Breaking The Tension

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"Just an old friend? Really?" I ask with doubt, not that I don't believe him, but the way he hesitated.. something isn't right.

"Yes! She is, I swear on it!"

"But I saw how cozy you were with her.."


"Yes.. even my sister commented on it Nathan, I guess it was noticeable to everyone but you.." I sigh..

"She's an old friend from college, someone who I haven't seen her in about 10 year!"

"So why'd you take her number?"

"Oh my god, you ran off before I could introduce you to her! So please don't start accusing me of something I haven't done, or I will never do!" His voice raising a little, and I won't lie it's quite hot. Ive never actually seen him shout at his close friends or family, only the students, but that's different, he's normally pretty level headed.

"What am I accusing you of Nathan?"

"You know!"

"No I don't.. I haven't actually accused you of anything! So come on.. tell me.."

"You think I'm going to cheat on you! You seem like you want it to happen! Like you're just waiting for any little detail.."

"Maybe I am!" I shout back at him.. "I've been cheated on before! So yeah maybe I am waiting for you to do it, because that's all I've ever known, all that I'm used to! Ive never been good enough for someone, I know that, and that's why I have doubts! I've never had this type of luck before, especially with a guy and I'm certain it's going to run out soon! I don't want it to.. but I'm sorry I'm like this, but I don't want to get my heart broken again!" My voice starting to shake a little as I try to keep my emotions under control.

"I would never ever do that! You know I wouldn't! Doesn't anything that I've ever said you to mean anything?! I literally poured my heart out to you, I told you were my soulmate, and I don't say stuff like that for the fun of it Katie!"

"But.." I try but he hushes me quickly.. his finger to my lips.

"No buts! I fucking love you, you crazy, crazy woman!" He shouts directly at me.

I don't realise how close we've got to each other as we were both shouting, but he is now so close to me that I can feel his warm breath on my skin.. and it's clear to both of us that we're full of unwanted tension, and there's only one way to get that out isn't there?

He wastes no more time of this arguing, and I'm being silenced, pushed back against the counter, with quite a force, his lips crashing against mine, he rips open his shirt before his hand covers my neck... and I'm forgetting what we were even arguing about just now as his tongue meets mine.

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