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"How was your spring break?" Ms Davis asks as she's setting out the textbooks on the morning of our first day back.

"It was great, really nice thank you.. and yours?"

"Pretty quiet to be honest, just nice to have a break isn't it?"

"It sure is.." I smile at her thinking back to our night away, subconsciously taking the locket between my fingers.. My mind begins to drift back to after he gave me the locket.. I apologised to him for how I had doubted him.. and boy did he make me forget it all and really feel special.

He took his time with everything and I mean it. He took my hand in his, and led me back to the bedroom, slowly departing of our clothes, piece by piece, without a single kiss, I silently begged him to give me what I wanted, but just the look in his eyes, even thinking of it now a form of butterflies hit my stomach. He then lay me down on the bed, and his soft hands on my bare skin, and he eventually placed slow, teasing kisses up my body, to my lips. Oh how I love his taste.

I didn't want it to end, but we returned home like a new couple, the retreat was just what we both needed. Our connection had only grew stronger, and we couldn't keep our hands off each other especially the end of the most amazing week, and even now, returning to work, it's killing me. Not being with him.

"That's so pretty, did a certain someone give you that?" Ms Davis breaks into my daydreaming, when I realise she's talking about the locket, I glance down with a sigh.

"Yeah he sure did.. he took me away for the night.. and it was perfect.."

"You two are so adorable..I can tell how much he adores you.."


"Oh absolutely.. obviously I didn't know either of you when I started here but I saw instantly there was a spark between the two of you.." my cheeks start to heat in a blush, and she doesn't stop there..

"You know I'll be honest, when I first started here, I thought he was cute.." my eyes widen when she admits that but soon she's calming me again.. "But I noticed straight away how he looks at you..and I just saw a man so hopelessly in love.."

"And now it all makes sense, I thought he was just scared to admit how he felt about you, but if you two were already dating then.. I understand.."

"We just didn't know how people would accept us.."

"Why? If you love each other, do our opinions matter?"

"I guess not.."

We're both alerted by the first bell as students start making their way inside the room. It's a usual typical morning which I won't bore you with, it's just us teaching.. that is until just before lunch when the day gets interesting.. I have a free period so I make my way to the library to prepare for our afternoon lessons, and on my way, passing the entrance of the school someone caught my attention.

I glance over to her, stood with the principal.


Oh fuck.

I don't know whether to panic or hide, or both.. but they're deep in conversation.

Why is she here?! For the love of God please don't tell me she's getting a job!!

"Yes I would be delighted!" I hear her say as he starts leading her down the hallway, to what I think would be his office.

I need to talk to Nathan! But fuck it I can't, he's teaching!

I quickly hurry to the Library, and start looking through some books that Ms Davis asked me to get for our lessons.

But my mind is obviously focused on what just happened. Surely she wouldn't get a job here? Would she?

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