xxii. feel right.

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THE GROUP climbed up the rest of the hill before they finally got to Cerebro. "Bald Eagle, do you copy?" Dustin said into the mic. "Bald Eagle, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop, do you copy?" James wasn't sitting with them, he was far off and gripping grass and ripping it out harshly.

"Hey, are you okay?" Steve sat down beside him. "No." He said, gruffly. "Why...?" Steve felt hesitant to ask and James rubs his face. "I need a fucking cigarette. And I hate this! I wanna be with my dad." He crossed his arms and Steve sighs, leaning against him, his head on James' shoulder.

He glanced up at him, "he's gonna be fine, he's always been fine." He said and James just stood up suddenly, walking over to Robin, Erica and Dustin. "Hey..." He sat down by Erica.

"Scoops Troop, this is..." Murray paused to let out an annoyed hum. "Bald Eagle." He says. "I've reached another junction." Dustin looks at Erica, "this is what?" He asked the girl. "The fourth junction." She says and he nodded softly.

"Alright, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis." He said and James looks at him with a confused look. "We went left, so he has to go right." Erica explains and then they say at the same time, "right." He lifts the mic, "fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right." He says.

"Roger that, flying right."

"What's the My Little Pony thesis?" James asked with a confused look at the three. "Don't get him started." Erica said and James looks at Robin and Dustin. "Get him started? Just tell—" "hey, guys?" Steve called out and James quickly stood up, walking over to him as the other three looked over.

They get up and follow James over to Steve, the lights were flickering at the mall. "El," James said right away and they run back to Cerebro. "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over!" Dustin shouts into the mic.

He repeated it once more, until a creature shrieked over the radio. He repeated once more and all they got was roaring in return. "Give me the keys, Steve!" James looked towards Steve. "What are you gonna do?!" He asked and James huffed. "My sister is in that fucking mall!" He points.

"Fine... you three stay, and I drive." He said as he pointed towards himself and James huffed, rolling his eyes. "Hey, wait, stay in touch!" Dustin said as he tossed the radio to Steve. They started running down the hill, towards where they parked the car. There, Steve and James got into the car and Steve started it up in an instant, backing up before turning the car around and driving down the rest of the hill, all the way down to the road.

"Why are you acting so bitchy?" Steve asked and James huffed. "I am so not..." He said with an annoyed look. "Hey... it'll all be okay, right? W-we've went through this before and we'll get through it again, I promise you." He said as he grabs James' hand in his. "Something... just doesn't feel right this time around." James sighs.

The two arrived to the mall and saw a car speeding towards the Vista Cruiser out in the front where Nancy was standing, holding up a gun. "I have an idea but you have to hold on tight, Jamie." Steve said as he speeds up the Toddfather.

"What? Steve..." James said but braced for impact anyway. They rammed into the car before it could hit Nancy, it sent both cars drifting out of the way and then both cars stopped. "Holy shit!" James exclaimed as Nancy looked over at them, Billy's car going up in flames and Steve sighed.

"Are you okay?" He asked and James glanced over at him. "That was totally badass, but now my neck hurts." He said and Steve looks at him. Then they stood up in the car to look at the creature on the roof of the mall, snarling and roaring. Jonathan pulled up the car next to the Toddfather, honking the horn. "Get in!" Nancy shouted.

The two got into the back of the car and James looked to see only that it was just Lucas and Will. "Uh, hey! Where the fuck is my sister?" He said as he leaned over. "We-we all split up!" Lucas said, shrugging his shoulders. "Fuck," James leaned back and looked over at Steve.

Steve was busy watching the Mind Flayer running after their car. "Dusty-bun, do you copy?" A girl said over the radios. "I copy, Suzie-poo. It sounds much better now. Thanks." Dustin said next and James looks at Steve. "Suzie." They say in sync. "Okay, so listen, do you know Planck's constant?" Dustin them asked his girlfriend over the radio.

And then some dorkiness, some dumb duet and then finally Suzie recited the numbers of Planck's constant, to which Dustin thanked his girlfriend, saying she saved the world and then they ended up telling each other they missed each other and all of that mushy bullshit.

James sighed. "Finally, it's over..." He whispered. Then he looked behind the car, "it turned around!" He said when he saw the Mind Flayer stop and turn around. "What?!" Nancy glanced back at them. "It turned around!" Steve shouts.

"Maybe we wore it out." Lucas said to Nancy and Jonathan. "I don't think so. Hold on." Jonathan said and then he did a complete U-turn that made Steve land onto James' lap. "Fuck, sorry," the older of the two mumbled and pulled back.

They start driving back to the mall, where they carried in Lucas' supply of fireworks and split up and distributed into three groups, Jonathan and Nancy, Will and Lucas, then James and Steve.











authors note stranger things 3 only did three things: made people forget about lumax 😐 made mileven shippers 10x more annoying with that "i LoVe YoU" bullcrap 😳 and created the disturbed people known as bileven shippers... 🤢 anyway stan the superior seasons, 1 and 2!! ❤️

+ didn't wanna write all of that crap with never ending story because it got annoying 😍

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