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Nathan clears his throat as he stands up straight helping me up.

We were almost about to fuck on his desk when someone knocked on his door. I've never moved so quickly in my life. Fastening my shirt back up, Nathan doing the same.

"Come in.." he shouts to let the person know he's in here and then can enter.

I stand trying to straighten my skirt out without them noticing. I'm not even sure if it's working cos I can't look away from them.

Talking away over in the corner of the room. A student asking for some advice.

All I know is where the fuck do we go from either? I know for certain that if no one had interrupted us, I was pulling him back towards me and letting him have me. But we can't go back to that now, the feelings gone.

Once the student has left, Nathan sorts out his tie, and grabs his suit jacket from the back of his chair, pulling it on over his shoulders.

Not a word is said until we reach the car.

"Listen..about what just happened.." I speak up once he starts driving me home.


"No we need to get this out now.."

"It wasn't a mistake.." he tells me before I carry on.

It wasn't?

"It wasn't a mistake but it can't happen again right? This has to remain professional.."

"Yeah.. exactly.. I'm sorry it happened.."

Fuck. I'm never getting a chance with him again. I've totally blown it.

"But maybe.. if we could keep it on the low?" He offers and I move my head so quickly to look at him.


"It has to remain professional.. but if no one knows then.. where's the harm?"

"I.. I'm not sure Nathan.. we.. what if we get caught.. my whole year would be a fail.."

He nods and accepts it. I guess this year is now going to be torture having to resist him and remain professional with each other.

When he reach my home, he parks up and I hesitate leaving.. we can't leave on a bad note.. so I pick up my courage and give him a quick kiss on his cheek..

"See you tomorrow Nathan.." I smile at him before leaving him alone in his car.

I can't focus on anything but him right now. I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling thinking of him. The way he moves his tongue with mine, his hands on my thighs, the way the hairs on his face scratch against my skin.

I'm silently cursing the student who interrupted us as my mind goes to how he fucks. On his desk though?!

Am I supposed to face and work with him now?

Ugh this is such a mess.

"Hey.." I decided to call my sister for advice. I know she'll probably scream, totally freak out and not give me any advise but it's worth a try.

"What's up little sis?"

"I need to ask you something.."

"Ok.. go ahead.."

So I tell her the story of what happened between Nathan and I in college today. And as predicted she totally freaks out on me.

"Can you just.. come on please take this seriously for once! Ok.. I have to.. he's picking me up as usual tomorrow.. what do I do?"

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