xviii. see you later.

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THE GROUP now head back to the RV after getting everything they need. "What happened?" Lucas quickly turned to Steve walking in with Erica and James right behind him "We gotta go." The Harrington tells them, lossing a different bag to Eddie who quickly picks it up. "Your old friends are here." Erica says, rushing to sit beside Lucas and James sat in the passenger seat. "Shit!" Lucas says as Robin and Nancy rush in next with Max. "Let's go! Let's go!" Dustin exclaimed at Steve as he sat down with Robin and Nancy.

"I'm going! I'm going! Sit down!"

They stopped near Hawkins in an open field, preparing everything, Nancy sawing off the barrel of a shotgun, Dustin and Eddie making shields out of garbage bin lids, Lucas and Erica making spears as Robin, Steve and James sat nearby the RV, making molotovs.

James glanced over at Dustin and Eddie, smiling faintly when he saw them wrestling around. He glanced back at Steve who held up the funnel and bottle so he pours in the kerosene. "It just doesn't make sense." Steve said suddenly. "What doesn't make sense?" Robin asked as James glanced at Steve before quickly looking back at the funnel he was pouring into. "That was Dan Shelter. He graduated, like, two years ago." He explains, meaning the blond that was kissing Vickie.

"So?" Robin glanced over. "So, he's in college. Which means he was visiting on spring break. Fast Times was returned, like, I don't know, a week ago?" Steve glanced at Robin when James stopped pouring and the girl handed over the rags she'd been cutting in pieces. "Right? Unless she's got some horndog brother we don't know about." Steve added on.

"Which is possible. Or she's just really into Judge Reinhold. Orrr..." James pats Steve's knee. "She could like both genders like you yourself does." He says and smiles at the boy who pointed at Robin. "Yeah, maybe that's it." He pointed at James. "Guys." Robin says and they both looked over at her. "I don't care."

"And I don't understand why either of you do with everything that's going on. Honestly, this feels like a perfect time for that little pull of the rug because... in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low." She says and Steve glanced down. "Yeah, I mean, I get you there, but... I still have hope." He says and timidly plays with the hem of the rag of the molotov he then hands to James.

"Not everything has a happy ending." Robin handed over another empty bottle which Steve put the funnel on. "Sometimes... yeah." James said softly, glancing at Steve as he began pouring kerosene into the new bottle. "I'm not talking about romance." Robin glanced between the two men, chuckling softly.

"I just... I have this terrible, gnawing feeling that... it might not work out for us this time." Robin said making James stop pouring the kerosene and look at her right away. "You think we shouldn't be doing this?" Steve asked her as he also looks over at the blonde girl.

"I think we're mad fools, the lot of us, but... but if we don't stop him, who will?" Robin asked as they look at Nancy holding up her shotgun, aiming it towards the empty field, while Max is just watching her as Eddie ran towards Dustin, jumping over him and the Sinclairs were messing around with the spears.

"We have to try, right?" Robin asked and Steve looks over at her. "Yeah." He says and glanced at James for a moment before holding out the bottle filled with kerosene fuel. "To killing Vecna." He says, smiling and Robin held up an empty one as James held out a different one. "Slash Henry." She says and he chuckles. "Slash one." He says before the three of them clink their bottles together in the middle.

After getting ready, the group all got into the RV and it's quiet, no one says anything, not even James who wanted to say something as he kept glancing over at Steve while driving. And then the first stop was at the Creel house. Erica, Max and Lucas all got up and James stood up too. "Hey, wait," he grabs Max's arm gently and still, he couldn't find the right words.

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