
457 21 16

A few weeks had passed since Christmas break.

Our relationship is growing day by day, my parents still haven't come round to the idea of me dating an older man.

They haven't called or text to see how I am.

They even missed my birthday, which to be honest I was a bit gutted.

Luckily, I don't need them. I have Nathan.

My birthday was spent with a candle lit dinner date, he even bought me a necklace, which I now wear every day and when I'm not with him, it reminds me how lucky I am to have him.

"Babe do you have a second?" Nathan calls from his kitchen.

Although I haven't moved in officially.. I have sort of.. unofficially.

"Yeah?" I wander into the kitchen and there is he is, the absolute cute, dork that he is trying to bake cakes.

"What the hell.." I laugh as I see him covered in flour, trying to mix the bowl.

"I can't get them to bake well! I've tried for the past hour!" He frowns like a child.

"Come on I'll help you.." I say as I take the bowl from his hands and start mixing.

"You have more flour on you, that in the bowl.. it's even in your hair.." I giggle as I notice the white showing throwing his brown strands.

"Sorry.. I just.. I know you said you loved baking cakes and I wanted to make something for you.. as a treat you know.."

He's so cute.

"You've just gotta time it well, and then they'll be perfect.."

"How did you get so good at baking?" He asks and I smile as I start pouring the mixture into the cases.

"Baking on a Sunday was always sort of tradition for my mom and me.. whilst dad took my sister out for the day.."

He notices the slight sadness to my voice, when I mention my mom.

"Well.." he hugs me from behind and I squirm as he places a kiss on my cheek.. " can teach this grump to bake.."

"Stop.. I have to put these in now.." I try to escape his grip but he just holds my waist from behind..

And just as I close the door of the stove, he leaves a gentle tap on my ass and the way he giggles in my ear, I know what he's done.

A nice white hand print from the flour on my dark jeans.

"You ass!"

"Mmm.. I love your ass.." he smirks and as I try to get him back, he holds onto my wrists to stop me. He's a lot stronger than I am, so after a moment of trying, I give up, I catch his brown eyes looking at me, with a soft smile to his lips, he wraps his arms back around me and pulls me close.

"You're cute.." he whispers and I instantly blush.

He leans his head forward to rest against mine. I close my eyes, as he gently sways us. I'm not sure how long we're stood with him just holding me. Sometimes this is all you need isn't it? A warm cuddle?

"Ew! Oh god what the hell?" Is the sound that interrupts our little cute moment. "Is it safe to look?!"

We both look up to the doorway and see Susan standing there, with her hand covering her eyes in a very dramatic way.

"I don't mind you staying over but please can you try and keep your hands off each other for 5 minutes?!"

"We literally just baked some cakes.. this is just a forgiving moment for me slapping flour on her ass!" Is the response she gets from Nathan.

"Dad! Really?! Ugh it's not what I need to hear!" I can't help but let out a little laugh at her reaction.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me!" She soon hurries away and leaves us alone again.

"So.. where were we?" Nathan tries to plant a kiss on my lips but I fight the urge and push him off me, looking at the cake decorations. "Making cakes I think? They're almost done so you need to pick out what you're decorating them with!"

He frowns at the loss of contact, but goes straight to helping with the rest of the cakes. Once they're all ready to be served. Nathan let's me try the first one and they are delicious.

That night, we're curled up on the couch, a blanket wrapped around my legs. My head resting against Nathan's shoulder.

He's watching some old history documentary but I can't concentrate on it.

All I can think of is my mom, and how much I miss her. I miss my dad too but my mom was like a best friend.

I check my texts and still nothing from either of them. Only a few from my sister from earlier today and Nathan.

Should I be the bigger person and text first?

But what if they still can't accept it? I can't just break up with him because of my parents.

I sigh and place my phone back on the table beside us.

"Honey? Are you ok?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah.." I lie to which he can tell straight away, he pauses his show and makes me sit up so he can turn to face me.

"Talk to me?"

"It's nothing.. I..just" another sigh leaves my mouth and he runs his hand over my thigh giving me the comfort I need.

"I miss my mom..I guess the baking earlier, made me realise how much I miss spending time with her like I did when I was younger.. and now.."

"And now.. you don't have them because of me.." he says with a hint of sadness to his voice. Like as if he almost regrets it all.

"No.. I miss her that's all.. just feeling emotional.."

"You know I never wanted to come between you and your family.. and if you miss them..maybe we should.."

I know what he's trying to say.. but he doesn't want to actually say the words.

"No!" I cup his face in my hands.. "They made their choice not me, just because I miss the old days doesn't mean I don't want this.."

I place a long kiss on his lips hopefully proving what I've just said, softly stroking his cheek with my thumb.

"I just don't want to be a problem for you sweetheart.." he whispers.

"I promise you aren't.. it's them, they're the one with the problem.."

"You'd tell me if you ever have any regrets?" Is the next question he asks me, which I frown at, but I give him the nod of agreement.

"I love you.." He speaks softly and moves a strand of hair behind my ear before coming back in for another kiss.

It's not long before the simple make out turns into a passionate one, he pushed the kiss deeper, his tongue rotating with mine, his hands find their way to my waist.. he lifts my t shirt that I have on slowly up and over my head causing us to break our kiss for a small second. Once he has it off, he throws it across the room somewhere and we quickly attach again.

I climb over his lap, and I subconsciously play with the hair at the back of his neck as our kiss becomes more heated.

"Oh babe.." he moans out as I feel his quite known problem underneath me..

"Oh Hello Mr Gardner.." I smirk against his lips. He's quick to place kisses along my jaw line, to my neck. I throw my head back a little to given him more access, kissing and biting the spot that I love.

"Wanna take this upstairs?" He whispers against my neck and I nod.

"Lead the way sir.." I stand off him and he's quickly grabbing my hand to lead me up to his bedroom.

When we get there, as soon as I close the bedroom door, he's rough...the sexual frustration pouring out of him, pushing me against it..

"Just to be sure... no regrets?" He makes joke of our earlier discussion and I smirk at him, slowly undoing each one of the buttons on his shirt..

"Absolutely none.."

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