xv. are you okay?

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JAMES DIDN'T know how long it's been since the Russian's been holding them captive, but he really wanted to see his dad, to see El, to feel the sun on his face and actually sweat in the summer heat, he missed that more than anything, it was better than being alone here, in a tiny, cold room down in the Russian facility, all tied up.

He most especially missed Luna, he could rather try and learn swimming over this bullshit. He wanted to see Steve especially, he can hear him being interrogated in another room through an air vent, he grimaced or frowned at each hit that he heard Steve took, the grunts and groans in pain.

A man walked in then, "come here." He said and lifted James up to his feet. "Wh-where are you taking me?" He asked as he struggled to push him away. The man opened a door and threw him inside. He landed to the floor with a small grunt, looking over to his side and seeing Steve.

"Steve? Stevie?" He leaned over him, trying to shake him but he didn't wake up. He kept trying, "Steve... Steve. Steve?" A man approached him who he looked up at. "What did you do to him? What did you do?!" He tried to stand up but the man had raised his hand and punched him in the face. He fell back, groaning and covering his face.

The man spoke in Russian and then James was being pulled up and sat onto a chair where he felt Steve was being put down onto another behind him. "Steve! Steve, wake up, Steve? Please!" He said as the man restrained them together in the chairs. The man who James figured was the leader lifted Steve's head up by his hair.

"Don't touch him! I'll fucking kill you myself!" James tried to get out from the restraints. The man clicked his tongue, shaking his head before letting go. "Steve, Steve, hey, hey, can you hear me? Please tell me if you're okay." He says to him as he looked over his shoulder. The man walked around, "I think your friend needs a doctor." He says.

James just glared up at him as the Russian came to a stop in front of the eighteen year old teen. "Good thing... we have the very best." He says, now leaning over to James' eye level and James rolled his eyes as the man looked behind him, over his shoulder. He started laughing, the other soldiers joining in. He slowly looked back at James.

"Mudak." He said before spitting in the man's face. The man wiped it off and gave him a death glare. "You are going to regret that." He said and then he told the soldiers behind him something in Russian, standing up straight. He walked away, his eyes still on James who rolled his eyes.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." James started panicking the moment the door closed after the last soldier who left. James didn't try shouting or even putting up a fight. At this point, he kind of broke down. He let the tears fall from his eyes, he thought about college, El, his dad, Steve and Luna. "Hey, hey," Steve suddenly spoke up, slurring.

"Are you okay?" He said and James quickly looked over. "Steve! Steve? Oh, my God, are you okay?" He leaned his head back towards the other's. "My ears are ringing, and I can't really breathe, my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull, but you know, apart from that, I'm doing pretty good." He said and James sighed, resting his head on Steve's shoulder now. "Well, the good news is that they're calling you a doctor." He said and tried to rub his tears away using Steve's and his shirts.

"Is this his place of work?" Steve asked and James chuckled, glancing around. "I love the vibe." He said then turned his head back at James. "Were you crying?" He whispered and James sniffled, looking around. "I-I just... I got thinking, and you know how I get when I'm alone..." He whispered and Steve leaned his head back to his.

"I did come up with a plan though," he said excitedly and Steve smiles. "What is it, Jamie?" He asked and James looked over at the table. "Do you see that table over there? On your right?" He said and Steve looked over. "There's scissors on there and I think if we move at the same time, we could get over there, and then maybe one of us can kick the table and knock them into either your lap or mine." He explained and Steve sighs.

"So close to the goods?"

"That's why I was hoping to do the kicking," he said and Steve tried to hold back from rolling his eyes. "Fine, yeah, I could cut the binds." He says and James nods. "And we get out of here, find a way out and get back onto the surface, where we belong." He said as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, yeah, we can do that. Those morons, they left scissors in here?" Steve said and James laughs. "Yeah, morons." He laughed even more. "Total morons!" Steve mused as he laughs. "Okay, so... On the count of three, we hop, okay?" He said and made sure Steve understood. He nods.

"Hop on three. I gotcha."

"One, two, three." They hopped and it worked. "Okay, okay, again, one, two, three..." They hopped and they were closer than before. "Holy shit! We're so close!" James said and Steve laughed. "Yeah! Yeah, yeah!" He exclaimed. "One, two, three," James hopped on three as Steve hopped after three, causing them to fall over onto the floor.

They groan at the impact and James just started laughing softly, which Steve mistaked as crying. "Jamie? Oh, Jamie, baby, don't cry." He said as he looked over his shoulder but James lets out a laugh, "are you laughing?" Steve asked.

"I'm sorry! I-I just, yeah..." He laughed even more and Steve sighs, turning away. "Jesus..." He mumbled and James tried to calm himself. "I'm sorry! I just, I-I realized... we're so stupid! We're the morons, Steve." He said and Steve sighs.

"And... I'm actually gonna die down here." He said suddenly, the humour gone from his mind. "No explanation whatsoever my dad... Or El. Or the college." He said and Steve looked over his shoulder again. "We're not gonna die... I promise." He said and James closed his eyes, sighing.

"We're gonna get out of here, okay? James, do you understand me? You just gotta let me think for a second." He says and James doubted it.

authors note sad this fic is ending soon 👁👄👁

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