iv. he's back!

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JAMES WAS having breakfast, glancing outside often at El who was pacing back and forth, looking for her boyfriend. She walked in, leaving the door wide open as she did. "Hey, is everything okay?" James asked her and she just went up to the phone, dialing a number. "Yes." She answered and James furrowed his brows at her.

"Can I talk to Mike?" She said into the phone and James glanced over again, continuing to eat his cereal and toast. "It's 9:32. Where are you?" El said as she walked into her room, the door slamming shut behind her. El walked out, putting the phone back down. "Hey, what's going on?" Jim asked her as James watched her walk back into her room, slamming the door behind her.

James turned to look at his dad, a glare on his face, "what did you do?" He asked and Jim just kept smiling and eating his cereal. "Nothing, nothing at all, hey, I gotta go, kid." He says as he grabbed his things. James sighed, rolling his eyes, "you shouldn't be meddling into their relationship, dad," he says but his dad just walked out of the cabin. He shook his head, picking up his bowl and going over to the sink to set it into it. He puts away everything else, dishes, cereal and the milk.

El walked out of her room and stood in the way of James who was about to walk to his room. "Do boyfriends lie?" She asked as she crossed her arms. "Boyfriends? Lie? What? No." He shook his head and she furrows her brows. "So, Steve never lies to you?" She says and he sighed.

"I mean... there was that time he didn't want to talk about college, but he wasn't lying, he was just avoiding the conversation." He says and she sighs. "Why? Do you think Mike might be lying to you? Because if he is, I can't help you right now, I'm kind of busy," brothers lie too, apparently because James wasn't busy, his schedule was clear. "But maybe you can ask... a friend?" He says.

"Like who?" She asked with a confused look and he thinks about it. She can't ask any of the other boys, they'd all automatically take Mike's side. "Max. She's your friend, right?" He asked her and she just slowly nodded. "Sure... yeah." She said before she headed back into her room and the phone rang. He sighed, picking it up, "James!" It was Dustin. "Oh, hey kid, what's up?" He asked as he leaned against the wall next to the phone. "Can you pick me up? I have to talk to you and Steve about something." The younger teen boy asked and James furrows his brows. "About?" He asked curiously.

"It's better I talk to you guys both." He says and James sighs. "I don't know, gonna have to check my schedule..." He said as he looked at his nails. "James, don't be a piece of shit... Now can you pretty please pick me up?" Dustin asked after speaking in an annoyed tone and James rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I'll pick you up, better be outside and by the curb in twenty minutes. You hear me?"

"Got it!"

Yet when James parked by the curb of the road, Dustin was nowhere to be seen. He rolled his eyes and honked on the horn. The boy came running out of his house, "sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He shouted as he ran over to James' car. He quickly got in and James started driving to Starcourt.

They drove in silence at first until Dustin spoke, "have El and Mike really been inseparable all summer?" James held back the eye roll as he sighed. "Uh, yeah, sort of." He shrugged and Dustin looked away. "Doesn't that piss you off?" He asked and James shrugged his shoulders.

"Not even the slightest bit, Henderson."

"And why not? She's basically your sister, no?" He says and James pursed his lips. "Because I understand, she's a teenager, you know? Fourteen, I remember what it was like at that age..." He shrugged but he didn't. He wasn't much focused on being in a relationship when he was fourteen. He had recently moved to Hawkins at the time and was busy taking care of himself.

"Really? Pulled all the ladies?"

James did roll his eyes this time before he just turned on the radio and drove into the parking lot of the mall. Finding a parking spot surprisingly took less than five minutes then they were heading inside and down the escalator to the food court. They walk into Scoops Ahoy only to stand in line as Robin handed two ice cream scoops to a couple, saying "have a nice day," to them.

"Thank you." The woman says before they walked away and the two stepped up to the front, James sighing as he stood on the right side of Dustin. "Hi." The boy smiled at the girl. "Hi." She said in response, smiling only slightly. "I'm Dustin." He introduced himself as James just held a hand over his forehead. "I'm sorry about him, Robin," he says as he pulled his hand back and Dustin glanced up at him then back at Robin.

"Please to meet you, Robin. Uh, is-is he here?" The curly headed teen asked and Robin raised her eyebrows. "Is who here?" She asked and then the swinging door burst open, Steve exiting the back room. "Henderson!" He exclaims and James sighed, leaning against the counter.

Dustin laughs as he pointed at Steve who held up his arms. "Henderson! He's back!" He looked at James and Robin with a bright smile. "I'm back!" Dustin said then pointed towards the menu. "You got the job!" He exclaimed in excitement. "I got the job!" Steve exclaimed back before he imitates a trumpet as he walked over to the teen.

"Hey! Oh!" He says as he did their handshake, a handshake, a fist bump and then a lightsaber fight. James shook his head slowly as he watched the two. I use to be the dork, now I'm dating a dork. James thought to himself. Steve groans as he hunched over, pretending to be stabbed with a lightsaber by Dustin. They continued to laugh together. "How many children are you friends with?" Robin asked Steve with an amused look on her face and James laughed, holding out his hand for a high five which she accepted as Steve gestured towards them, looking at Dustin.












authors note sorry for the late update today <3

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