ii. five it is then.

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     JAMES WAS IN study hall where he was writing when he glanced up and saw Steve Harrington, that douchebag in his grade pass by the class with his friends Carol and Tommy H. He rolled his eyes and looked down, continuing to write, his mind rattled now by the boy.

He hates Steve Harrington.

When James first got here to Hawkins in 1979, he was fourteen, well twelve, about to turn thirteen, same thing, he was starting eight grade and Steve was there on the first day of school, even then the dude's hair was shit because he tried so hard. Steve greeted him at the doors of the middle school and asked him where his mom was since everyone's mom was registering them into school.

James got pissy and said his dad registered him already the week prior like everyone else was suppose to and Steve did apologize but then he smiled and asked why does your daddy have to register you? James got more pissed off and just glared at Steve, before snapping at him and telling him to, exact words and all, stay the fuck out his business. Steve didn't seem to like that very much seeing how he made the rest of the week a living hell for James Hopper II.

On the first day, he poured his juice all over James' lap and yelled out JAMES HOPPER PISSED HIMSELF! James just stood up and glared at Steve before walking away. And then on the second day, Steve purposely bumped his shoulder into James' shoulder which sent his books flying, scattering across the floor and no one helped him. At all, even a teacher passed by and called him clumsy and told him to be more careful.

On the third day, Steve told everyone that James was a bad kisser and how he knew was because Carol supposedly kissed James, so every girl James tried to ask for help, they'd run away and call him gross. On the fourth day that week, Steve stayed more down low about everything, ignored him and then at the end of the day when James was done with gym class and was taking a shower, he found out that his clothes had been stolen.

James had to walk out wearing nothing but a towel and found his clothes scattered across the front yard and his underwear on the flagpole, in the wind. He turned around and saw Steve with a smug smirk on his face. That day, Steve got in trouble for it and instead of calling his dad, they called James' mom and had to be informed to call his dad instead, to which James said he didn't give a shit and they should give him detention instead. Steve's dad scolded him, James saw it all and then they ended up in detention together.

James remembered Steve's dad approaching him and apologizing for what Steve had done to him, and promised Steve would stay away from him now. What a load of bullshit seeing how on that next day on Friday, James ended up being taunted all day, people making fun of him and Steve just watching with that same smug smirk.

James ended up thinking enough was enough and tackled the boy to the ground afterschool and wrestled in the front yard where everyone surrounded them and chanted the word fight over and over to them. James was winning, mostly and then a teacher pulled him off and another helped Steve up. They had recieved more punishment that day, a week of suspension and when they got back to school, Steve chose the time during after school tutoring to apologize to James and said he would leave James alone from now on.

James figured it was because he beat the shit out of Steve and the two went their own ways, leaving middle school and starting high school as mere fellow students, actually, more like strangers as they passed by one another in the halls as Freshmen, Steve had all of the attention and popularity as James became a lone wolf.

He says it all of the time, but James doesn't really think he does hate Steve Harrington, it was more like a little dislike and a strongly disbelief he'll grow up to become somebody as he is now a big somebody in high school. That's how it works.

You're a nobody in high school? You usually end up becoming at least somebody when you're older. That's the case here, Steve is a popular somebody that had a chance to get any girl he wants with as many friends as he wanted, while James was a loser nobody that had no chance to get any girl (by choice more like it) with no friends at all.

James use to hate him, that's for sure but now he pitied the poor boy. Sure, he was surrounded by people who would cheer him on just for even something as simple as getting lunch, and friends that support him but not for who he really is but rather for his money and his big house, but in three years by now? When they graduate? James reckons no one will even bother with Steve The Hair Harrington by then. Poor Steve.

James was sitting alone at first but then glanced up when he saw a girl sit down across from him. "Whatever it is. No, and why? Because no." He smiled in a fake-sweet way. "You didn't even hear the question." The girl said and he sighed. "Because I don't need to." He started packing up his things and she furrows his brows at her.

"You're James Hopper, no?" She said and he paused, sighing, "listen, kid, I-" "I'm not a kid. I'm literally older than you, I sit behind you in chem." She said with an annoyed look and he sighs once more, rubbing his face before looking at her again. "What is it?" He asked as he quit packing up.

"I need help. Mrs. Davidson says you're the best tutor." She says and he smiles. "Aw, that's pretty nice of Mrs. Davidson, but I'm busy." He says as his smile went away and she glanced around the top of the table. "Busy doing what? Being gloomy and just sitting here, writing?" She says.

"Yes, exactly that," he said as he zipped up his backpack and she sighed. "Just give me a chance, please? I'm desperate, my chem test is coming up like in two weeks and I'm swamped with work from other classes already." She begged.

He stared at her and raised an eyebrow. "Okay... so, maybe start by telling me your name?" He says and she smiled widely, beaming practically at him. "I'm Luna Hansen, people call me Loony, because—" "Oh, you're the girl who claimed that a wolf ate her cat and they called you the girl who cried wolf." He laughed, remembering that case when his father worked on it a while ago.

His laughter died down when he saw her smile went away and she had a frown now. He sighs, "um, right anyway, my tutoring hours are usually 3 to 5 on every Fridays and Thursdays. See ya then," he stood up and she frowns. "Wait, wait, wait, don't you have free periods? Extra credit from last year?" She asked and he sighs, turning to her. "Yup. Um, one everyday, I guess." He shrugs.

"Tutor me those periods?" She asked with a begging look, he huffed. "Loony, shit, Luna, sorry," he said and she sighs. "I'm sorry, but I get those free periods to do whatever I want, whatever I please to do, and I'd rather not waste it tutoring you." He says and she stood up and crossing her arms. A smile slowly grows on her face.

"What if I paid you three dollars each period?"

"Five, then you have a deal."

"Fine, five it is then."










authors note protect luna 🙇 also she's played by kaylee bryant just because
+ i added her to the intro last minute✌️😳

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