xxiii. protecting.

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THE THREE pairs were divided all around the second floor of the mall. Lucas threw a firework that hit the right side of the Mind Flayer which started to screech loudly in pain. "Flay this, you ugly piece of shit!" Lucas throws another one, right into the mouth of the Mind Flayer.

Jonathan and Nancy throw some as well as James lights one up. "Hey, asshole! Over here!" Steve shouted and grunts as he throws one at it. They kept throwing fireworks until they ran out of fireworks and James watched at the rail where Billy stood in front of the Mind Flayer.

The monster was about to flay El when Billy stopped it, "no!" He screamed out and James watched with a confused face. Did he just save El? The creature screeched as more tentacles grew out, digging into his sides and he shouted out. But then he stops, as the tentacles held him up, before another came out and stabbed him in the chest.

James watched at the monster then dropped Billy, Max calling out her step-brother's name and started screeching in pain, it was dying. James backed away, right into Steve who pulled him closer. "It's over... it's-it's over..." James whispered before he turned around to face Steve.

Outside the mall, James was sitting in one of the ambulances with Steve. He was staring at the ground when he looked up and saw Will running towards his mom. He got up, throwing the blanket off of him and walked out into the open, looking around. His dad was nowhere to be seen, but Joyce was here? He stared in confusion.

El walked over to him as Joyce looked over her son's shoulder to look at him. El stopped by James, "where's dad?" She said, grabbing his hand and James just gave Joyce that look. And Joyce just shook his head softly in response.

And that confirmed it.

Jim Hopper died down in the Russian base. "No..." He said softly, staring at the two and El gave a confused look up at her brother. El looked over at Joyce and Will as well. "James?" She said softly and James turned to her. "Uh... Jim... he, uh... he..." He paused and looked down at their hands, a couple of tears escaping, down his cheeks.

"No..." El said and James sighed. He looked down at her, then just pulled her into a hug, she sobbed into his chest, holding onto him tightly. He cried even harder knowing that El was crying.

James ended up going to sleep at Steve's place that night, not being able to fall asleep right away but rather laying with his head on Steve's chest. "You okay...?" Steve rubbed his back and James just stared at the wall. "Yeah..." James sighed, simply looking up at his boyfriend who frowned.

"It's okay to cry about it..." He whispers and James puts his face into Steve's neck. "I told you I had a bad idea about not going with my dad..." James said as his eyes welled up with tears again making Steve lay onto his side. "Hey... you can't blame yourself or anyone else." He puts his hand to James' face gently. "He wanted you safe for that exact reason, it wasn't safe down there..." He added.

James pursed his lips, shaking his head before letting out a deep breath. "I should've been there, Steve... I-I would've..." He stopped and Steve sighed, rubbing his cheekbone with his thumb. "Hey, he was protecting you like any father would, the roles cannot be reversed with a parent and their child... okay?" Steve told him.

James just let out a soft gasp, moving closer and hugging Steve tightly. Steve held him the whole time that night until he fell asleep and when he woke up, he was no longer held by Steve and got up to get dressed. He headed over to the Byers home to see if El was doing any better.

He found her trying her powers in Will's room where she was allowed to stay for the night. He walked back down the hall to the kitchen where Joyce was. "Mrs. Byers..." He whispered and the woman looked over. "Yeah, James?" She smiled faintly, clearly trying to keep a strong facade on.

"Um... would you be able to take care of El for a while?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck and she nods. "Of course..." She said and he walked over, sighing as he sits down. "Actually... like forever?" He whispered and looked up at her. "I'm going to New York at the end of August... For college." He said and she sits down across him.

"Yeah... sure." She nodded and James sighed as he looked down. "Just... gonna go by the cabin, pack up some things and I guess ask if I can crash at Nancy's for a while." He shrugged lightly and she glanced around. "James?" She said.

"Yeah?" He glanced up at her and she sighed, reaching over and putting his hands over his. "You can stay here..." She said and he slowly nods, "yeah?" He says and she nodded, smiling faintly. "You can stay in my room, the boys and I can stay in Jonathan's room, for as long as before you go off to college, okay?" She smiled.

And so, James did go by the cabin, he and El walking in and looking around. Memories filled his head as he glanced at El. "Pack up your clothes in this bag, okay?" He smiled faintly as he handed her a bag. She nodded before going over to her room. James went into his and packed up all of his things and looked all around the room, sighing.

He walked out and saw El in her room, sobbing softly as she stood in the middle of it. He walked in and walked over to her, putting his arms around him. "Hey... it's okay," he whispered to her as he rubbed her back. He pulled back and sighed. "Let's head back to the Byers', okay?" He smiled and caressed her hair gently. She nodded.

authors note hah... yeah... so... 😳
soo... the original idea was that james would go down to the russian base with hopper and "die" like he did. ✌️😂 but i decided against it.

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