All About Us

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I keep playing Nathan's words over and over in my head as I lay awake next to his sleeping body. I'm just in a little shock that he admitted I am his soulmate.

Yeah I never told him he's mine.. I've never really thought.. or believed about mine. But is he mine?

I do love him of course.. but what he said about family.. I've never really thought about marriage or children of my own.. I've always thought there's plenty of time to do all that.. but now.. I'm thinking do we go with that now? He is a little older.. and he wants us to be together forever..

Not that I don't.. I do want that.. but marriage? Do we have to get married to be soulmates? Do we have to have mini Nathan's to be soulmates? He has a daughter already.. who's to say he wants more children? He told me I would find someone that I want that with... what if I already have but won't admit it in case that's not what he wants?

Yes, this is all going on in my head right now as I lay awake, listening to his breathing, my head resting back on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. I can feel his arm resting over my waist as he sleeps. How it's comforting for him I don't know.. but he's cute when he's asleep.

I check my phone to see the time.. 2:34am. Shit. We have work tomorrow, and I haven't even attempted sleep yet. But how can I sleep when he told me all of that last night?

He stirs a few times, but doesn't wake up fully, he does leave my waist alone as he lies back with one arm resting on his own naked chest, and the other goes above his head.. like I said.. cute.

I must eventually drift into a sleep as I'm soon woken up by Nathan's alarm at 6am.. I frown at the loud stupid tone waking me up.. my eyes feel heavy.. I haven't had enough sleep and I know it by how I feel.

"Ugh.." Nathan is grunting as he sits up, giving a good stretch..

"It's too early.." I turn over and burry my head in his pillow..

"You sleep, I'll cover you at work.." he's standing out of the bed, leaving his side to get a little cold..

"I've only been back a day I can't..." I sigh, sitting up, wrapping the covers around me.

"You look tired, did you not sleep well?" He kneels down on the bed in front of me, and he lifts his hand to stroke my cheek.

"I..uh.. no.. not really" I admit and his face turns to concern.

"Something on your mind?" He asks and I nod..

"Yeah.. just thinking about work.. but I'll get over it once I'm there.. last night was perfect by the way Nathan..thank you.." I quickly change the subject, to which he smiles, remembering our talk, him admitting his true feelings. The food. The sex.

"Tonight.. and every other night can the same.. if you.." I'm not sure what he means but he hesitates a little as I give him a confused look.

"I never got a chance to ask last night.. but I wanted to ask you if you..uh.. wanted to move in..with me.."

"Move in?" I repeat. Pop


"Like here? Move in with you? Forever? This would be our home? Together? As a family?"

"Um.. yes that's what I was going for.. yeah.." he chuckles at my reaction and the quick fire questions. I am in a total love bubble that I'm sure is about to burst soon.

"Yes! God! Nathan I'd love to!" I grab his face and pull him in for a kiss.

"I know you practically lived here before you know.. but this time I want it to be official.. you, me and Susan.. as a family.. it's all I really want"

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