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Authors note! I really hope you are enjoying this story! If you are, I will try to keep it updated regularly. Please let me know?  :-) 

This week has went by too quickly.

It's been the most amazing week, from spending time with family to spending time with Nathan.. just us. It really has been great.

I think my favourite part was taking my nephew to see some animals at a near by rescue centre. He loved it. What made it so great as my sister didn't join us, so it was just the three of us. And Nathan was great with him. An elderly couple even said we were a cute family. Which made Nathan comment on being a father to Susan being the best thing that's happened to him.

That night after had dropped Jordan back at my sisters. Nathan and I had went to get dinner. It was nice, relaxed. Although after we had ate, he insisted he got up and joined the dance floor. It was slow dancing which I don't really do. He took my arm and pulled it around his waist, showing me how to be positioned and then we slowly moved to the music together.

"What?" I ask when I notice he's been starting at me for too long.


"Sure.. why are you looking at me like that?"

"I uh.. I just noticed your freckles and how long your eyelashes are.. and how pretty your smile is when you get embarrassed.." again he's making me go that way, making me blush in public.


"Like I said.. cute.."

"You really gotta stop making me blush in public every time.."

"I can't, you're so pretty I have to tell you all the time..and it's not my fault you blush at my words.."

Leaving the restaurant behind, we made our way to the hotel, after he gave me a peck on my cheek when we were standing on the baloney, few soft kisses later had us falling back into bed, going off this romantic feeling, he was slow, caring but he was passionate, making my heart feel complete for the first time ever.

Sadly all good things come to and end and we're saying goodbye to my sister and making our way to the airport. I'm sad that it ended to quickly, our perfect time together. Who knows when this will happen again?

We made the flight back and I said goodbye to Nathan for the rest of the weekend. Monday Morning was upon us straight away.

"Hey, don't look so sad? We had a perfect week right?" Nathan tells me as I enter his car when he picks me up. He rests his hand just above my knee and I try to give him a smile.

"I don't know why I feel so upset, last week was totally the best week I've had, but I guess it's just reality hit this morning and we have to pretend last week never happened.."

"Well..Maybe it's time we started being a little more risky then?" He leans in, lifting his other hand to lift under my chin, and places his lips on mine. I melt in my seat at the feel of him again. I feel his other hand move further up my leg, resting on my thigh.. When he pulls away, he smirks at me, before giving my thigh a little squeeze. He settles himself back into his seat and starts the engine, heading back to college.

When we arrive at the college, it's quiet. We make our way to the classroom. We both unpack our stuff onto the desk, and that's when something catches me eye. A note on the desk..

Meeting first thing, principal's office

There's no name to say who left it but I swear I almost choke on air. Who, why now? What if they know?!

"You ok?" Nathan notices as I stumble a little on my feet and slam it back on the desk.

"They surely know?"

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