xvi. the other side.

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     WHILE THE kids went to grab something to make a makeshift rope out of, James turned to Steve and saw him staring up at the portal on the roof, so he just stares at him, smiling. Max and Lucas bring over a mattress, setting it down. "Those stains are, uh..." Eddie says. James glanced up to see the mattress belonging to the Munson had visible parts of it being wet, so he glanced over at Eddie.

He awkwardly turns to the girls to his side, glancing at James for a moment who was now looking over at him. He quickly looked away, back up at the mattress on the other side. "I don't know what those stains are." He says immediately as Robin made a disgruntled hum. Dustin walks over, holding sheets tied together, "not quite sure how these physics are gonna work. But, uh... here goes nothing." He said before tossing up the rope.

It falls before them, making them look up. "There we go." Dustin smiles. "And if my theory is correct..." He lets go and it's still hanging. "Abracadabra." He says proudly as Max smiles. "Holy shit." She says, looking up. "Alright, pull on it! See if it holds!" Dustin says.

Robin does the honours, pulling on it hard but it doesn't budge. "This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen some crazy shit." Erica says and James chuckles as she then high-fives Dustin. "Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin says before climbing up the rope as the kids stepped out of the way.

"Oh my God!" Robin shouts before landing on the mattress. "Thank God. That was fun." He chuckles and James just smiled before he looked at Eddie who looked between him and Steve. "I'll go." He said and grabbed the rope.

"Ed, okay... just... easy." He says, watching as the Munson eagerly climbed up then fell down onto his mattress where he quickly sat up. "That was fun. Shit." He smiled and James chuckled before looking at Nancy. "You go first..." The Wheeler gestured and James just glanced up. "Are you sure?" He steps up to the rope and she nods. "Just... be careful. I'll see you on the other side." Nancy tells him and he sighs, stepping up to climb through next.

He held through the portal before flipping himself over so he could land onto his feet. "Shit, that was hot." Eddie mumbled quietly with his face red and James looked over at him, his brows raised before he glanced up. "Alright, you're up, Wheeler!" He calls out since he figured Steve would insist that he'd be the last one to cross through the portal to their side.

"See you on the other side." Steve tells her and she nods. "On the other side." She says quietly, stepping up to the rope but she stopped dead in her tracks as James cleared the way. "Nance? Aren't you gonna go?" Steve asked but then stepped closer. "Nancy.... Nancy!" He grabs her shoulders and all them, James and the kids stepped up to the mattress. "Nancy! Nancy, stay with me! Nancy!" Steve shouted.

"Shit, shit, shit, music! Music! Where is your music?!" James exclaimed, grabbing onto Eddie's jacket and the boy turns to him. "In--in my room!" He rushed off and James is quick to follow him. "Guys, guys!" He tells them and they rush off into the Munson's room.

"What's her favourite song?!" James exclaimed at Robin as they dig through Eddie's music collection. "I wouldn't know!" Robin exclaimed. "Steve says you need to hurry!" Erica said as she came running. "Yeah? No shit!" Dustin shouted over his shoulder. "We're trying. We can't find anything!" Max exclaimed.

"What is all this shit?" James exclaimed at Eddie, looking at him. "I mean, what are you even looking for?" He asked as he tossed down more tapes. "Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music, we need music!" Robin raised a tape of Iron Maiden which Eddie snatched. "This is music!" He shouted at her and James stood up, grabbing his jacket again.

"Chill the fuck out." He says through gritted teeth before going through some more tapes. "Yeah, none of this shit will help Nance." He said, looking up at Eddie who sighed, running a hand over his face. "Well, sorry! Me and Nancy Wheeler clearly are very different people." Eddie exclaimed and James stood up, rushing back towards the livingroom.

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