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"Megan? She's Dad's ex girlfriend.." Susan tells us both, my sisters eyes widen as she looks at me, expecting a full on crazy meltdown..

"Oh.." is all that escapes my mouth. His ex? Should it bother me? Does it bother me? Why is she in contact with him again? Why did he take her number down!

"Sorry.. I've put my foot in it havent I? I thought he would have told you.."

"He said she was an old friend.. that's was it.." I shrug. Not really knowing how to react.

"If it helps, she was no good for him.. I was glad he got rid of her when he did.."

"Why?" I ask, why didn't he say any of this to me?

"I didn't like her.. from what I can remember.. it was about 10..9 year ago.. so I was about 9 myself..."

"Right.. so the last time he saw her was 10 year ago.. that's what he told me.."

"Yeah.. they split, she left and moved away..he was miserable, felt like he was not good enough for anyone.. but then you came along.."


"Please don't turn this into a bad thing.." my sister jumps in before Susan can respond to me.

"I just don't know why he wouldn't tell me?"

"Maybe he's not thought anything of it, because she's just an ex?" My sister asks and I shoot her a glare.

"Just an ex? She gave him her number!"

"I can guarantee Katie, he only took it to be nice, he won't have any interest in calling her.." Susan tries to tell me..and I want to believe her, but I have this self doubt, it's not him I don't trust, it's her.

When Nathan returns home after his boys night with Gareth, I'm already in bed. I'm facing away from his side, I'm awake but I don't turn over to greet him. I hear him getting ready for bed, trying to be as quiet as possible but it's not really working.. eventually I can feel him getting into bed, his arm reaches over to rest on my waist, and a soft kiss is placed on my shoulder.

"Katie.. you still awake?" He whispers.. Do I answer him or pretend to be asleep?

When I don't answer, he sighs and places another kiss on my shoulder.. before laying back, his arm leaves my waist..

"Good night anyway.. babe.." is the last he whispers to me before he's asleep himself. But as usual, I can't sleep, the thoughts going in my head.

I just don't know why he didn't tell me? Does he not trust me? What does that mean for us now? Will he still love me the same now she's back in his life?

Or am I just overthinking this whole situation?

It must be about 6am when Jordan decides to wake everyone up again that morning, I feel like I haven't slept, but when I turn over Nathan is already up..

"Ahh good morning sleep head.." he greets me in the kitchen when I find the strength to get out of bed.

"You're up early?"

"Nope.. just normal time.. you've slept in.." I frown and grab his phone that's placed on the kitchen table, I check the time and it's 9:33am


"Luckily for you it's spring break so you don't have to go into work!"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You looked like you needed a good sleep.. and besides you looked cute.. so I didn't wanna disturb you.." he smiles sweetly at me.. "I made you breakfast.."

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