xiv. a month.

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A MONTH had passed then and the lab had been shut down, thanks to Nancy and Jonathan and the help of some man named Murray Bauman and the Hollands finally got closure over Barbara. Steve, James, Jonathan and Nancy all went to the funeral, James to support Nancy and Jonathan, Steve probably because he felt guilty after the get-together he held where she had went missing.

James felt horrible for Barbara's parents, knowing what they were going through, and he was glad he had Steve with him that day. God... Steve. After their kiss, they spent so much time together, James even told him everything about his mom, his sister and his feelings about it all. Steve just hugged him and apologized for the way he made James feel, bullying him after what happened to Sara.

James now walked into Steve's bedroom the night of the Snowball Dance, smiling. "Hi..." He says, shutting the door behind him. "Hey..." Steve sat up, moving to the end of the bed. "How did Dustin look? Get a photo and everything?" He asked and Steve chuckled. "One, he looked great, I'm a good role model and two, no, but his mom did." He says as he set down his book onto his bedside table. "How's it, uh, going with Carrie?" He asked and Steve smiled widely, gesturing him over.

"Why? Jealous?" He asked and James just rolled his eyes. "No, really, do you like it?" He asked and Steve looks at him. "I usually never read... but, uh, yes, I like it." He nods with a small smile and James leans in, pressing his lips to Steve's gently. He pulls back quickly, "sorry." He mumbled. "Hey, no, it's fine..." Steve shakes his head, smiling.

"I'm sorry if it's too soon and you're... not over Nancy." He says and Steve frowns. "No, no, it's not too soon, and I-I am... over her, I mean. I like you." He says and James blushes a bit. "Is this real? Am I really making James Hopper Junior blush?" Steve said with a wide grin and James sighed, looking away as he shakes his head.

He looks back at Steve, pursing his lips. "I like you too..." He says and Steve was now the one blushing with a tight lipped smile. Steve leaned in this time, kissing James with his hand on the back of the boy's neck. The taller boy kissed back instantly, making him lay onto his back and hovering over him. Steve pulled him closer, his hands tangling into James' hair now before he pulls back.

James pulled back and sat up. Steve quickly sits up as well, "what's up?" He whispers and James looks down. "Uh... I don't think I'm ready for that?" He says and Steve nods. "That's okay." He smiles and leaned in, kissing James more gently. "We can do other things." He smiles widely and James just squints his eyes at him.

"I suppose." He smiles and Steve laid back down, James coming back to hover over him. James did do other things for Steve but when Steve tried, he stopped him by grabbing his hands. "No, I-I'm good..." He simply says and Steve frowns. "You sure?" He asked and James nods, holding his hands to Steve's face and kissing him deeply.

He leans away, smiling, "Jesus, I did miss you when I left... Every chance I had, I'd bring you up... I wouldn't stop thinking about you." He says and Steve just starts smiling widely. "You like me." He says as he boops the boy's nose. "Of course I do." He smiled more widely, kissing him again and their kiss deepens this time, pulling each other close. Steve pulls away, "why did you leave?" He asked with a confused look at him and James sighed, "the reason why I was so distant... El."

Steve nods and smiled at him. "She is like a little sister to you, I bet..." He says and James nodded right away, holding Steve's hand in his. "My dad made it official today, thanks to Dr. Owens, she's a Hopper now." He smiles proudly and Steve smiles back at him right away. "You care about her?" He asked and James nodded.

"Then keep Wheeler away from her." Steve says and James sighed loudly, rolling his eyes. "I tried... but I'm sure she's at the dance with him right now." He looks at Steve in the eyes who stared into his. "I wanna be with you. Like... officially. And I'm sorry for that." He whispers and James furrows his brows. "Why are you sorry?" He asked.

"Because it's... dangerous. Risky. People kill guys like us." He whispers and James looks down, pulling Steve's hand up to his mouth. He kissed the boy's knuckles before looking up at him. "I know..." He sighed and Steve looks away. He moved to lay down onto the bed, his arm around Steve's shoulders and Steve's arm around his waist. "I wanna be with you too... and we don't have to be sorry for that. Feeling like this." He whispers and Steve smiled, pulling back a bit to look at him.

"This feels good. It isn't wrong." James said, shaking his head and Steve smiles more, leaning in and kissing James gently. James kissed back before pulling away, still holding Steve close to him. "I trust you and you can trust me." He smiles.












authors note i'm js, i love them ok bye
+ sorry i haven't been updating the past few days have been hective for me shskdhd

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