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There's something about the way Nathan looks me, not just in the moment we share dinner but for the rest of the night. There's no doubting he's excited about the baby, he hasn't stopped smiling since I told him.

Even when we end up in bed that night, he wants to be as close as he can to me. I'm not complaining, it's adorable. When I do make my way into the bedroom after him, he's already lay on his side of the bed, holding his arms out for me to join him.

"Get over here beautiful.." he calls out to me, which I waste no time in doing, I climb in bedside him, resting my head on his chest, as he wraps his arms around me. I can't help notice the way he rests his hand on my stomach, not that he hasn't done it before but something just feels different about it, it's a warm, gentle feeling and I love it.

"How are you feeling?" He whispers as he turn runs his other hand up and down my arm, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Really good, it's a different kind of feeling.. I'm scared.. but excited too.."


"Yeah.. I know I've looked after Jordan on many occasions but this.. having my own baby is just.."

"It's natural to be scared, but I'm here.." he pulls me close and places a kiss on the top of my head.

"I know.. I'm excited, I never thought I'd have a family.."

"And here we are.. having our own little baby.." he whispers..

"Indeed we are.. are you happy?" I ask, I know he is, but I still want to hear his thoughts.

"Yes! Extremely.. just like you, a little scared too.. I know I've done this before, but that was like 18 years or whatever.. I'm a little out of practice.." he laughs.. "We'll work it out together.. as a married couple.."

"Yeah.. about that.."


"We might have to change our wedding day.."

"Why?" He frowns.. "I though we agreed.."

"Yes we did, but we planned it not knowing about the baby, and I really don't want to look huge in our wedding photos.."

"Huge? You're pregnant.. and I know you'll look stunning.. to me.. to everyone that is there.." he tries but I shake my head.. sitting up a little to look at him..

"I know your heart is set on April 4th, but that's literally a month before giving birth, I will be huge, I'll be stressed.. I want to enjoy our day.. not be worrying about the way I look..I'm sorry I just.. you know how I overthink and.."

"Hey.." he hushes me.. "It's fine.. so when do you want to do it? Do you want to wait until after the baby is born or.."

"No! God no.. babe.. I want to marry you now.. but I was thinking of bringing it forward.. how about a Christmas wedding?"

"A Christmas wedding.. Really?"

"Yeah.. I mean if you don't think it's a good idea..I just thought it would be nice to.."

"I like it.." he cuts me off.. "Yeah.. I don't want to wait too long to marry let's do it.. let's get it booked.."

"Are you sure? We can wait until after.."

"Nope.. we've decided.. it's going to be a Christmas what date are we thinking?" He asks, which I really don't know..

"I don't know.. let's ring up the venue in the morning, and see what availability they've got.. and whatever they have around December time.. we'll do it.."

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