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The reality hadn't really set in until we're in the car on the way back to my parents house.

Whilst Nathan got dressed, I waited by the door. He came back to me wearing some jeans and a dorky Christmas jumper. He looked rather cute.

"Well let's get this show on the road!" I say and slowly open the door until I see his hand towering above me and closes it again, whilst the other wraps around my waist.

"Nathan.." I whisper but he just pulls my body to his, feeling him press up against me and he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Mmm.. I was thinking upstairs.."

"Oh? About what?" I question him.

"You..and I didn't say it back.."

"Say what.." I question again not following.

"I love you Katie.." his mouth meeting mine again before I can respond. His tongue pushing for access which I grant him straight away.

When I feel his body press me against the door that's when I have to stop it. I move my hands in between us and he's like a lost puppy.

"Stop.. otherwise we'll never get this over with.."

"Just.. don't worry ok? I'll be right by your side.. no matter what happens, I think we just made our feelings very clear.." he takes my hand in his, locking our fingers together as we walk out to the car.

And that's when the reality hits. The thought of taking this wonderful man into meet my parents as my partner. Something I never thought would be such a pain.

I think he can tell I'm overthinking it, as I feel his hand rest on my knee, squeezing a little, trying to settle my nerves.

"It'll be ok.." he whispers

"I'm just.. a little scared.."

"They'll be fine, they won't ruin Christmas over something like this.." my sister calls from the front.

As we get to my parents house, my sister parks up.. "I'll go in first.." she offers.

Watching my sister walk up the front yard.. I take a deep breath as I leave the car and Nathan kindly takes my hand.

"It's going to be fine.." he whispers in my ear again.

As we head inside, my parents are in the front room with Jordan and Gareth and now my sister.

I walk in to greet them first and my dad opens conversation.

"Ah Katie! Get what you needed?" He asks and I nod slightly.

"Yes.. I have.. uh.. someone I'd like you guys to meet.."

"Before you give me the whole disappointing lecture, I want to tell you, that because you made me stay here for Christmas, I left a very close friend alone at Christmas, and I couldn't handle the guilt anymore, and I didn't want to lie to you.."

My parents looking ever so confused, I go out and take Nathan's hand, leading him into meet them.

"This is Nathan, we've uh.. been..uh.. dating for a while.."

The look they gave is a one that I'm a little unsure of. Nathan holds his hand out to greet them as always the gentleman he is.

My dad stands to accept it, "Nice to meet you Nathan.." my dad greets him.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier! Nathan it's so nice to meet you.." my mom then greets with a hug.

Ok totally not what I was expecting. This is good.. I think.

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