Saved Me

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My first week has a teaching assistant went by pretty smoothly. Although some of the boys can be total dicks. The girls are pretty sweet, and then Nathan. He's such nice, and helpful.

It's Friday, a lovely sunny day and I don't know why, but today, I decided to wear a red autumn dress, that rests just above my knees.
Am I doing this for me? Or just trying to get someone else to notice? Maybe.

I wait for Nathan to pick me up exactly at 7:30am as promised on my first day. He is never early or late and it's cute. When I see his car pull up at my driveway, I nervously walk down and hop in his car. I don't miss the way he looks me up and down.

"Good Morning, ready for the final day of the week?"

"I am, it's going to be a great day.." I smile at him, looking over to him in the drivers side.

"It really is.." he bites his lip before starting the car back up and taking us to school.

The car journey is different, he's quiet, normally he talks my ear off with details of the day. But today he's not himself. 

"You ok?" I ask as we enter the car park.

"Of course, always." His tone off, not perky or happy like when I first got in the car.

"I need to visit the principal for a meeting now but I'll see you in class" Nathan tells me as we enter the hallway. He turns right towards the principal's meeting room and I go to his classroom.

It took Nathan until 10 minutes after the start of the first class before he came back.

"Sorry, meeting lasted longer than I would have hoped.."

"That's ok..I got them started on the work you had set out" I smile as I walk towards his desk.

He looks a little distracted, a loss for words. His tie is loose, his glasses on the end of his nose. Adorable.

He's quick to sit down, and fix his tie behind his computer. I go over to sit beside him at my desk, watching the students work.

The day goes over quickly for us and we're soon saying goodbye to the students for the weekend.

"Any plans tonight Miss Jones?" Nathan walks down each row of tables collecting in the work left behind.

"Yeah.. I'm meeting with some friends for drinks.."

"Nice.. well enjoy yourself and stay safe.."

"Thanks.. I will, it's my friends birthday so I can imagine it'll be a little crazy.." I laugh but he's not amused.

"I mean it, please stay don't know who's out there these days.. anything could happen" he gives me a stern look.

"I will..there's at least 5/6 of us tonight so I'll be fine" I promise him.

Nathan dropped me off again at my house, I do feel guilty that he's driving me to and from the college every day.

A few hours later and I'm now with my friends in a bar downtown. Drinks flowing, laughter, dancing. What better way to spend your Friday night! I was totally enjoying myself, for the first time in a while, I was letting my hair down and having a good time, with my best friends.

That was until..

"Hey gorgeous, wanna dance?" A man a little taller than me asks.

"Nope, definitely not but thank you." I politely decline and turn away from him.

"Oh come on! You know you wanna.." he forcefully grabs my hands and tries to put them around him.

"I said no!" I try to push away but he grabs my back and pulls me closer to him. I'm nearly sick at the smell of whatever he's been smoking and alcohol mixed together.

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