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"Me and Nate, we go way back, we've got History.."

Yeah, I bet you do.

I wanted to stand and listen further, but the sound of students behind me alert me that classes will be starting soon, so I make my way through the door, and both their eyes land on me.

"Ah Katie!" Ms Davis let's put a sigh of relief.. "Good lunch break?"

"Yes.. thanks.." I nodded.. "Nathan told me about his trip.."

"Oh he did?" Megan asks as if he's not supposed to tell his girlfriend these things.. "It'll be great if he can go, he'll learn so much over there.."

Yeah I bet he will.

"Right.. well I better be off..see you ladies later!"

Ms Davis and I watch as Megan walks away..

"So.. her and Nathan have history huh?"

"Apparently so.."

"Don't let her get to you, even if he goes on this trip.. that.." she points to where Megan has just left.. "is nothing compared to you.."

I can't help but smile at that, it's good to know I have her support. Even if I did doubt her in the beginning.

The afternoon class is great, they're all talking about the trip, and which 6 lucky students get to go.. with it being half way around the world, they didn't want a large group going..so Nathan and the principal get to choose who will go with him.

"Miss Jones! Surely you can put in a good word for me? Please?!" One student begs me, I can only chuckle at her desperation to go..

"I'll try but it's not up to me.."

"I've always wanted to go to England.." another student comments.

"Are you going with Mr Gardner?" One boy asks me..

"No.. not this time.." I tell him, and he lets out a disappointed sigh..

"Well if you're not going, I don't want to go.."

I don't know why but that makes me smile, it's a reassurance that I am liked here, by the students.. and everything is taken in by Ms Davis and she'll pass that onto my examination.

Later that day, we're now back at home, Nathan's making dinner, I'm stood by the window looking out to the garden area.

"So when is this trip?" I ask.

"Well.. if the school can get the funding, then they want to go..just before we break for Summer.."

"Really? that quick.."

"Yeah..babe if you don't want me to go, just tell me and I will tell them no.."

"You can't say no because of me Nathan.."

"I can and I will.. besides I guess it's not just you why I would say no.. I.." he sighs, and I hear him place the spoon down on the counter top.. "last week was perfect.. just the two of us and.. I guess..".. it's not long before I hear him taking steps towards me, and his arms snake around my waist, with his head resting on my shoulder .. "I guess I'll just really miss you, us..two weeks is a long time to go without.."

And that's when it hits me, oh is this going to kill me. It's starting to become reality that he can't get out of this trip and it'll be two weeks without him. How will I manage?

"You'll be fine.."

"I doubt it..you know I could ask if you could come with us..there will need to be another teacher..and if there's girls picked to go, it'll need to be a female teacher.."

History (Nathan Gardner) Where stories live. Discover now