xix. blend in.

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AT SOME point during the movie, James glanced over at Erica and Robin to see that the two weren't looking so he got up, "where are you going?" Steve grabbed his arm. "I'm thirsty, your popcorns is making me thirsty... coming with or not?" He whispered and Steve quickly nodded, following him. James walked over to the water fountain outside, He started to drink first.

"So, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but I'm pretty sure... that mom was trying to bang her son." Steve said and James laughed, pulling back. "Oh, for sure." He said and Steve furrowed his brows. "Why is it called Back to the Future?" He asked suddenly.

"If he went back in time..." He adds after. "He has to go back to the future because he's in the past. So, the future is actually the present, which is his time." He explained and Steve's face scrunched up even more, walking ahead. "What?" He says but kept walking off anyway.

Steve was just standing there. "Wow... hey, hey, Jamie? Come look at this... it's nice." He said with a smile and James walked over, joing him at his side and looking up at the ceiling. James giggled, "wow..." He whispered, smiling widely.

He grunts softly as he stopped twirling, "Stevie..." He whispered but then the two ran towards the bathroom, where they both ran into seperate stalls to puke right into the toilet bowls.

They both flushed the toilets, "the ceiling stopped spinning for me. Has it for you?" James asked and Steve sighed, glancing up. "Holy shit... yeah. Do you think we puked it all up?" He said as he crawled under the stall and into James' own. "Maybe. Ask me something." He said and Steve sighs. "Uh... what kind of future do you see for us?" He asked and James just stared at him.

"Stevie... I picture a future for us everyday... and it's us living together in an apartment, I go to college everyday, you work out your college think while you have a job for the meantime... And, oh, uh, we would have a dog... maybe two, or maybe even three of them." He smiled and glanced down. "But if I'm being honest, I get scared everyday that... we won't have a chance for that, you know? Because... I'm a guy. And you're a guy... and..." He trailed off and stared at the bathroom floor. "Hey." Steve reached out and grabbed his hand. "I love you." He says and James looked up at him.

"And I love you... forever and always."

Steve smiled as he stared into James' eyes, his boyfriend reaching up and touching his eye softly. "Does it hurt?" He asked and Steve just puts his hand over James'. "Just a little..." He shrugged and smiled at the other. The two sat like that a little longer but then Erica, Robin and Dustin burst into the washroom. "Okay, what the hell?!"

After the movie was over, Dustin, Erica, Robin, James and Steve ealked with the crowd as they were leaving so they can blend in. "Well, shit, that worked." Erica said to Dustin and Robin. "Of course it worked." Robin said in response. "Now, we just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come." Dustin says, sounding overconfident.

James smacks Steve, "uh, Dustin?" He says. "What?" Dustin said as they continued to walk. "Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house." He says and Dustin gave a confused look. "Why?" He glanced ahead of them. "Well, Dustin... he might've told them your full name." He whispers.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Dude, I was drugged."



"So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man." Dustin says and James rolls his eyes. "Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say." Steve says and Robin stops. "Guys." She makes them all stop, spotting men stopping the people as they were making their way out and apologizing to them.

"Abort," Dustin says then one of the men looked over at them. "Abort. Abort." They started running and then stop at the escalator. "Okay!" Robin said then climbed in the middle where she slides down, James following with Dustin, Erica and Steve right behind them. They rush to hide, hiding behind the counter at one of the food court restaurants and the men were looking for them.

They kept hiding until the prize car with velvet ropes around it started to go off, the car alarm wailing as it started shaking. The group peered up over the counter to find the car was flung across the food court and they all look over to see Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, El, Max, Lucas and Will.

James smiled at the sight of his sister then the group climbed over the counter, running to meet the other group coming down the escalator. "You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!" Dustin said, laughing as El limped forward and embraced James in a tight hug. "Lucas?!" Erica exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" Lucas asked the girl.

James ruffled El's hair and kissed the top of her head before turning to the others as Erica pointed, "ask them, it's their fault." Steve doesn't deny, nodding. "Yeah, true, it was totally our fault." He said with his hands on his hips as James went to stand with them. "I don't understand what happened to that car." Robin said as she glanced over. "El has superpowers." Dustin pointed to her.

"I'm sorry?"

"Superpowers. She threw it with her mind."

"Come on, catch up." Steve said shortly after his boyfriend. "That's El?" Erica pointed to her. "Who's El?" Robin asked suddenly. "I'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy pointed to Robin who smiles at her. "I'm Robin. I work with Steve."

"She cracked the top secret code."

"Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place." Steve explained. "Russians? Wait, what Russians?" Jonathan spoke. "Those guys! The ones El knocked down like bowling pins!" James said as he gestured to the men. "Those were Russians?" Max asked in disbelief.

"Some of them."

"What are you talking about?" Lucas asked with a confused look. "Didn't you hear our code red?" Dustin looked at them. "Yeah. But I couldn't understand what you were saying." Mike told his friend next to him. "Goddamn low battery." Dustin said in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?" Steve exclaimed, smacking his hands together.

"Okay, well everything worked out, didn't it?"

"Worked out? We almost died."

"Yeah, but we didn't, did we?"

"It was pretty damn close."

"Okay, Russians? As in they're working for the Russian government?"

"What is that you are not comprehending? Am I not speaking English? This is a full-blown Red Dawn situation."

"So this has nothing to do with the gate?"

"It has everything to do with the gate."

Suddenly El collapsed, groaning and James ran over, "Ellie?" He called out and kneeled by her side. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Steve said as they all rushed to see what was wrong. "What's wrong?" James said as he put her to lay on her side. "My leg. My leg." She said weakly, holding onto James' arm. "What happened to her?!" James exclaimed at the group as they took off the bandages wrapped around El's leg. They all exclaim in disgust.

"Jesus!" James backed up when he saw something moving under her skin. He looks down at El, "hey, hey, hey!" He said when she started to grunt in pain, her teeth gritted and eyes squeezed closed. "El! El!" Mike said as he was on the other side of her and she just keeps groaning in pain.

"El! El! Are you okay? El!"

authors note i am: thinking...

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