xviii. watch it.

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ROBIN SPED up, "Jesus! Slow down, Robin!" Steve said, holding on. "Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" James said and looked at Steve. "It's the Indy 300." Steve pointed and James furrowed his brows. "No, Stevie, it's 500!" He argued back to him. "It's 300!" Steve exclaimed, holding up his fingers and James glanced away.

"Let's say... a million!" He says and they both bursted out laughing, Steve grabbing his hand with his. "What is wrong with them?" Erica asked Dustin and Robin. "I don't know." Dustin said and Robin sighed before she pressed onto the brakes, arriving at the elevator where they hopped out and she went to open the doors at the back with Dustin's help. James grabbed onto Robin, "hey, hey, hey, did anyone ever tell you how pretty you are?" He asked as Dustin went over to unlock the doors.

"Uh, thanks?" Was all Robin said with a clearly confused look on her face as she looked up at him. "Oh, I totally mean that in a non... straight way. I'm dating Steve." He whispered into her ear, so Erica and Dustin wouldn't hear. "Alright, James..." She simply chuckled and walked with him into the room along with Steve, Erica and Dustin before they tried the buttons, then the room was moving, the elevator was finally taking them up.

Steve was on a cart and balancing while James was pushing it, both of them laughing and whooping. "Hey! You look like you're surfing!" James told him and Steve looks at him. "Surfing, yeah!" He smiled widely, trying to balance. "I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve shouted and then he fell forward, onto the floor. "Oh, my God!" James laughed and sat down onto the cart.

Dustin goes to Steve, checking his forehead. "He's burning up." He says to Robin who sighed. "You're burning up." Steve shot back and Robin rolls her eyes. "One sec, one sec. Steve, Steve," Dustin said as the older of the two tried to push him away. "God, no," Steve refused as Dustin pushed his eye open. "Ow!" Steve shouted.

"Hey! Don't hurt him!" James said with a glare, crossing his arms. "His pupils are super dilated... Let me check yours." Dustin went over to James who smacked his hands away. "Don't touch me, Henderson!" He says. "Maybe they're drugged." Erica said and Robin sighs. "You can tell James' are dilated, he has blue eyes." He said and James bats his eyes at Dustin with a wide smile.

"Boop!" Steve booped Dustin's nose when the boy went back to his side, the fourteen year old smacking his cheek. "Steve? Are you drugged?" He said and Steve chuckles. "How many times, dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." He smiled, pushing Dustin's face away. "This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?" Steve boops his nose again.


"We all die, Dustin..." James said suddenly making Robin, Erica and Dustin look over to him. "It's just a matter of how... and when." He said and suddenly stood up. "Oh, Stevie!" He cuddled up at the other's side making Dustin furrow his brows and glance at Robin over his shoulder. She shrugs, smiling widely at how cute her co-worker and her friend were.

Dustin just shakes his head, snapping out of it as he looks back at them. "They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you both to tell me where you parked your cars." He poked Steve's shoulder and Steve looks at James. "Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" He asked, his arm tightly around James' shoulders. "I would kill for a hot dog on a stick!" James says excitedly.

"Ooh!" Steve said and James giggled, putting his forehead onto Steve's shoulder. "Alright, yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your cars are parked... Either one of yours." Dustin says.

"Uh-oh..." Steve said, looking at Dustin as James buried his face into his neck, rubbing his chest. "Uh-oh?" Dustin said. "The car's off the board. Both of them." He said and Dustin gave a confused look. "What?" He says. "They took the keys." Steve patted his pockets one by one with one hand. "And mine." James said with a sad frown.

"Like forever ago." Steve said and James nodded sadly. "That's a bummer, right?" Steve said and James sighed softly. Dustin looked over at Erica and Robin before it was finally the end of their little journey, the room finally stopped. Steve quickly stood up, "oh, baby, come on," he lifted James up so easily as if it were nothing.

"Oh!" They say as they all walk out. "Oh, my God! Can you-can you believe I thought we were gonna die down there?" James laughed, holding onto Steve's hand tightly, their fingers interlocked. "Uh, yeah! You were crying." Steve laughed and James' face turned into an annoyed one. The gates to the docks opened up, guards running over, but they don't notice as Dustin, Erica and Robin turn around, "come on! Come on! Come on!" They say and lead James and Steve over to the doors.

"Why are we running?!" Steve said but ran inside the corridors of the mall anyway. They kept running, James and Steve holding each other's hands as Robin and Erica dragged them along, Dustin ahead of the four. "Where are we going?!" Erica asked, getting tired of dragging James.

"Just trust me!" Dustin said and kept running with them following after him. Then Dustin opened a door, peering out and making sure the coast was clear before letting them in, "all clear." He says and walked to the nearest theatre, where Steve grabbed a full bag of popcorn from the trash, following after James into the theatre that was showing the movie, Back to the Future. Dustin opened the doors to show a man on screen shout, "what did I tell you?!" to a teenage boy in front of him.

"Eighty-eight miles per hour!"

"Come on." Dustin said and leads the four down the side of the theatre to the only empty seats, "you two, sit." Dustin told James and Steve. "No, no, no! These seats are too close!" James complained but all of the other seats were clearly taken as they both still sat down onto the empty seats.

"Dude, these seats blow." Steve says and James nods. "Then don't watch the movie." Dustin says and James pouts. "We want to!" He argues. "Then watch it!" Robin says only to have a man shh's her who James shh'ed back very harshly before turning away with a glare on his face. "Sorry." Robin apologized then looked at the two boys.

"Whatever you do, don't... go... anywhere."

"Fine, mom and dad." Steve said making James snicker at his joke. "That's messed up." Robin pointed at them before she went over to the other empty seats to sit down with Erica and Dustin, Dustin flipping them off as he follows.










authors note james to steve about dustin, erica and robin: omg steve, can we keep them?
steve: ... james, how many more times-

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