xvi. the red string.

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JAMES AND Steve were still on the floor, "Steve?" He said and Steve smiled. "Yeah?" He says and James pursed his lips, sighing softly as he looked up. "Remember the day we met?" He asked and Steve just smiled more widely. "Yeah..." He said softly and James sighed, rearing his head.

"I was trying to get into the school and you full on blocked me from going inside." He said and Steve shook his head in disapproval at his younger self. "Back then, I thought you were the most annoying person I ever met." James said and Steve chuckled. "Don't you still think that now?" He asked and James stared at the floor. "No..." He said and Steve smiled faintly to himself at that.

"And why not? I am pretty annoying..." He says as he shrugged or tried to. James shook his head, smiling to himself. "It's the dumbest thing ever but... I don't think that. You are pretty though. It's just sometimes when you are but I know it's only because you love being around me." He had a smug grin on his face as he said it and he wasn't wrong.

Steve loved spending time with James, it was the times he felt like he could truly be himself, and not feel sorry for the things he said or did, not like how it was with Nancy. James was forgiving, caring and didn't admit it, but loved the affection that Steve always tried to give him so much.

Both boys were kind of broken, having unstable families who didn't really like to show intimacy. Only when James was a young child and his mom always hugged him, kissed his forehead or cheek, before Sara got sick. Steve was like that except his parents never showed him that.

Maybe it was why James felt as though they were made for each other. "Stevie, have you ever heard of the red string of fate?" He whispered and Steve furrowed his brows together. "No..." He said and James pursed his lips before smiling. "It's... a myth about two people, who are connected by a red thread. Two people who are destined to be together... Regardless of place, time, or circumstance... the magical cord can tangle, or stretch, but never break. I like to believe we're tied together by that red thread." He said and Steve smiled, like really smiled. He stared at the floor.

"I love you..." Steve mumbled and James wished that they weren't here, that they were alone in his room or in Steve's room. "And I love you... forever and always." James whispered back.

Another smile spread onto Steve's face. "Forever and always... I like that." He said. "Me too..." James says and the two sat in silence for a while, just basking in the love they had for one another.

"I didn't mean the things I said..." James said and Steve sighed softly. The other night when they were just spending time together on the top of the elevator shaft. James had Steve on his lap, kissing him and then he pulled away. "I'm gonna miss you," Steve had sighed out, staring into James' eyes.

"Miss me? Steve, it's not like I'm dying," James said, chuckling and it felt like a joke at first but Steve got worried, his face settling into a frown. "Steve, what are you even going on about?" James rubbed his back and the other just shrugged, looking away. "College..." He said as he stared at the floor.

A little glare was set on his face James found adorable. "What about it?" James asked and Steve sighs, looking back at him. "Well... I'm obviously staying here and you're moving like a couple hundreds of miles away." He said as he looked at James sadly. "And why would you stay here? I want you to come with me..." James cups his face gently.

"Because I don't have money, I'm making three dollars an hour at Scoops, what am I gonna be able to afford with the money I get now?" He said and James sighs. "I mean, you have money for college, I bet," he added shortly as he looked away and James looks at him. "Yeah... my dad had two savings accounts, one for college tuition and one for when I have to pay rent, both of which I still put money into. Hey, I mean, you're not good enough for college, like you said, who cares?" He asked the older teen.

Steve looked at him, "not good enough for college? You think that about me too?" He asked and James just stared at him. "You said it, Steve, not me..." He said and Steve huffed. He found it unbelievable how James agreed with the fact he wasn't good enough for college; is that what James really thought about him. "I'm suppose to say those things about myself and you're suppose to say the opposite." He said and James looks away, confused. "So... you are good enough for college?" James said, sounding unsure. "Don't even bother trying." Steve stood up.

"You are good enough for college. I-I was just being stupid, like those colleges who don't realize what a great and smart guy they're missing out on. I'm sorry." He said and Steve smiles. "And I'm happy for you... going off to college." He said and James stared up at the ceiling now. "You... should come with me. Live with me... please, Steve? I-I don't wanna be alone when I go..." He says.

"I'll try and work something out okay? For you... Because I love you." Steve said and James smiled right away, kind of blushing. "Are you blushing? I really wish I could see you right now." Steve said with a grin on his face and James sighed, rolling his eyes. "Shut up..." He replied with.

The buzzer for the door went off and soldiers walked in along with the head officer, slowing down at the sight of the two in the chairs tipped over. He chuckles at them, "where were you two going?" He asked and clicked his tongue.

Two soldiers lift them up and James stared at the ground, glaring at it. The man kneeled down to Steve, "try telling the truth this time, yes?" He said and patted Steve's shoulder. "It will make your visit with Dr. Zharkov less painful." He was caressing Steve's hair so weirdly, then he pressed harshly onto the teen's chin with his thumb, making Steve grunt softly and look up at him.

He chuckled and glanced over to the doctor, nodding his head before the man made his way over. "Wait a second, wait, hold on, okay! Wait, wait, wait! What is that thing?" Steve panicked as James tried to look over and see what was going on. "It will help you talk." Dr. Zharkov says, smiling before grabbing a fistful of Steve's hair and inserting the needle. Steve started screaming and James just squeezed his eyes closed, knowing the screams would haunt him over and over. This is all your fault. His mind repeats over and over. And then it was his turn and he didn't resist, letting the doctor do what he needed to do.

authors note james: i like to believe we're tied together by that red thread
steve: 💖💘💝🥰💓💗💞
me, while writing:

authors note james: i like to believe we're tied together by that red threadsteve: 💖💘💝🥰💓💗💞me, while writing:

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