iii. pretty much.

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     HE DIDN'T KNOW why he had to agree, he could have just stuck with no, but it made sense why a girl like Luna Hansen wouldn't take no for an answer. It was mean, but she was kind of a spoiled brat of a suburban couple who adopted her.

The Hansen couple pretended they were the ones who were pregnant with her and that the mother was the one who gave birth to her, but it was really a woman who just gave up her baby for adoption because she was too young and the guy wasn't in love with her or marrying her.

Luna didn't know in all years of her childhood despite her parents looking nothing alike her, her dad was a blonde with blue eyes and her mother had raven black hair with green eyes. She didn't even find out until she was thirteen when she came across her birth certificate and saw her parents weren't even on it, just a woman named Abigail King. She asked them who she was.

That was a long talk about what happened and she was upset at first, but ultimately grateful her adoptive parents wanted her when her biological mom did not. She didn't tell anyone at all, well, maybe one person while she was drunk but other than that, no one really knew.

She was sort of popular, at least use to be, she's eighteen now, a Senior, she was popular until the mishap with the cat-eating wolf happened when she was sixteen, a Sophomore then. There are no wolves in Indiana, so Chief Jim Hopper said her cat must have just ran away. Since then, Luna has been called Loony or the girl that cried wolf, taunted her but she always kept walking through the halls of their school with her head held high.

James wondered how she did it.

"Hi James," Luna now sat in front of James in the library during his free period of the day, he sighed. "Hi." He said more quietly and she smiles at him. "Should we get started?" She set down her notebook and her textbook for Chemistry.

"Sure..." He took out his things as well, and just like that, James went into a zone of explaining things which took Luna a while to even understand but quickly wrote notes on the side of her notes and highlighted certain parts in her textbook, they were there for about thirty minutes.

"Is that all? All I need to study for for the test?" She asked him and he smiled sweetly. In a fake way, yet again. "No. We still have to cover page 103, and page 105." He says and she sighed.

"My brain hurts." She says and he squints his eyes at her. "Okay..." He says and she rolls her eyes, leaning back in her seat with crossed arms. "Another tutoring lesson tomorrow?" She asked as she took out five dollar bills from her purse and he nodded, grabbing the five bills. "Thank you." He smiled and she sighed, standing up and leaving after grabbing her textbook and notebook.

He ended up heading to his next class early, sitting on the floor by the classroom and writing down new ideas he had for a book. He looked down the hall and saw Steve coming his way along with Tommy H. and Carol. Perfect. Just what he needs.

He figured he should just keep his head low and ignore the group of three. He did, they just walked on by until the group turned to him, "hey, hey," Tommy was snapping his fingers and he glanced up. "Seen Nancy around?" Steve asked him and James glanced around, both ways of the hall. "No, Harrington. I haven't." He says and Steve looked to his friends then walked away.

The two follow along, Carol of course giving James a longing stare and he looked away with an eye roll. He continued writing and then sighed when the bell rang, standing up and walking into the classroom once it was empty. "Hi, Ms. Hale." He greeted the teacher before sitting down.

"Hi Mr. Hopper. How's today been for you?" She asked as she rolled the shades on the windows up. "Decent." He sighed and glanced around. "What's today's lesson, teach?" He asked and she sighed, setting a book onto his desk.

"To Kill a Mockingbird." She said and he held up the book then glanced up at her. "Already read it." He said and she smiles. "Then read it again. Go at the same pace as most students here." She said as she walked away, over to her desk. "Like I don't have a brain? Sure." He jokingly said and she just gave him a look that said don't be a smartass.

He mostly sat and read the book during class as she teached, telling them what they had to do then he set the book down with a bookmark in it and wrote down the questions they had to answer after they finished reading the book. Once he was done, he went back to reading for the rest of the class and then the bell rang, signalling the end of their class. After that, he went to gym.

In his gym class, he mostly sat saying he had iron deficiency, which he did, it wasn't a lie. It made him tired, dizzy and weak whenever he tried to do sports. It wasn't his fault he didn't like to eat meat, he rarely ate it in fact, he always only had potatoes, vegetables and other healthy foods.

People in his class taunt him for it but was it his fault? No, not really. He sat and wrote most of his class, even bouncing back and forth between reading To Kill a Mockingbird and writing his recent story idea. A ball landed near him and rolled to his side, he sighed and picked it up.

He looked to see Steve Harrington standing there at the bottom of the bleachers. He held out the ball and Steve held up his arms for James to pass it to him. James glared and threw it at him fast, the boy catching it quickly and running off. James rolled his eyes at him and looked down.

James doesn't like sports anyway. He tried out for little league when he was younger and didn't enjoy it. He tried soccer in middle school but he didn't really like running. He tried out for basketball but that's probably the time he nearly passed out trying to play and everyone thought he was dying. Turns out he only had iron deficiency.

He's been trying to eat meat since, his dad makes meals that consist of roast beef, burgers, pork, liver, chicken, but James didn't really like to eat meat, he'd think too much of all of the poor animals and feel grossed out by even eating it.

Jim teases him and calls him a vegan, then grabs the food right off his plate. James didn't really care. "Hopper!" The teacher shouted and he sighed, standing up and walking over. "I got you something to do," the man said and James slowly nods. "Bring this kid to the nurse." He says.

James looked and saw some scrawny boy in his class, "okay?" He says and then walked with the boy down the hall. "You didn't have to." The boy said but he ignored him, continuing down the hall. Once at the nurse's office, James left and wandered around until getting back to the gym and changing back to his regular clothes. He left gym early and headed to his next class which was math. He hated math, good at it, but hated it pretty much.

authors note me: pls i love u🥺🤲

authors note me: pls i love u🥺🤲him:

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true story.

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