viii. the plan.

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     JAMES NOW stood with his dad, Joyce and Jonathan as they spoke. "So, this fort, where is it?" Jim asked Jonathan. "Uh, it's in the woods behind our house." Joyce answered him. "Yeah, he use to go there to hide." Jonathan says then Jim walked past the two of them, James quickly followed, along with Joyce and Jonathan behind him.

They exit the school building, "hey, get back inside." He turned to Joyce and James. "What, are you insane? No, I'm—" "Look, if something happens to me, I don't make it back..." Jim cut him off and it made James upset to hear him talk that way. "Yeah, but then I'll go. You stay. Are you kidding me? He's my son, Hop. My son. I'm going." She says before she turns towards Jonathan.

Jim looks at James and held up a finger, "you better not put up an attitude. Stay here, take care of the kids." He said and James crossed his arms with a glare. "This could help my creative mind! I love this kind of shit, dad!" He exclaimed but then the two got onto the car, Jim shaking his head.

Jonathan and James just stood there as the car drove off. James turned to Jonathan, shaking his head. "Christ..." He sighs and headed back inside. He spots Nancy sitting on the floor, against the wall and walked over to him. He sits on the right side of her and she sighed, taking off the elastic she was wearing and put it on his wrist. Jonathan walked over and sat on the other side of Nancy.

"We have to go back to the station." Nancy said and James looked at her. "What?" Jonathan says as he also looked at her. "Your mom... and your dad," she looked at Jonathan then James, "are just walking in there like bait." She explains.

"That thing... is still there." She adds and James looked at Jonathan. "She's right... we can't just sit here and let it get them, too." He said and looked at Nancy. "Like... a diversion." He continued and Jonathan sighed. "You both still wanna try it out?" He asked them and looked at James. "I wanna finish what we started." Nancy says. She looked at Jonathan, "I want to kill it." She said and James shivers. "Ooh, chills! Let's go, gang." He stood up and the two sigh but follow anyway.

At the police station, James parks the car and looked to the other two. "Don't forget to avoid the police officer at the front, he's always either usually smoking, playing with a deck of cards by himself, watching tv, reading a magazine or eating a jelly donut. You can probably easily slip right past him if you're quiet, oh, and no need to fret, my dad always leaves his office unlocked and good luck to you both, I'll be right here waiting." He said and Nancy sighs. "Fine, but if we get in trouble, you'll help us, right?" She asked him and he nods.

"Of course! That officer is dumb and easy to lie to." He smiled and the two quickly get out of the car. He waited a couple of minutes before they came outside with the box of supplies and a fire extinguisher which they quickly put into the trunk of the car before getting into the car.

James parked in front of the Byers' house before they got out, Nancy and Jonathan retrieving the stuff as James lit up a cigarette and looked over at them. "Okay... Are we doing this?" He asked and they nod before they head into the house.

They set the stuff down into the livingroom and first start with putting all of the lightbulbs back onto the christmas lights. James had his cigarettes between his lips as he did one side of the room. Then he set up the bear trap with Jonathan's help before lighting up another cigarette. "No more after we pour out the gasoline, got it?" Jonathan said to him and he held up his hands defensively.

"Yeah, yeah, sure thing, boss." He said as he heads back into the livingroom where he picked up the hammer and nails, handing it over to Jonathan. "Here, make your little bat, weirdo." He said and handed the baseball bat to him as he reached into the box and grabbed the can of hairspray he took from the bathroom. "Fuck yeah," he mumbled and held up his lighter. "James, not right now! Later, can you get the gasoline?" Nancy asked as she walked in and he groans, putting his lighter into his pocket and the can into the other pocket.

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