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It's morning, the first day of our holiday. I feel like I slept forever. When I wake up, I check my phone for the time and it's only 7:34am. Actually to me that's a lie in nowadays, usually up at 6am to be at the college for 7:30am.

I put my phone back to the side table and roll on my side, and there I see Nathan, still sleeping. It's a little weird, seeing the man I work with everyday lying next to me. It's been a look time since I woke up next to someone.

His hairs all a mess, lying on his back with an arm on his naked chest.

That's when I remember the night before, I glance under the covers and realise I am also naked.

He did in fact, prove to me he meant every single word of what he said yesterday. And today I'm aching. For an older man he sure does have stamina.

He looks so peaceful so I hop out of bed and make my way to the shower. After last night, I definitely need one.

A quick shower, and I'm making my way back into the bedroom.

"Good Morning.." I hear as Nathan emerges from the balcony, standing in just his boxers. What a sight.

"Morning.. sleep ok?"

"Like a baby.. you"

"Mhm.. pretty much the same.. thanks to you.."

He's running a hand through his hair, before resting it on his chest. I'm sure I drool a little. Clearing my throat, I try to look away but he catches me eyes, shooting a little smirk my way.

He stands looking at me, nothing said. He just looks, a soft smile, tired eyes.


"You.. you're cute.."

"Shut up.." I blush.

"Look at you, going all red.. is that how I make you feel huh?"

I can feel my cheeks burning up, I grab for a pillow to throw at him but he only catches it, before throwing it back down on the bed.

"See.. cute..I like it.." He's trying to make me go all embarrassed I swear.

After he showers and we both get ready for the day, we go down for breakfast. It's nice to be able to sit to eat as a couple without having a wall between us, avoiding each other with people looking on. But this time it's different. He often bumps his leg against mine under the table, not sure if it's on purpose or not, or when he brushes against my hand if we go to get the same thing on the table. His beaming smile hits me right in my heart.

We make our way back to the hotel room and I grab a get things I need, before heading back out, to go to my sisters.

"So.. you ready to meet my sister?"

"Yeah.. a little. Are you sure she won't say anything?"

"Yeah.. she already half knows about you, it'll be fine.." I try to promise him.

"Although I haven't told her you have joined me here.. so that'll be a nice surprise for her.."

"Will she like me?"

"Why wouldn't she? Just swear you'll never hurt me and you'll be grand.."

"Ha.. I won't.."

"What? Won't hurt me or swear you won't?" I poke fun and take his hand in mine when we board the elevator.

"I won't.." he lifts my hand to kiss the back of it.. "ever hurt you.."

"Right answer."

When the elevator reaches floor 3, the doors open and he's trying to pull his hand way when people board with us. I hold onto it tight and reassure him it's ok. No one knows who we are here. Everything is good. When it registers in his mind, he leans in to kiss my cheek. Making me blush again.

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