Our Night

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"I want us to try again.." I say.. just as the classroom door opens.

Susan is walking through the door head in her phone..Nathan and I both smirk at each other as she doesn't realise I'm here.

Until she nearly bumps into a desk and looks up..

"Hey sweetheart.." Nathan greets her.

"Dad! Katie! Sorry I didn't realise you were both.. here.. are you two talking it out?.. please tell me you're working it out?" She asks and I see Nathan nod from the corner of my eye.

"Oh thank god! He's been a right grump since you left Katie.."

"Uh.. no I haven't.." he tries to deny. But Susan's chuckle almost guarantees it.

"You have so.. you've been a grump all week.. sitting by your phone every night hoping she'd call.." I can feel his embarrassment as he looks down at the floor..

"Like a love struck teenager.. it's quite sickening.." she pretends to vomit. It's quite amusing.

"Did you actually come here for a reason or just to insult me?" He asks her and she smirks, turning her attention back to her phone.

"Sorry yes I did, I just thought I'd tell you, we're going to a gig tonight and then I'm staying at a friends.. so you don't have to wait up.."

"Oh.. have fun.." he shoots her a genuine smile before looking over to me.. a blush creeps onto my face almost as if I know exactly what he's thinking.

But Susan catches onto it..

"Yeah.. I'm sure you'll have fun doing allll this marking.." she pats the pile on his desk.

"Oh you know me, I love to get on top of my work.." he says sarcastically which I know he's thinking of something totally different and it makes my cheeks blush... and it almost makes Susan gag as she clearly knows what he means.

"Ok.. Ew.. Ew..on that note, I'm off... got to go and choose an outfit for tonight.. See ya Katie.." she waves to me and then Nathan.. "Love you Dad" she nearly runs of the door and we both watch her. When she does eventually close the door again, I glance Nathan's way and he smirks..


"What?" I ask playfully.

"House to myself.. want to join.."just as he goes to ask me something another knock to the door easily distracts us.

And in she walks.. like nothing ever happened. She stops midway and smiles at us both. I don't return it, but Nathan does.. just an ever so slight smile. I get it he's a nice guy. He can't help it.

"Oh.. sorry am I interrupting? I finished my lunch a little early I guess.." she puts her stuff on the desk I'm sat at.. "are you feeling better? Nate said you had a stomach bug?"

"Uh.. yeah.. a lot better thanks.." why is she acting like this? Am I missing something?

And why does she still call him Nate!!!

"Oh.. I'm glad to hear that.."

I glance at Nathan who's looking just as confused as I am..

"You should have told me you had company Nate.." she directs her conversation to him. Sorting through her bag without looking up. He doesn't know what to say..

"I just called in to thank him for the flowers he sent to my home whilst I was sick.. it was a lovely thing to do.." I tap his shoulder when I walk behind him and make my way to the door.. "I better get back now, I've still got a lot to catch up on.."

"Oh that's a shame but nice to see you back.."


That's all I can think of when I return back to the classroom. All the thoughts going round and round in my head.. Surely she had questions? They must have spoken about what happened that night? Has he told her about us?

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