First Day

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Here we go, start of new adventure! Let's do this.

It's my first day at a senior college working as a teacher assistant. I'm so nervous for this as it's my first working with actual students.

As I arrive at the college, there's no students here yet but are a few fancy and old style cars in the parking lot.

The place is huge, and old building which big windows and doors, long, very long hallways. It would be easy to get lost.

My first meeting with the principal went well. I now know the name of the professor I will be working with, his name is Nathan Gardner. I hope he's nice. I was really hoping to have a woman to follow for guidance that's not up to me. And if I want to learn about history teaching then I will need the right mentor.

I look down at the paper I was given and it reads:-

N. Gardner, room 467

So I watch carefully on the door numbers, getting closer as each one passes as I make my way to his room, trying to take everything in as I go along.

The door is closed to I politely knock and hear a voice from inside. "Come in!"

I open the door, to see him sat behind his desk, reading glasses on the edge of his nose. My first impression? He's cute.

"Hello?" I say to him, holding onto my bag and papers.

"Oh hi! You must be Katie?" He asks me as he takes his glasses off and places them down on the desk before standing to greet me.

"That's me.. here for my first day.."

"Great! Here, you hang your jacket up in here with mine.." he points to the doorway that's like a closet but has books and his jacket in, but like a small storage room.. "You'll have your own desk over here beside mine, that way you can help students if they need it and I'm not free"

I can't help but admire the way he looks. For an older professor, he looks very handsome.

"You find everything ok?" He asks me as I just stare at him, looking him up and down.

"Uh yeah.. I sure did" I nod and go to my desk next to his.

The morning classes went by rather quickly, everyone has been pretty chilled out and it's nice. My nerves settled rather quickly and I enjoyed it, I know we haven't seen all of Mr Gardener's classes, but the first few were great. I can only hope the rest are.

"It's lunch Miss Jones, you don't have to stay.." I hear Mr Gardner speak up from his work.

"I know..I just.. I'm not sure which way to go.." I nervously admit.

"That's fine, if you want you can sit with me? I normally eat alone but you're more than welcome to join me.." he offers which I gladly take.

"So tell me about yourself.." Mr Gardner asks when we sit down at a table in the cafeteria.

"Well.. I'm new to all this, I finished my university course a few months ago and i finally got accepted into a job, although I'm still only a trainee and need to pass. This is my real first teaching assistant job.."

Mr Gardner lets me speak but only smirks to me when I'm finished.

"Sure, I know that, I've read your file. I mean tell me about Katie, the Katie outside of work.."

Not sure why he needs to know that but ok.

"Well I'm 27, I've lived here for 15 years with my parents, I have one sister and one nephew, but they don't live here, they moved away for my sisters work and then she met her husband and had a baby"

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