v. except them.

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     WHILE JONATHAN took Nancy home to her place, James started walking home and when he got there, he shut the door behind him and leaned agaimsy the door, sighing loudly as he closed his eyes. He went straight to his room and sat down at the end of his bed. He sighed and laid down, closing his eyes. He ended up going to bed early that night, dressed in his plaid pyjamas.

The next morning, he ate breakfast and got dressed into a completely different outfit, jeans, a black shirt with a flannel over it and a jean jacket over that, he left the trailer and started walking to the Wheeler's home right when Nancy and Jonathan were sneaking out of Nancy's room.

He quickly jogged over to them and held out his hands, "come on," he tells Nancy who jumped down, caught by James who let her down onto the ground. "I did some research, and I think the creature I saw, that took the deer is attracted to blood, that's why it came and took away the deer," she said and he simply nodded, looking at Jonathan who jumped down and they go over to the car. "Are you doing okay, after last night, I mean?" James asked as he leaned over as they drove and Nancy quickly nods, pulling all of her hair together so she can put it into a ponytail.

"I forgot a hair tie..." She sighed and he looked down at his wrist. Carefully, he slipped it off and held it out towards her, she looked at him. "Um, are you sure?" She asked. James doesn't tell people, but Nancy knew, Jonathan knew, everyone knew about his sister and she figured that's where he got it. He simply nodded his head.

"Take it." He smiles and she took it hesitantly then tied up her hair into her ponytail. At the store, the three teens search for stuff for their plan, putting them into baskets they were holding. James approached a bear trap and smiled widely as Jonathan and Nancy walk over, standing on either sides of him. "Oh, hell yeah..." He said and picked it up to put into the basket he was holding.

At the counter, they set the things down and Nancy emptied her basket and James' as the man just watched her, glancing at James then at Jonathan as she did. "And I'll have four boxes of the .38s." Jonathan said once she was done.

He went over and grabbed the boxes of ammo before coming back over and setting them down. "What are you kids doing with all this?" He asked and Nancy and Jonathan look at one another before looking at James who smiles. "Monster hunting." He says and Jonathan quickly looks at him with a bewildered look. "Huh." The man scoffed. They leave the store, holding the supplies and approaching Jonathan's car which Jonathan opened the trunk of as he asked, "monster hunting?" He looks at James who just smiles at him. "It's what Nancy said." He looked to the girl who just smiled back at him.

James sets the box into the trunk as Nancy spoke, "you know, last week... I was shopping for a new top I thought Steve might like." She said and James tensed at the mention of Steve. Steve Harrington. Christ, the things he'd do to him.

That sounds utterly wrong. And not how he meant it. "It took me and Barb all weekend. It seemed like life or death, you know? And... and now—" "You're shopping for bear traps with Jonathan I'm a weirdo Byers and James I'm the lone wolf Hopper." James said as he looked to the girl. "Yeah." Nancy said and James chuckles as he closed the trunk, Jonathan locking it before looking at Nancy. "What's the weirdest part? Us or the bear trap?" Jonathan asked her and Nancy smiles.

"You guys. It's definitely you guys." She said and James glanced between the two with furrowed brows then smirked to himself as he looked down. A maroon car passed by, a guy looking out the open window, "hey Nance! Can't wait to see your movie." As the car drove off, the three teens can hear him laughing. "What the hell was that?" Jonathan said as James reached into his pocket.

"I don't know." Nancy said, James almost couldn't hear her as he looked at her. She turned around, "what?" Jonathan said as James took out his pack of cigarettes. "What?" Jonathan repeated before Nancy ran off. Of course, he ran after her. James just put a cigarette to his lips and lit it up. He leaned against the car, smoking his cigarette as he watched the two run off to God knows where.

He smoked a cigarette, a whole cigarette while waiting for them when a cop car showed up, "why are... my friends in the back, Callahan?" He asked the deputy who got out of the car. "James Hopper Junior." The cop simply said and James sighed, lighting up another cigarette.

"You should cut down on those, James," Officer Powell said and James looked towards the back seat where Jonathan was with Nancy. "You gonna let them go?" He looked to the other two. "He assaulted a police officer." Callahan said and James rolled his eyes. "I'll drive his car to the station..." He held out his hand and Powell just tossed it to him. "Drive behind us." He said and James nodded before going to the driver's side of the car.

On the way to the police station, James reached for his wrist and realized he didn't have Sara's elastic. He bite his bottom lip and parked the car next to the cop car before getting out of the car and throwing the keys back over to Powell. "So... we gonna let them go now or later? Because they're gonna be let off either way, my dad is like in love with Jonathan's mother." He said as he leaned against the car. "Jim Junior?" James perked up.

"We're not letting them go, not the boy at least." Powell said and James sighed before heading inside. "Hi Flo." He smiled at her and she glanced up at him. "Jim Junior..." She said and he sighed. "My dad here?" He asked and she shook her head. "Can you try and get him here for me?" He asked her and she sighed, "I'm sure if your friend got into some trouble, the deputies already let him know." She said and he sets his chin on his hand.

"You know what, Flo?" He smiled and she sighs again. "What?" She said and he reached over, booping her nose. "You're my favourite in this whole fucking police station." Then he turned around right as Callahan and Powell bring Jonathan and Nancy inside. They lead them to their desks and James stood at the door, sighing.

"My dad will be here any second, Jonathan." He said and sat across from him and Nancy. "Until then, sit tight, and because of the handcuffs, I mean, you have no choice." He said and Jonathan simply flips him off with one hand. "I'm gonna go get some ice." Nancy informs them before standing up and walking away from them.

James looks at Jonathan, "what happened?" He said and Jonathan sighs. "There was a writing on the cinema, where the titles of movies are displayed, it said something... about Nancy and it was Steve who did it, I tried to make her leave, so we can continue our little mission but then he just... got on my nerves you know. He talked about my family and I just... snapped." He said and James smirked. "Wow, Jonathan Byers letting loose and getting into fights." He said and Jonathan chuckles, looking down.

"Found some ice." Nancy said as she sat down next to Jonathan. "Thanks." He said and moved his hands, probably to take the ice but then Nancy raised the cloth covered ice to his face. James glanced between the two, Nancy looking away as Jonathan stared at her. "Everything okay?" He asked and Nancy looked at him.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." She says and James looked around as they looked at one another. They were definitely into each other, James knows, Hell, probably everyone knows except them.










authors note i love coffee 🤘😝 also sorry i haven't been updating... 😳😳

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