his powers and the man was turning red in his whole face but then she saw a picture on the floor next to him.

"El?" He whispered and she stopped, looking at him. "What's wrong? What's wrong?" Kali asked and James just stepped over the man and put his arms around El. "We got a problem." Axel tells them. "Kids in the apartment."

"Did he show your mother mercy? No." Kali said and James looks at her. "Kali. Don't force her to." He said and El just looked up at him. "We got to go, K. They called the cops." Axel tells them and James looks at Kali. "Jane, now!" She says and James glared. "She isn't a dog you give orders to." He said and Kali sighs, taking a gun out.

She aimed it to his head, cocking it and she was about to pull the trigger but El nodded her head to the side and it went flying through the window. "Kali, we gotta go!" Axel says and they all ran to leave the apartment, getting into the van. "If you wanted to show mercy, that is your choice. But don't you ever take away mine. Ever." Kali said and James glanced up at the girl.

"Do you understand? Do you understand?" She says and El just turns away, glancing at James who stared at the floor of the van. The drive was long and when they got there, James walked over to Mick. He takes out a cigarette to light up as well. He looked out the window then looked at her.

"You kinda look better like this." She said and pointed towards his hair. He looked away and smiled to himself a bit faintly. He heard El screaming upstairs and he quickly rushed off. He rushed up the stairs and saw her on the bed, crying. Kali was kneeling in front of her. "This isn't a prison, Jane. You're always free to return to your policeman with his son. Or stay, and avenge your mother. Let us heal our wounds together." She says before standing up and leaving the room, walking past James who now walked over to El, kneeling.

"Hey, you okay?" He whispered and she looked down, sniffling softly. "Ellie," he frowned and looked at what she was holding. She straightened it out and hugged it to her chest. She must have been thinking of her friends and Jim back home. She held it tighter to herself and he sat there, looking at her. She must have gone into the void.

She opened her eyes and looked out the door, he heard the loud banging too. They both quickly got up and went to the windows. Kali tapped them both. "Let's go." She whispered and James quickly followed the two sisters, to where Kali's friends were. "What the hell's going on?" Axel asked as the three ran in. "They found us!" Kali says.

"Jesus! Jesus Christ!" Axel took out a gun and Kali lowered it. "No, no, no," she said and James grabbed a hold of El, pulling her closer and she wrapped her arms around his waist tightly as Kali tells them to stay calm and quiet. The police walk in and look around, Kali probably using her powers and making them appear as if they were never here. El held onto James a little tighter when a policeman passed by them. Once they were all gone, they ran and left the warehouse. Outside, there were more police, Axel started shooting.

They hid behind the van and El was holding onto James' arm tightly. Kali focused and started having a nose bleed before the group quickly stood up and got into the van, except for El and James. "Jane, James, get in." Kali said and James looked at El. "I'm sorry," she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I have to go back. My friends... My friends are in danger." El said and James looked up at Kali.

"This isn't time for a talk. We got to go right now!" Axel shouts over Kali's shoulder and James put a hand to El's shoulder. "Your mother sent you here for a reason, remember?" Kali said and James sighed. "Kali, she's... she's made up her mind." He said and Kali looks at Eleven.

"There's nothing there for you back there. They cannot save you, Jane." She said, still trying to convince her and El shakes her head. "No. But I can save them." She said and James smiled. "Let's go..." She whispered to James and the two ran off together, holding onto one another's hands as Kali yelled after El, "Jane! Jane!"

After they lost the cops, James and El walked to James' car. "Oh, she's still here!" He put his arms on the hood and El just stood there. "She?" She said and he looks up at her. "Cleo... Her name is Cleopatra and she's still here." He said and rubbed the hood of it. "What's that?" El pointed.

He looked and saw it was a clamp on the front tire. "Fuck," he mumbled and glanced up at her. "Don't think you can take it off, can you?" He asked and she just raised her hand, focusing. It came off suddenly and he took it away, throwing it to the side. "Come on, get in, we have a long drive ahead of us..." He said as he unlocked the car and got in. She gets in, strapping her seatbelt on as he threw his backpack into the backseat.

"Ellie, where to?" He asked as he drove and she looked at him. "Home... we're going home." She put her hand on his and he smiled. "Home... home it is." He simply said and they drove for what seemed like hours before they finally got to Hawkins, passing the sign welcoming them.

"Look for dad... My dad. Look for him." He tells her and she closed her eyes, focusing before opening them. "At Will's..." She said and he started driving to the Byers home where he slowed down and parked next to his dad's police car. He spots a dog-like creature and pointed. She got out quickly and he did the same, "be careful." He says.

She used her powers to kill it before throwing it towards the window in the front of the house. "El," he sighed and walked with her towards the front door. He tried to open it but it was locked. He looked at her, "are you sure they're—" "yes." She cut him off and he simply nodded softly.









authors note ngl james would use his homemade flame thrower and attack any person who ships billy and eleven because what the fuck >:(

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