ii. work it out.

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     THAT NIGHT in Steve's room, James walked over and wrapped his arms around Steve. "Hi," he mumbled and Steve smiled, reaching up to the hat from his uniform. "Aw, don't, you look cute." He says and Steve blushed, turning his head to look at James who leaned in, cupping Steve's cheek. Their lips connected and Steve pulled him closer.

James pulls back, "can we just... sit and talk? Like seriously..." He says and Steve looked surprised, just staring at his boyfriend. "Um... like what?" He asked and James glanced down, biting his bottom lip. "You're not gonna break up with me, are you?" He said and James looked up immediately to see the expression on Steve's face.

He looked scared, like as if James was going to. "What? No, no, no," he grabbed both of Steve's hands and sighed. "Of course not." He brought up one of his boyfriend's hand up to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles, smiling. "Your hands smell like ice cream... it's nice." He said before looking up and seeing the same scared look was still on Steve's face. "Sorry, it's just that, last time I got broken up with, she said I was bullshit, what we were was bullshit, our love or whatever... I-I don't want a repeat, you know, a bad break-up or whatever..." He said as he shrugged.

"Steve." James said and sighed, "I... love you." He says and Steve smiled softly. "Like... really?" He says and James nodded, leaning in. He kissed Steve once more before pulling back. "I-I rarely say that to people... um, but I do, I mean it." He nods and Steve sighed, reaching up to the side of James' face as he leaned in again, kissing him.

Their kiss deepened this time as James' hands went to Steve's lower back, pulling him closer until he pulled away again suddenly. "Right, what I-I wanted to talk about..." He said as he puts his hands to Steve's shoulders, sighing softly.

He looked into Steve's eyes, "we have to talk about it, Stevie... we graduated, together, great for us, right?" He held his hands to Steve's cheeks now, smiling and Steve nodded right away. "Yeah... I-I'm glad we did." He smiled and James glanced down. "But... you refuse to talk about college."

"Fine. James... I-I applied to every possible college, like ever," he said as he turned away and James furrowed his brows. "And?" He says as he sat properly next to Steve. "I didn't get in! To any of them. Not even Tech. No college wants me, okay? And you? You get to go off to New York while I stick around here, working minimum wage and... fuck! Dressing like an idiot." He said as he ripped off his sailor hat. James sighed, looking around his room, "okay, then we'll work it out."

"How? What? You'll stay? I can't do that to you, Jamie. I can't make you stay because I didn't get accepted into college." Steve says as he looked over at James who looked back at him. "No. I-I know... I just... don't like the thought of us having to split up. I-I really love you and I don't wanna mess it up with us." He says as he grabs Steve's hand. "Me neither... but, hey, it's fine, I-I didn't get into college, who cares?" He mumbled as he looked away and James just frowns. "I care." He says.

"Come on... we can always... move together?" He says the idea like it was bad and Steve looked up at him right away. "To... t-to New York?" He says and James nodded his head. "You can come with me... you get a job and I-I do my college thing, and we'll work on it for the year, your college thing." He says and Steve just stares at him.

"What job can I get with a high school diploma, J?" He says and James sighs, looking away. "Not a lot, but enough while working out the college thing for now," he looks back at Steve who just looked down. "I-I get it." He nods and sighed, "but it won't be easy. I mean, we'll be living with each other and having to manage our time together... And above all of that, you'll be so focused on college, will it even work out?" He says and James nods.

"Because we work well together, don't we? I mean, come on, we faced a Demogorgon together. This is a piece of cake. Okay? I'll make sure you get into college if it's the last thing I ever do." He says with a smile before leaning in and kissing Steve.

Steve kissed back instantly, his hands going up to the back of James' neck as he laid down, smiling into their kiss. James ended up on top of him, holding him tightly and Steve loved this feeling, feeling safe in another person's arms, feeling loved in someone else's arms. It was nothing like he ever felt before. He pulled away and that's when James pulled off their clothes, throwing them to the side until they were completely nude.

James smiled and leaned down, "me and you." He whispered before pressing his lips to Steve's. Steve only nodded in response, his fingers tangling into the hair at the back of James head. Then he tugged, his mouth slightly open as he closed his eyes. He started pulling as James' nails dug into his skin on his lower back, surely making marks. Heavy breathing filled the air and then James stopped and pushed all of Steve's hair back.

Steve looked up at him, those mesmerizing brown eyes staring into green eyes. James smiled, wiping away the sweat on his forehead, sniffing slightly. "I love you." He whispers and now that he's said it to Steve, he won't stop saying it or thinking about it. "I love you..." Steve says before leaning up and kissing James again, quite passionately.

authors note just thinking about their Height Difference. bill's a whopping 6'4 and joe's a 5'11 baby, there is major height difference and i am simply just Living For It.

 bill's a whopping 6'4 and joe's a 5'11 baby, there is major height difference and i am simply just Living For It

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