The Perfect Day

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Okay, so I didn't challenge Nathan about the Megan thing, I was going to try and forget it, trust him like he's always telling me.. but I did forget that I sent him the message.. so when we get home, and I disappear upstairs. That's when he decides to check his phone, and read the message.

I'm busy changing into some comfy clothes when he appears in our bedroom door way.. he's got his eyes locked on me, I try to ignore it but he decides to speak first..

"How did you know about the England trip?" He asks, and again I try to ignore the question, as I pull my sweat pants up, so I'm comfy for dinner, I go to walk past him but he takes my hand to stop me.. "Katie?"

"I uh.. bumped into Megan on my way back to my classroom.."

"You did? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was going to.. but.. I wanted to trust you.."

"What did she say to you?"

"It doesn't matter.." I glance away from him but he lifts his hand from mine, letting me go, to place a finger under my chin to turn and hold my gaze back on him.

"Tell me what she said?" He asks firmly.

"She just.." I sigh.. "She said you two were going back to England in the spring.."

"Right.." again he lets me go, and steps away from me, his ass resting against his dresser.. "She had no right to say that to you.."

"Is it true?" I ask, not that I really want to know the answer.. "Nathan?"

"No.." he tells me firmly.. "Well the England trip is happening, but no I'm not going.."

"But she said.."

"She did, and I know she desperately wants me to go, but I've told her I'm not.."

"You're not?"

"No! I'm not leaving you.." he stands up straight again and rests his hand on my stomach.. "He'll be here or.. just about.. I'm not missing my son's birth or the first few weeks of his life to go and teach some kids about English history.."


"Of course!! I don't know why she told you I was going, but I promise you I'm not.. I've told them, I've told her and I've told the principal, he has accepted my wish.. I guess she's just trying to get between us.." he cups my cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb.. "I'm not going anywhere, I swear.."

"What did you tell her when she came to your classroom?"

"My classroom?"

"Yeah, she told me she was coming to see you, about the trip.."

"Oh.. yeah she did for a brief 5 minutes, but she only asked if I had changed my mind, told her no, and that was that.. she'd gone back to wherever she's working at.."

"This bitch.." I groan.. but he just laughs at my choice of words.. "Why is she doing this?"

"I don't know, but you've gotta try and ignore her, and I know you did today which I'm proud of you for, but she is clearly gonna try and come between us.."

"I.. don't think I can work with her Nathan.." I admit sadly, I know deep down I won't be able to, as much as I want to shove it in her face that we're together.. "I just can't cope with the stress.."

"I know baby, it's gonna be hard but it's only for a few months and then you'll be on leave.."

"Exactly, I'm having a baby, the last few months are supposed to be stress free, if I have to deal with her every day trying to get one up on me, or trying to suck your dick.. I just.. don't know how I'll manage.." My choice of words clearly makes him chuckle, and I know which part he's laughing at.. "But I trust you, and I know you won't ever do anything to hurt me, it's her I don't trust.."

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